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총 60,478건 중 57,301 - 57,320건 출력
  • 57301
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    Love's dominion a dramatique piece full of excellent moralitie, written as a pattern for the reformed stage.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 57302
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    Ludus mathematicus, or, The mathematical game explaining the description, construction, and use of the numericall table of proportion, by help whereof, and of certain chessmen (fitted for that purpose) any proportion, arithmetical or geometrical (without any calculation at all, or use of pen), may be readily and with delight resolved when the term
  • 57303
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    Lusus serius, or, Serious passe-time a philosophicall discourse concerning the superiority of creatures under man / written by Michael Mayerus ...
  • 57304
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    The Lady Pecunia's journey unto hell with her speech to Pluto, maintaining that she sends more soules to hell then all his fiends: with Pluto's answer and applause.
  • 57305
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    The Lord Craven's case, briefly stated
  • 57306
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    The Lord Craven's case, briefly stated
  • 57307
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    The Lord Cravens case briefly stated out of the report with observations, upon the several parts of the same.
  • 57308
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    The Lord General Cromwel's speech delivered in the Council-Chamber, upon the 4 of July, 1653. To the persons then assembled, and intrusted with the supreme authority of the nation. This is a true copie: published for information, and to prevent mistakes.
  • 57309
    Book Info
    The Lords Prayer unclasped: with a vindication of it, against all [brace] schismatics. Hereticks, cal'd [brace] enthusiasts. Fratra cilli. / By James Harwood, B.D.
  • 57310
    Book Info
    The ladies cabinet enlarged and opened containing many rare secrets, and rich ornaments of several kindes, and different uses : comprized under three general heads, viz. of 1. preserving, conserving, candying, &c., 2. physick and chirurgery, 3. cookery and houswifery : whereunto is added sundry experiments and choice extractions of waters, oyls, &c. / collected and practised, by the late Right Ho
  • 57311
    Book Info
    The ladies cabinet enlarged and opened: containing many rare secrets, and rich ornaments of several kindes, and different uses. Comprized under three general heads. Viz. of [brace] 1. Preserving, conserving, candying, &c 2. Physick and chirurgery. 3. Cookery and houswifery. Whereunto is added, sundry experiments, and choice extractions of waters, o
  • 57312
    Book Info
    The last speech of His Highnesse the Lord Protector to the Parliament on Tuesday in the Painted Chamber, being the 12. of this instant September. With His Highnesses message for the Lord Mayor of London; and the sending for the speaker with the mace. Together with the instrument of government tendered unto the members. And the dissenting of Judge B
  • 57313
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    The last speech of M. Peter Vowell, which he intended to have delivered (had he been permitted) upon the tenth of July, 1654. Being the day of his suffering death, in the place where Charing Cross once stood. Written by himself a little before his suffering. Published for general satisfaction.
  • 57314
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    The last vvill & testament of Lieutenant Col. John Lilburn: with his speech to some friends in Jersey a little before his death: also certain legacies given to divers persons of note. Together with his elegy and epitaph. First taken in short-hand by Sister Abigail Lemmon, and since published by Ruth Dox.
  • 57315
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    The last will and testament of Thomas Gataker (B.D., author of the Annotations on Jeremy 10. ver. 2 and the Vindications of them, as also of the new-come out discourse apologetical) : wherin is shewed the manner and order of the disposing of his estate, with the certain legacies given to friends, together with the manner of burial of his aged corps
  • 57316
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    The lay-mans lawyer, or, The second part of the practice of the law relating to the punishments of offences committed against the publike peace, with presidents of indictments and warrants, with proceedings to judgment : also a discourse concerning pardons, and remission of punishment, so far as regularly they have been granted, the office and duty
  • 57317
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    The life & death of that renowned John Fisher Bishop of Rochester; comprising the highest and hidden transactions of church and state, in the reign of King Henry the 8th. With divers morall, historicall, and political animadversions upon Cardinall Wolsey, Sir Thomas Moor, Martin Luther, with a full relation of Qu. Katharines divorce. / Carefully se
  • 57318
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    The life and death of Mr. Ignatius Jurdain, one of the aldermen of the city of Exeter, who departed this life July 15th, 1640 drawn up and published by Ferd. Nicolls ...
  • 57319
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    The life of Jacob Behmen written by Durand Hotham Esquire, Novemb. 7. 1653
  • 57320
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    The life of Jacob Behmen written by Durand Hotham Esquire, Novemb. 7. 1653.