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총 60,478건 중 57,281 - 57,300건 출력
  • 57281
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    A looking-glasse of hvmane frailty set before us in a sermon preached at the funerals of Mris. Anne Calquit, late wife of Mr. Nicholas Calquit, draper, who died on the 7. day of April 1659 and was interr'd the 19. of the said month, at the parish church of Alhallows the Less in Thames Street / by Nath. Hardy ...
  • 57282
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    A lost ordinance restored: or, Eight questions in reference to that principle of the foundation of the doctrine of Christ, termed laying on of hands, (as they are said to be lovingly propounded to all those churches of Jesus Christ in London and elsewhere, that plead or preach for the use thereof; or to any one member of the Lord Jesus Christ that
  • 57283
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    Latium & lyceum Graeca cum Latinis sive, Grammaticae artis in utrâque linguâ lucidissimae synotheis in quibus nihil ferè momenti omissum est, quod in kyriotatois quod in kritikotatois invenias. Multa praetereà non sine pondere suo, Minervâ & pretio in re grammaticâ nunc primùm observata. Omnia. ...
  • 57284
    Book Info
    Le Sr. De Gand, Seigneur de brachey, et resident plenipotentier en Angleterre pour le tres haut & tres puissant Prince Louis premier par la grace de dieu duc de Gueldre, & Juliers, conte d'Egmont, & Zutphen &c. Eut audience, de S.A. le seigneur protecteur d'Angleterre, d'Escosse, & d'Irlande. Accompagné de plusieurs gentilshommes de qualité a White
    De Gand
  • 57285
    Book Info
    Le chemin abregé. Or, A compendious method for the attaining of sciences in a short time Together with the statutes of the Academy founded by the Cardinall of Richelieu. Englished by R.G. Gent.
  • 57286
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    Les Pseaumes de David, mis en rime Francoise. / par Clement Marot. & Theod. de Beze..
  • 57287
    Book Info
    Letters of Mounsieur de Balzac. Translated out of French into English. Now collected into one volume, with a methodicall table of all the letters. By Sr Richard Baker Knight, and others. 1. 2. 3. and 4th parts.
  • 57288
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    Letters to severall persons of honour written by John Donne, sometime Deane of St. Pauls London ; published by John Donne, Dr. of the civill law.
  • 57289
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    Light risen out of darkness now in these latter days. Shewing the dark ways and worships of the ministry of Antichrist now in these apostated times, which is perilous, as is foretold of often by the Holy Ghost that spoke through Paul, and now is fulfilled in these latter days, 2 Tim 3. Thus saith the Lord, Arise Sion, and thresh with a sharp thresh
  • 57290
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    Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinsons Heteroclites, the Latin syntaxis, and qui mihi. Also there are added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone. With the terminations of the declensions and verbs. Never printed before.
  • 57291
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    Lituus Lusitanus, buccinae Anglicanae, Thomae Angli, canenti occinens. Occentore P.F. Francisco ...|Sonus buccinae.
  • 57292
    Book Info
    Living loves betwixt Christ and dying Christians A sermon preached at M. Magdalene Bermondsey in Southwark, near London, June 6. 1654. At the funeral of that faithful servant of Christ Mr. Jeremiah Whitaker, Minister of the Gospel, and pastor of the church there. With a narative of his exemplarily holy life and death. By Simeon Ashe, his much endea
  • 57293
    Book Info
    Living loves betwixt Christ and dying Christians a sermon preached at M. Magdalene Bermondsey in Southwark, neer London, June 6, 1654, at the funerall of that faithfull servant of Christ, Mr. Jeremiah Whitaker, Minister of the Gospel, and Pastor of the church there : with a narrative of his exemplary life and death / by Simeon Ashe ..., together with poems and elegies on his death, by divers Mini
  • 57294
    Book Info
    Living loves betwixt Christ and dying Christians· A sermon preached at M. Magdalene-Bermondsey in Southwark, near London, June 6. 1654. At the funeral of that faithful servant of Christ Mr. Jeremiah Whitaker, Minister of the Gospel, and pastor of the church there. With a narative of his exemplarily holy life and death. / By Simeon Ashe, his much en
  • 57295
    Book Info
    Logoi eukairoi, essayes and observations theologicall & morall. Wherein many of the humours and diseases of the age are discovered, and characteriz'd: divers cautions and directions praescribed for the avoidance of their infection, and the promotion of their cure. Together with some meditations & prayers adjoyn'd, serving to the same purpose. / By
  • 57296
    Book Info
    Look about you: or, A groatsworth of good councel for a peny: being variety of councels, cautions, caveats, and directions: which, as they are necessary for young-men; so they are not to be rejected by old-men.
  • 57297
    Book Info
    Look abovt you now or never or, Two groats-worth of good councel for a penny.
  • 57298
    Book Info
    Look abovt yov or, A groatsworth of good councel for a peny : being variety of councels, cautions, caveats, and directions : which, as they are necessary for young-men; so they are not to be rejected by old-men.
  • 57299
    Book Info
    Love the precious ointment that flowes down from the head Christ Jesus, to all His members; and makes them dwell together in unity.
  • 57300
    Book Info
    Love the pretious oyntment, that flowes downe from the head Christ Jesus, to all his members, and makes them dwell together in unity