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총 60,478건 중 57,181 - 57,200건 출력
  • 57181
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    A learned commentary or, exposition, upon the fourth chapter of the second Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corrinthians. To which is added [brace] I. A conference between Christ and Mary after his resurrection. II. The spirituall mans aim. III. Emanuell, or miracle of miracles. / Published for the advantage of those that have them not, others may have
  • 57182
    Book Info
    A learned commentary or, exposition, upon the fourth chapter of the second Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corrinthians. To which is added [brace] I. A conference between Christ and Mary after his resurrection. II. The spirituall mans aim. III. Emanuell, or miracle of miracles. / Published for the advantage of those that have them not, others may have the commentary alone. By that reverend and godly
  • 57183
    Book Info
    A learned commentary or, exposition, upon the fourth chapter of the second Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corrinthians. To which is added [brace] I. A conference between Christ and Mary after his resurrection. II. The spirituall mans aim. III. Emanuell, or miracle of miracles. / Published for the advantage of those that have them not, others may have the commentary alone. By that reverend and godly
  • 57184
    Book Info
    A learned commentary or, exposition, upon the fourth chapter of the second Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corrinthians. To which is added [brace] I. A conference between Christ and Mary after his resurrection. II. The spirituall mans aim. III. Emanuell, or miracle of miracles. / Published for the advantage of those that have them not, others may have the commentary alone. By that reverend and godly
  • 57185
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    A legal resolution of two important quaeres of general present concernment Clearly demonstrating from our statute, common and canon laws, the bounden duty of ministers, & vicars of parish-churches, to administer the sacraments, as well as preach to their parishioners; with the legal remedies to reclaim them from, or punish and remove them for their
  • 57186
    Book Info
    A legal resolution of two important quaeres of general present concernment. Clearly demonstrating from our statute, common and canon laws, the bounden duty of ministers, & vicars of parish churches, to administer the sacraments, as well as preach to their parishioners; with the legal remedies to reclaim them from, or punish and remove them for thei
  • 57187
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    A letter concerning the present state of religion amongst us
  • 57188
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    A letter from a person in the countrey to his friend in the city: giving his judgement upon a book entituled A healing question.
  • 57189
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    A letter from a true and lawfull member of Parliament, and one faithfully engaged with it, from the beginning of the war to the end. To one of the lords of his highness councell, upon occasion of the last declaration, shewing the reasons of their proceedings for securing the peace of the Commonwealth, published on the 31th of October 1655.
  • 57190
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    A letter from the Church of Christ at Dartford in Kent to all the assemblies of saints, and faithful ones in Christ Jesus, that are hoping for salvation by freee [sic] grace through the merits of a crucified Christ.
  • 57191
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    A letter from the Duke of Ormond to the Bishop of Dromore
  • 57192
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    A looking-glasse for the Quakers, wherein they may behold themselves; and others also may behold their pernicious ways. Or, Deceit returned upon the deceivers heads. Being an answer to James Naylor's pretended answer to Thomas Collier's book, called, A dialogue between a minister and a Christian. Wherein the truths asserted in that dialogue are cle
  • 57193
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    A loving salutation to the seed of Abraham among the Jewes where ever they are scattered up and down upon the face of the earth, and to the seed of Abraham among all people upon the face of the earth ... / by M.F.
  • 57194
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    A loving salutation to the seed of Abraham among the Jewes: where ever they are scattered up and down upon the face of the earth. And to the seed of Abraham among all people upon the face of the earth; which are all out of the way ... And the way of truth opened to them, which is the way of holinesse ... where the uncleane cannot passe, bnt [sic] i
  • 57195
    Book Info
    Latinae linguae janua reserata. Rerum & linguarum structuram exhibens ordine nativo, (ad leges methodi linguarum novissimae) per Joannem A. Comenium. Adjecto vocum singularum indice etymologico, ex lexico Januali, Varrone, Scaligero, Isidoro, Martinio, aliisque probatis authoribus. Per G.D. The gate of the Latine tongue unlocked. Exhibiting in a na
  • 57196
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    Law-power, or, The law of relation written in the heart of ministers and people by the finger of God, is mighty through Him, to prevaile with both : to live as a people separated to their God, and from the world, specially at the Lord's Table.
  • 57197
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    Laying on of hands asserted: or, A plain discovery of the truth thereof under those several considerations, minded in the New Testament. 1. Upon persons for healing: with a brief discovery of that ordinance of Christ, (to wit) anointing with oile. 2. Upon persons to office. 3. Upon believers, baptized, as such: and that principle of Christs doctrin
  • 57198
    Book Info
    Leah and Rachel, or, the two fruitfull sisters Virginia and Mary-land: their present condition, impartially stated and related. VVith a removall of such imputations as are scandalously cast on those countries, whereby many deceived souls, chose rather to beg, steal, rot in prison, and come to shamefull deaths, then to better their being by going th
  • 57199
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    Lettre du Sieur Louis De Gand Seigneur De Brachey & De Romecour a son altesse. Tres haut & tres puissant Prince.
    De Gand
  • 57200
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    Life in death, or The living hope of a dying saint, handled in a sermon preached at the funeral of that eminently vertuous, and religious gentle-woman, Mris. Mary Morley, late wife to Colonel Harbert Morley, Esq; and daughter to Sr. John Trevor Knight. By Zachary Smith, minister of the Gospel, and pastor of the church at Glynde in Sussex, Sept. 18.