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총 60,478건 중 57,221 - 57,240건 출력
  • 57221
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    The lavv read June the 10, 1656, unto the people Israel, belonging to the returning from captivity, at the tent of Judah, or, A word to the risen world, where old Adam hath received his dying wound, infolded in the mystery of incarnation with the fiat unto the terra ...|Law read June the 10, 1656, unto the people Israel, belonging to the returning from captivity, at the tent of Judah|Word to the r
  • 57222
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    The lay-mans lawyers revievved & enlarged being a second part of the practice of the law, relating to the punishment of offences committed against the publique peace : containing the forms of process, indictments, and proceeding to judgement, as well in all manner of crimes deserving death, as others of corporall and pecuniary punishments : also a discourse of pardons and remissions of punish
  • 57223
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    The legend of Captaine Jones relating his adventure to sea, his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty beare : his furious battell with his six and thirty men, against the army of eleven kings, with their overthtow [sic] and deaths, his relieving of Kemper Castle, his strange and admirable sea-fight with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand soldiers, his taking prisoner and hard
  • 57224
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    The legislative povver is Christ's peculiar prerogative. Proved from the 9th of Isaiah, vers. 6.7. / By W.A.
  • 57225
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    The life & death of the most reverend and learned father of our Church Dr. James Usher, late Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland. Published in a sermon at his funeral at the Abby of Westminster, Aprill 17. 1656. And now re-viewed with some other enlargements. / By Nicholas Bernard Doctor of Divinity, and preacher to the Honourable Soc
  • 57226
    Book Info
    The life & death of the most reverend and learned father of our church, Dr. James Usher, Late Arch-Bishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland. published in a sermon at his funeral at the Abby of Westminster, April 17. 1656. and now reviewed with some other enlargements by Nicholas Bernard.
  • 57227
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    The life and doctrine of our saviour Iesus Christ with short reflections for the help of such as desire to use mentall prayer ... also 24 intertaynments of our blessed Saviour in the most blessed sacrament : with certaine aspirations tending to the encrease of the love of God / by H.M. of the Societie of Iesus.
  • 57228
    Book Info
    The life and doctrine of ovr Savior Iesvs Christ. with short reflections for the help of such as desire to use mentall prayer : also 24 intertaynments of our Blessed Saviour in the most blessed sacrament : with certaine aspirations tending to the encrease of the love of God / by H.M. ... The first part
  • 57229
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    The light of Christ, and the word of life. Cleared from the deceipts of the Deceiver, and his litterall weapons turned upon his owne head. Also the man of sin found out, who is hiding himselfe in a heape of confusion, pretending Antichrist is not yet come. Occasioned by laying open some deceipts in a booke titled, The deceiv'd and deceiving Quakers
  • 57230
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    The lip of truth opened, against a dawber with untempered morter. A few words against a book, written by Magnus Bine priest, in the county of Sussex, which he calls, The scornful quakers answered, &c. But he himself is found the scorner, and the lyer, charging me with things I never spoke, nor never entered into my heart to speak. / Tho. Lawson.
  • 57231
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    The love of God, or, Love divine being the subject of these ensuing meditations / collected out of Mr. Gorings English translation ; originally penned by Peter Du Moulin ... ; digested into divine poems by William Wood ...
  • 57232
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    A lamentable ballad, of a combate lately performed neere London, betwixt Sir James Steward, and Sir George Wharton, knights, who were both slain at that time|Down Plumpton Park.
  • 57233
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    A lamentation for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. With an invitation to have them turne in their minds to the true shepheard of the souls. Also something in discovery of the nakednesse of all professions who are found in the words without the life and power. / Written by one of the children of the light, who is known to the world by the name
  • 57234
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    A late and further manifestation of the progress of the gospel amongst the Indians in Nevv-England declaring their constant love and zeal to the truth : with a readiness to give accompt of their faith and hope, as of their desires in church communion to be partakers of the ordinances of Christ : being a narrative of the examinations of the Indians,
  • 57235
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    A late great shipwrack of faith occasioned by a fearful wrack of conscience discovered in a sermon preached at Pauls the first day of July, 1655 / by Dan. Cawdrey.
  • 57236
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    A laurell of metaphysicke
  • 57237
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    A learned and very useful commentary on the whole epistle to the Hebrews wherein every word and particle in the original is explained ... : being the substance of thirty years Wednesdayes lectures at Black-fryers, London / by that holy and learned divine Wiliam Gouge ... : before which is prefixed a narrative of his life and death : whereunto is ad
  • 57238
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    A learned commentary or exposition: upon the first chapter of the second Epistle of S. Paul to the Corinthians Being the substance of many sermons formerly preached at Grayes-Inne, London, by that reverend and judicious divine, Richard Sibbs, D.D. Sometimes Master of Catherine-Hall in Cambridge, and preacher to that honourable society. Published fo
  • 57239
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    A letter from a Christian friend in the country to another in the city
  • 57240
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    A letter from his highnesse the lord protector, sent to the north of England, touching loose and idle persons, and such as come from abroad to kindle fire in England, as also for the country to act according to law. VVith a list of the prisoners at Salisbury, and Excester, condemned to dye. And another list of the prisoners at Excester that were no