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총 60,478건 중 57,161 - 57,180건 출력
  • 57161
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    The Lords Supper briefly vindicated and clearly demonstrated by Scripture and other authorities, to be a grace-begetting, soul-converting (as well as confirming) ordinance ... / by William Prynne of Swainswick, Esquire ...
  • 57162
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    The Lords Supper briefly vindicated; and clearly demonstrated by Scripture and other authorities, to be a grace-begetting, soul-converting, (as well as confirming) ordinance; against all false, vain, absurd, irreligious cavils, objections, whimsies, delusions of those novellists, who have lately contradicted it, both in press and pulpit : here sati
  • 57163
    Book Info
    The Lords Supper briefly vindicated; and clearly demonstrated by Scripture and other authorities, to be a grace-begetting, soul-converting, (as well as confirming) ordinance; against all false, vain, absurd, irreligious cavils, objections, whimsies, delusions of those novellists, who have lately contradicted it, both in press and pulpit : here satisfactorily refuted, retorted, dissipated. / By Wi
  • 57164
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    The lambs warre against the man of sinne the end of it, the manner of it, and what he wars against : his weapons, his colours, and his kingdom, and how all may know whether they be in it or no ...
  • 57165
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    The lambs warre against the man of sinne; the end of it, the manner of it, and what he wars against. His vveapons, his colours, and his kingdom. And how all may know whether they be in it, or no; and whether the same Christ be in them that is, was, and is to come, and their faithfulnesse or unfaithfulnesse to him.
  • 57166
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    The lamentable estate and distressed case of the deceased Sr William Dick in Scotland and his numerous family and creditors for the Commonwealth.
  • 57167
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    The law of laws: or, The excellency of the civil lavv, above all humane lavvs whatsoever. Shewing of how great use and necessity the civil law is to this nation. / By Ro: Wiseman, Dr of the civil law.
  • 57168
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    The leper clensed, or, The reduction of an erring Christian being a narrative of Richard Ballamie of Tiverton, his falling off to Anabaptism, and of his returning to the truth : with the causes and occasions of both : wherein he is not onely cleared from the Anabaptists unjust excomunicating of him for leaving them, but their unchristian waies and wildes to deceive are also laid upen / by him pub
  • 57169
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    The libertine school'd, or A vindication of the magistrates power in religious matters. In ansvver to some fallacious quaeries scattered about the city of Limrick, by a nameless author, about the 15th of December, 1656. And for detection of those mysterious designs so vigorously fomented, if not begun among us, by romish engineers, and Jesuitick em
  • 57170
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    The life and adventures of Buscon the witty Spaniard. Put into English by a person of honour. To which is added, the provident knight. By Don Francisco de Quevedo, a Spanish cavalier.
  • 57171
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    The life of a satyrical pvppy, called Nim who worrieth all those satyrists he knowes, and barkes at the rest / by T.M.
  • 57172
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    The life of a satyrical pvppy, called Nim who worrieth all those satyrists he knowes, and barkes at the rest / by T.M.
  • 57173
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    The literal mans learning: or, The light of saints perfection in the life of grace. Printed for the author.
  • 57174
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    The lives of the noble Grecians & Romans compared together, by that grave learned philospher and historiographer Plutarch of Chaeronea / translated out of Greek into French by James Amiot ... ; with the lives of Hannibal & Scipio African, translated out of Latin into French by Charles del Escluse and out of French into English by Sir Thomas North ... ; hererunto are added the lives of Epa
  • 57175
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    The logicians school-master: or, A comment upon Ramus logick. By Mr. Alexander Richardson, sometime of Queenes Colledge in Cambridge. Whereunto are added, his prelections on Ramus his grammer; Taleus his rhetorick; also his notes on physicks, ethicks, astronomy, medicine, and opticks. Never before published.
  • 57176
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    The loving husband and prudent wife represented in the persons of St. Eustachius and Theopista, martyrs / written in Italian by John Baptista Manzini and Englished by John Burbery.
  • 57177
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    A Looking-glasse for, or an awakening word to the superiour and inferiour officers, with all others, belonging to the Armies of England, Scotland, and Ireland; more especially to those, who have the least spark of grace or principles of true honesty remaining in them. Wherein is set before them, and presented to the world, some passages contained i
  • 57178
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    A lamentable representation of the effects of the present toleration. Especially as to the increase of blasphemy and damnable errours by the liberty of teaching and printing of them, to the great damage of religion, and the provoking the Lord Jesus to destroy the present government, and to inflict ruine and desolation upon these nations. Together w
  • 57179
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    A lamentation for the lost sheep of the house of Israel With an invitation to have them turn in their mindes to the true shepherd of their souls. Also, something in discovery of the nakedness of all professions, who are found in the words, without the life and power. Written by one of the children of the light, who is known to the world by the name
  • 57180
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    A lamentation for the scattered tribes, who are exiled into captivity, and are now mingled among the heathen, and are joyned to the oppressor, and refuses to return. Presented unto all the separated congregations, under what name or form soever, in love to the lost. Shewing, the difference betwixt them that were separated by the word of faith, and