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총 60,478건 중 57,341 - 57,360건 출력
  • 57341
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    A letter written to a gentleman in the country, touching the dissolution of the late Parliament, and the reasons therof.
  • 57342
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    A list of all the prisoners in the Upper Bench prison remaining in custody the third of May, 1653 delivered in by Sir John Lenthall to the committee appointed by the Councell of State, for examining of the state of the said prison, with the times of their first commitment, and the causes of detention : and also the substance of the propositions made by the committee to the prisoners, with their a
  • 57343
    Book Info
    A list of all the prisoners in the Upper Bench prison remaining in custody the third of May, 1653 delivered in by Sir John Lenthall to the committee appointed by the Councell of State, for examining of the state of the said prison, with the times of their first commitment, and the causes of detention : and also the substance of the propositions made by the committee to the prisoners, with their a
  • 57344
    Book Info
    A list of all the prisoners in the Upper Bench prison, remaining in custody the third of May, 1653. Delivered in by Sir John Lenthall to the committee appointed by the Councell of State, for examining of the state of the said prison, with the times of their first commitment, and the causes of their detention. And also the substance of the propositi
  • 57345
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    A list of some chief workes which Mr. William Wheeler offered to undertake he having already often performed many of them, and being able to demonstrate his sufficiency for the rest.
  • 57346
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    A list of the Common-wealth of Englands navie at sea, in their expedition in May, 1653. Under the command of the Right Honourable Col: Richard Deane, and Col: George Monke, esquires, generals and admirals. Together with the names of all the commanders of the said fleet, and the number of men and guns which every ship carried, at the memorable fight
  • 57347
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    A list of the names of all the members of this present Parliament, with the respective counties and places for which they serve. VVith the names of the members of the severall committees, and the places where they sit, for regulating the abuses of the commonwealth.
  • 57348
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    A list of the prisoners of the Upper Bench prison, who have taken the benefit of the Act of Parliament, for the relief of poor prisoners published to the end, that if any person hath taken the benefit of the Act of Parliament for relief of poor prisoners, which ought not; either by concealing, or making over their estates, at or before their taking
  • 57349
    Book Info
    A list of the prisoners of the Vpper Bench prison, who have taken the benefit of the act of Parliament, for the relief of poor prisoners published to the end, that if any person hath taken the benefit of the Act of Parliament for relief of poor prisoners which ought not, either by concealing or making over their estates, at or before their taking the oath to defraud their creditors : it being mad
  • 57350
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    A little starre, giving some light into the counsels and purposes of God revealed in the Scriptures. Or A catechisme, wherein these ensuing principles. 1. What God is, and how he manifests himselfe. 2 Why he made the world and man. 3. Mans condition, what, 1. by creation. 2. By his fall. 3. By being restored by Jesus Christ. 4 The uses and ends of
  • 57351
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    L. Colonel John Lilburne revived. Shewing the cause of his late long silence, and cessation from hostility against alchemy St. Oliver, and his rotten secretary; as also of the report of his death. With an answer in part, to the pestilent calumniation of Cap: Wendy Oxford (Cromvvels spie upon the Dutch, and upon the English royallists, sojonrning [s
  • 57352
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    Lawyers vnmask'd, or, A discovery of their matchless villanies, intolerable oppressions, and most accursed practizes in perverting the known lawes of England from summons to an illegall capias for debt by which is discovered the great benefit and freedome that will accrew to the people of the common wealth by the reformation of that destructive law : with an appeale to the present power for regul
  • 57353
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    Lazarillo, or, The excellent history of Lazarillo de Tormes, the witty Spaniard both parts / the first part translated by David Rowland and the second gather'd out of the Chronicles of Toledo by Jean de Luna, a Castilian, and done into English by the same authour.
  • 57354
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    Lenthall's lamentation
  • 57355
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    Lenton's characters: or, Witty and ingenious descriptions of severall professions, presented to all judicious readers. Written for his owne, and now published for others recreation
  • 57356
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    Leviathan drawn out with a hook or animadversions upon Mr Hobbs his Leviathan. Together with some observations upon Sr Walter Raleigh's history of the world.
  • 57357
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    Leviathan drawn out with a hook, or, Animadversions upon Mr. Hobbs his Leviathan by Alex. Rosse.
  • 57358
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    Liber commentariorum topicorvm, hoc est, De locis sive argumemtis logicis additi sunt duo indices, alter capitum, generalium titulorum, & quaestionum, in initio, alter rerum in fine / Christophori Scheibleri ...|Christophori Scheibleri antehac in academia Gissena professoris.|De locis sive argumemtis logicis.
  • 57359
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    Lieu. Col. John Lilburn's plea in law, against an Act of Parliament of the 30 of January, 1651. entituled, An act for the execution of a judgment given in Parliament against Lieu. Col. John Lilburn. Contrived and penned, on purpose for him, by a true and faithful lover of the fundamental laws and liberties of the free people of England, ... all whi
  • 57360
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    Lieut. Colonel J. Lilburn tryed and cast, or, His case and craft discovered wherein is showed the grounds and reasons of the Parliaments proceeding in passing the act of banishment against him, and wherefore since his coming over hee hath been committed to the Tower by the Parliament : here likewise, is laid open the partiall corrupt and illegal verdicts of his juries ... : being to satisfie all