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총 60,478건 중 57,441 - 57,460건 출력
  • 57441
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    The laughing mercury ... [Issue 28]
  • 57442
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    The laughing mercury ... [Issue 29]
  • 57443
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    The laughing mercury ... [Issue 30]
  • 57444
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    The law of freedom in a platform: or, True magistracy restored Humbly presented to Oliver Cromwel, General of the Common-wealths army in England. And to all English-men my brethren whether in church-fellowship, or not in church-fellowship, both sorts walking as they conceive according to the order of the Gospel: and from them to all the nations in
  • 57445
    Book Info
    The law of freedom in a platform: or, true magistracy restored. Humbly presented to Oliver Cromwel, General of the Common-wealths army in England, Scotland, and Ireland. And to all English-men my brethren whether in church-fellowship, or not in church-fellowship, both sorts walking as they conceive according to the order of the Gospel: and from the
  • 57446
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    The lawfull preacher: or a short discourse: proving, that they only ought to preach who are ordained ministers, occasionally delivered in some lectures at Epping. By John Ferriby, minister of Thoydon-Garnon in Essex. Now printed upon the anti-preaching of some against it in the same pulpit about the latter end of November last. As also, The pulpit-
  • 57447
    Book Info
    The lawfull preacher: or a short discourse: shewing, that they only ought to preach who are ordained ministers. Occasionally delivered in some lectures at Epping. By John Ferriby, minister of Thoydon-Garnon in Essex. Now printed upon the anti-preaching of some against it in the same pulpit about the latter end of November last. As also, The pulpit-
  • 57448
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    The lawyers last farewell, or, The poor mans freedome enlarged Containing the regulating of the law for the good of the free-born people of England. Together with a right choosing of men to be employed therein for the good of the people of this nation.
  • 57449
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    The lightless-starre or, Mr. John Goodwin discovered a Pelagio-Socinian: and this by the examination of his preface to his book entituled Redemption redeemed. Together with an answer to his letter entituled Confidence dismounted. By Richard Resbury, Minister of the gospel at Oundle in Northampton-shire. Hereunto is annexed a thesis of that reverend
  • 57450
    Book Info
    The lightless-starre, or, Mr. John Goodwin discovered a Pelagio-Socinian and this by the examination of his preface to his book entituled Redemption redeemed : together with an answer to his letter entituled Confidence dismounted / by Richard Resbury ... ; hereunto is annexed a thesis of that reverend, pious and judicious divine, Doctor Preston ... concerning the irresistibility of converting gra
  • 57451
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    The love-sick-maid: or, Cordelia's lamentation for the absence of her Gerheard, to a pleasant new tune.
  • 57452
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    The loves and adventures of Clerio & Lozia. a romance. Written originally in French, and translated into English by Fra. Kirkman, Gent.
    Du Périer
  • 57453
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    The loyal lovers
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 57454
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    The loyal lovers a tragi-comedy / written by Major Cosmo Manuche.
  • 57455
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    A Letter, or paper, signed by Garald Fitz-gerald in behalf of an assembly of the Irish at Glanmaliroe in the province of Leinster in Ireland, to the commissioners of Parliament delivered the 11. of March 1652 also a declaration thereupon made by the said commissioners of Parliament, March 12. 1652 : together with a letter from the Earl of Clanricard to the commander in chief of the Parliaments fo
  • 57456
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    A letter from Colonel Hewson from Finagh in Ireland, of the 14 of March, 1650. To the honorable William Lenthal Esq; speaker of the Parliament of England: vvith articles of the surrender of Finagh castle, and other strong holds. And a list of the prisoners taken. Die Martis, 25 Martii, 1651. Ordered by the Parliament, that this letter and articles,
  • 57457
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    A letter from Holland, relating the designes of the Scotch Presbyter, together with the usage of their king, being an epitome of Mercurius Scoticus, lately printed at Rotterdam, 1650.
  • 57458
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    A letter from Rotterdam, touching the Scotch affaires, since November, 1650
  • 57459
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    A letter from the King of Scots to Major Generall Massey intercepted by Col Duckenfield Governor of Chester, who sent the same to Major General Lambert in a letter. A copy whereof with the originall letter of the King of Scots, was by him sent to the Councel of State. Imprimatur Hen. Scobel Cleric. Parliamenti.
  • 57460
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    A letter from the King of Scots, to the Pope of Rome; and his desires and propositions, touching the Parliament, to be sent to all Christian princes, common-wealths, and states. : Together with a relation concerning his landing at Calice in France. : And a declaration of his further proceedings, and last transactions. / Appointed to be read in all churches and chappels throughout England and Wale