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총 60,478건 중 57,361 - 57,380건 출력
  • 57361
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    Lieut. Colonel John Lilb. tryed and cast: or, his case and craft discovered. Wherein is shewed the grounds and reasons of the Parliaments proceeding, in passing the act of banishment against him, and wherefore since his coming over hee hath been committed to the Tower by the Parliament. Here likewise, is laid open the partiall, corrupt, and illegal
  • 57362
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    Light breaking forth according to the promise of God discovering it self to the destroying and rasing the fundamentals of antichristian gatherings together, under the notion of the churches of Christ: together with some propheticall hints touching the exaltation of the throne and kingdom of Christ in truth and righteousnesse. With a brief declarati
  • 57363
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    Lilies rules construed Whereunto is added, Tho. Robinsons Heteroclites, the Latin syntaxis, and qui mihi. Also there is added the rules for the genders of nouns, and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone. With the terminations of the declensions and verbs. Never printed before.
  • 57364
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    Lillies Banquet: or, The star-gazers feast, with the manner and order how every dish is to be placed upon his great table at Christmas, for all sects and sorts of persons, both Presbyterian, Independants, Anabaptists, Quakers, Shakers, Seekers and Tearers.
  • 57365
    Book Info
    Lillies Banquet: or, the star-gazers feast with the manner and order how every dish is to be placed upon his great table at Christmas, for all sects and sorts of persons, both Presbyterian, Independants, Anabaptists, Quakers, Shakers, Seekers and Tearers.
  • 57366
    Book Info
    Lillies banquet or, the star-gazers feast, with the manner and order how every dish is to be placed upon his great table at Christmas, for all sects and sorts of persons, both Presbyterian, Independants, Anabaptists, Quakers, Shakers, Seekers and Tearers.
  • 57367
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    Living water, or, Waters for a thirsty soul drawn out in severall sermons upon Rev. 21:6 / by W. Bagshavve ...
  • 57368
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    Logoi eukairoi, essayes and observations theological & morall wherein many of the humours and diseases of the age are discovered and characteriz'd, divers cautions and directions praescribed for the avoidance of their infection, and the promotion of their cure : together with some meditations & prayers adjoyn'd, serving the same purpose / by a student in theologie.
  • 57369
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    Logopandecteision, or, An introdvction to the vniversal langvage digested into these six several books, Neaudethaumata, Chrestasbeia, Cleronomaporia, Chryseomystes, Nelcadicastes, & Philoponauxesis / by Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie ...
  • 57370
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    Love and fear the inseperable twins of a blest matrimony: charactarized in a sermon occasioned by the late nuptialls between Mr William Christmas and Mis Elizabeth Adams. Preached in St Dionis Back-Church by Nathanael Hardy Mr of Arts and preacher to that parish.
  • 57371
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    Love lies a bleeding. By whose mortal wounds you may soon understand, what sorrows wee suffer since love left the land. To the tune of, The Cyclops.
  • 57372
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    Love lies a bleeding. By whose mortal wounds you may soon understand, what sorrows wee suffer since love left the land. To the tune of, The cyclops.
  • 57373
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    Lucius Annaeus Seneca, his first book of clemency written to Nero Caesar.
  • 57374
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    Lux in tenebris. Or, A clavis to the Treasury in Broad-Street.
  • 57375
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    Lyra prophetica Davidis Regis sive Analysis critico-practica Psalmorum. In qua omnes & singulae voces Hebraeae in Psalterio contentae tam propriae quàm appellativae (nullâ exceptâ) ad regulas artis revocantur; earúmque significationes genuinae explicantur: elegantiae linguae propriae evolvuntur. Insuper harmonia Hebraei textus cum paraphrasi Chalda
  • 57376
    Book Info
    Lyra prophetica Davidis Regis, sive, Analysis critico-practica Psalmorum in qua omnes & singulæ voces Hebrææ in Psalterio contentæ tam propriæ quàm appellativæ (nullâ exceptâ) ad regulas artis revocantur ... : in super harmonia Hebræi textus cum paraphrasi Chaldæa & versione Græca LXXII ... cui ad calcem addita est brevis institutio linguæ Hebrææ & addita es
  • 57377
    Book Info
    The Ladies companion, or, A table furnished with sundry sorts of pies and tarts, gracefull at a feast, with many excellent receipts for preserving, conserving, and candying of all manner of fruits, with the making of marchpain, marmalet, and quindenis. By persons of quality whose names are mentioned.
  • 57378
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    The Latine grammar. Or, A guide teaching a compendious way to attaine exact skill in the Latine tongue for a proper congruity and elegant variety of phrases in prose and verse. Published for the common good in continuation of a former guide, teaching to read English rightly, and write accordingly. By Richard Lloyd.
  • 57379
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    The Lord Baltemores case concerning the province of Maryland, adjoyning to Virginia in America. With full and clear answers to all material objections, touching his rights, jurisdiction, and proceedings there. And certaine reasons of state, why the Parliament should not impeach the same. Unto which is also annexed, a true copy of a commission from
  • 57380
    Book Info
    The Lord Craven's case, as to the confiscation and sale of his estate by judgment of Parlament. Related, and argued, and objections answered, on the behalf of the Common-wealth. Together with a short examination, of a certain pamphlet, intituled, a true and perfect narrative of the several proceedings in the case concerning the Lord Craven &c. Publ