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총 60,478건 중 57,241 - 57,260건 출력
  • 57241
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    A letter to Dr. E. Hyde in answer to one of his occasioned by the late insurrection at Salisbury.
  • 57242
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    A letter to His Highnesse the Lord Protector from Captain Unton Crook signifying the totall defeat of the cavaliers in the VVest under the command of Sir Joseph Wagstafe
  • 57243
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    A letter to his highness the Lord Protector from Captain Unton Crooke, signifying the totall defeat of the Cavaliers in the west, under the command of Sir Joseph Wagstaffe. Published by his highness special commandment.
  • 57244
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    A letter to the admired fraternity of the Order of R.C.
  • 57245
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    A looking-glasse for the Quakers or Shakers. And their follovvers, wherein they may behold their errours, acknowledge their false doctrines, and be converted. Written for the comfort of all true Protestants, and daunting of the Quakers, Jesuites, seminary priests, and all their cursed crew, who do oppose the church and Gospel of our Lord Iesus Chri
  • 57246
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    A looking-glasse for young-men and maids being a briefe and true relation of a sad and sorrowfull mis-chance, which happened to a young-man and a maid who both lost their lives and were scalded to death in a brewers meash-tun with striving about a kisse ...|Brides buriall.
  • 57247
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    A love-token for mourners teaching spiritual dumbness and submission under Gods smarting rod : in two funeral sermons / by Samuel Fisher M.A., late preacher at Brides London, now at Thornton in Cheshire ; unto which is added, An antidote against the fear of death, being the meditations of the same author in a time and place of great mortality.
  • 57248
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    Lawles tythe-robbers discovered: who make tythe-revenue a mock-mayntenance, being encouraged thereunto by the defect of law and justice about ministers maintenance; and by the cavills and pretended objections against it. Which defect of law and justice is herein fully discovered, together with the frauds and wrongs occasioned by that defect, that t
  • 57249
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    Lazarillo, or, The excellent history of Lazarillo de Tormes, the witty Spaniard both parts / the first part translated by David Rowland and the second gather'd out of the Chronicles of Toledo by Iean de Luna, a Castilian, and done into English by the same authour.|Lazarillo de Tormes. English. 1655.
  • 57250
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    Lazarus and his sisters discoursing of paradise: or, a conference about the excellent things of the other world.
  • 57251
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    Liberti Fromondi ... Meteorologicorum libri sex cui accessit in hac ultima editione Thomae Fieni, & Lib. Fromondi dissertationes De cometa anni MDCXVIII [i.e. 1618] : Et Clarorum virorum judicia De pluvia purpurea Bruxellensi.|Meteorologicorum libri sex|De cometa anni 1618.|De caussis naturalibus pluviae purpureae Bruxellensis.
  • 57252
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    Life out of death a sermon preached at Chelsey, on the recovery of an honourable person. By Thomas Fuller. B.D.
  • 57253
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    Lingua linguarum, the naturall language of languages the first part in a vocabulary wherein it is desired and endeavoured that tongues may be brought to teach themselves, and words may be best fancied, understood, and remembred, contrived and built upon analogy ... : a designe further improvable and applyable to the gaining of any language, but here fitted for the first fourmes in grammar-schoole
  • 57254
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    Logou alogia, seu, Exercitatio theologica de insipientiâ rationis humanae, gratiâ Christi destitutae, in rebus fidei authore R. Crosse ...
  • 57255
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    Long lasting newes: or Newes for newters Or, The check cause cure of halting. With 31 doores of hope for the good successe of the then publick cause of the nation. Delivered in a sermon, November 27. 1644 in the Colledge of Glocester, before that valiant and vigilant governour Colonell Massy, being the day of publick humiliation. By Walter Powell,
  • 57256
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    Loves victory obtained, or, A pleasant sportful joyful meeting, between a young man and his sweeting at first they met, and then they kist, and afterwards did what they list : 'twas all within a garden green, where pretty sport was to be seen, then listen to my song a while, I'm sure here's that will make you smile.
  • 57257
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    Luciani Samosatensis dialogorum selectorum libb. II à Guilielmo Du-gardo recogniti & (variis collatis exemplaribus) multò castigatiùs quàm antè editi ; cum interpretatione Latinâ, multis in locis emendatâ & ad calcem adjectâ.
  • 57258
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    Lvcas Rediuiuvs, or, The gospell-physitian prescribing (by way of meditation) divine physick to prevent diseases not yet entred upon the sovl and to cure those maladies which have already seised upon the spirit / by J.A.
  • 57259
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    The Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and his Councell, &c. To all persons, ministers, lecturers, vicars, and curates, as also to all Justices of the Peace, majors, sheriffes, bayliffs, churchwardens, constables, headboroughs, and to all other officers of cities boroughs, towns corporate, and to all other officers, ministers, and pe
  • 57260
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    The Lovers farewel, or, The constant resolution of two faithfull lovers to live and die together|Constant resolution of two faithfull lovers to live and die together|Lovers farewell|Farewel to Saint Gyleses.