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총 60,478건 중 57,421 - 57,440건 출력
  • 57421
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    Lillies ape whipt by Philastrogus.
  • 57422
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    Lillyes lamentations, or Englands feigned prophet discovered: being a brief narration of the severall proceedings of our famous country-man Mr. William Lilly the star-gazer. Containing several passages since the beginning of these times of reformation; together with many other tricks of art, and magical quillits, used by our aforesaid supposed prop
  • 57423
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    The Latine grammar composed in the English tongue; wherein the excrescencies of the ordinary grammar are cut off, and the deficiencies thereof (so generally complained against) supplied; for the more easie, speedy and certain direction of all those, that have a desire to attain unto the understanding of that usefull and necessary language. / By J.B. Mr of Arts, and not long since master of the fr
  • 57424
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    The Levellers remonstrance, sent in a letter to his excellency the Lord Gen: Cromwel: concerning the government of this commonwealth, his wearing of the crown of honour, and preservation of the lawes, liberties, and priviledges thereof. Together with their propositions and desires, in the name of all the commoners of England; and a strange prophesi
  • 57425
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    The Lords Supper; or, a vindication of the sacrament of the blessed body & blood of Christ according to its primitive institution. In eight books; discovering the superstitious, sacrilegious, and idolatrous abominations of the Romish Masse. Together with the consequent obstinacies, overtures of perjuries, and the heresies discernable in the defende
  • 57426
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    The labouring saints dismission to rest. A sermon / preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable Henry Ireton Lord Deputy of Ireland: in the Abbey Church at Westminster, the 6th. day of February 1651. By John Owen, minister of the Gospel. Licensed and entered according to order.
  • 57427
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    The lamentations of Jeremiah in meeter.
  • 57428
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    The land of Canaan as it was possessed by the twelve tribes, the promised land or whole Palestina. With all the townes and places which the scripture nameth in them are exactly set down. So that there is not the name of any city, town, countrey, mountaine, river, wildernesse, or plaine mentioned in scripture, within the land of Canaan, or in any co
  • 57429
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    The last bloudy fight at sea, between the English and the Dutch, on Tuesday last, upon the coast of Denmark: the manner of the engagement; the particulars of the fight; the taking of one hundred and seven ships, and above two thousand prisoners; with the pursuing of three hundred sayl to the coast of Scotland, and besieging of them in Bressie-Iland
  • 57430
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    The last great and bloudy fight between the English and the Dutch, on Thursday morning last neer the Downs: with the particulars thereof, the number of men killed and wounded on the Parliaments side; and the taking, burning, sinking, and dispiersing of five and forty sayl of the Hollanders by Sir George Ayscue: with his pursuing of Van-Trump to the
  • 57431
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    The last great and terrible sea-fight between the English and Dutch, on Tuesday and Wednesday last, upon the Western sound neer Cornwal, continuing for the space of two and twenty houres: the particulars of the bloudy conflict; the manner of engagement; and how Sir G. Ayscue charged quite through the enemies fleet with the Rainbow, with the loss of
  • 57432
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    The last houers, of the right reverend Father in God Andrew Rivet in his life time Dr. and Professour honorable of Divinity, in the Universitie of Leyden, tutor to the late High and Mightie P. William by the grace of God Prince of Orange, in his younger yeares, and curator of the illustrious schoole & college of Orange at Breda. Faithfully collecte
  • 57433
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    The late act of the convocation at Oxford examined: or, The obit of prelatique Protestancy: occasioning the conversion of W. R. (sometimes of Exeter Colledge in Oxford) to Catholique union
  • 57434
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    The late eclipse unclasped: or the mistaken star-gazers unmasked. VVherein is manifested seven severall reasons whereby these astrolegers have deceived the people. / By a learned divine neere London.
  • 57435
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    The laughing mercury ...
  • 57436
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    The laughing mercury ... [Issue 23]
  • 57437
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    The laughing mercury ... [Issue 24]
  • 57438
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    The laughing mercury ... [Issue 25]
  • 57439
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    The laughing mercury ... [Issue 26]
  • 57440
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    The laughing mercury ... [Issue 27]