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총 60,478건 중 57,461 - 57,480건 출력
  • 57461
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    A letter from the Lord Broghill to the honourable William Lenthall Esq; speaker of the Parliament of England. Containing a relation of the great successe it hath pleased God to give the Parliament forces under the command of the Lord Broghill, in defeating the army of the rebels in Ireland, under the command of the Lord Muskerry. Together with anot
  • 57462
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    A letter from the Lord Deputy-General of Ireland, unto the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Parliament of England; concerning the rendition of the city of Limerick: together with the articles formerly offered, and the articles upon which the same was surrendred: as also a particular of the persons excepted, the ammunition and ordnance
  • 57463
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    A letter from the Lord General Cromvvel, dated September the fourth, 1651. To the Right Honorable William Lenthal Esq; speaker of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England. Touching the taking of the city of VVorcester; and the total routing of the enemies army. Saturday, September 6. 1651. Resolved by the Parliament, that the letter from the L
  • 57464
    Book Info
    A letter from the Lord General Cromvvel, touching the great victory obtained neer VVorcester: superscribed for the Right Honorable William Lenthal Esq; speaker of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England. Together with an order of Parliament for observing a thanksgiving to almighty God for the same. Friday, September 5. 1651. Ordered by the Pa
  • 57465
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    A letter from the Lord General, dated the one and twentieth day of July, to the Right Honorable William Lenthal Esq; speaker of the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. Shewing the great mercies of almighty God in the late success given to the Parliaments forces in Scotland, against the enemy there. Friday, the 25 of July. 1651. Ordered by t
  • 57466
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    A letter of Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburns, written to Mr. John Price of Colemanstreet London, (and a member of Mr. John Goodwins congregation) the 31. of March 1651. about the harsh and unequal dealing that his unckle Mr. George Lilburn, and several others of his family findes from the hands of Sir Arthur Haslerig. Unto which is annexed Mr. John
  • 57467
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    A letter of the surrender of Sterling-Castle, vvith 5000 arms, 40 peece of ordnance, provision for 500, men for above a yeare, 30 barrels of claret and strong-water, 26 barrels of powder, all the records of Scotland, with the chaire, cloath, and sword of state, and much furniture of the Kings and Parliament robes. VVith the articles at large for su
  • 57468
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    A letter or epistle to all well-minded people in England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. Written by Lieut. Col. Joyce, for the undeceiving of the good people, July 7. 1651. That which moved me hereunto, was a consideration of the evils to come upon those that seek to obstruct justice; fearing least some would bring themselves into a snare, as others
  • 57469
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    A letter to the Right Honourable William Lenthall, Esq., Speaker of the Parliament of England giving a true relation of a late great victory obtained by the Parliaments forces against the Scots neere Dundee, the taking the old Generall Lesley, Lord Chancellour Louden, Lord Crauford Linsey, Lord Ogleby, and 300 more, whereof divers of quality : as also A true relation (with the particulars) of a g
  • 57470
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    A list of all the victories, and successefull atchievements of the Parliaments fleet under the command of Col. Popham (lately deceased) Col. Blake, and Col. Deane, admiralls and generalls of the fleet, from the time they were impowred, which was 28 Feb. 1650. to this present.
  • 57471
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    A list of the princes, dukes, earls, lords, knights, generals, maior generalls, &c. and colonells, of the Scots Kings party slaine and taken prisoners Duke Hamilton: Lieu. Gen. Leshly. E. Derby beheaded. Lieu G. Middleton. Maj. Gen. White. Maj G. Montgomery. Maj. G Roe Oneal. Maj. Gen. Graves. Maj. Gen. Maffey Bishop of Clogher Gen.
  • 57472
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    A list of the prisoners of vvar, vvho are officers in commission, in custody of the Marshal-General. Tuesday the ninth of September, 1651. Ordered by the Parliament, that this list be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.
  • 57473
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    La Stratonica; or The unfortunate Queen. Written in Italian by Luke Assarino, and now Englished.
  • 57474
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    La stratonica, or, The unfortunate queen a new romance / written in Italian by Luke Assarino and now Englished by J.B.
  • 57475
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    Lawles tythe-robbers discovered: who make tythe-revenue a mock-mayntenance, being encouraged thereunto by the defect of law and justice about ministers maintenance; and by the cavills and pretended objections against it. Which defect of law and justice is herein fully discovered, together with the frauds and wrongs occasioned by that defect, that t
  • 57476
    Book Info
    Learning's foundation firmly laid, in a short method of teaching to read English, more exact and easie then ever was yet published by any comprehending all things necessary for the perfect and speedy attaining of the same. Whereby any one of discretion may be brought to read the Bible truly in the space of a month, though he never knew letter befor
  • 57477
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    Letters between the Ld George Digby, and Sr Kenelm Digby kt. concerning religion.
  • 57478
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    Letters to severall persons of honour written by John Donne ... ; published by John Donne, Dr. of the civill law.
  • 57479
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    Letters to severall persons of honour: written by John Donne sometime Deane of St Pauls London. Published by John Donne Dr. of the Civill Law.
  • 57480
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    Leviathan, or, The matter, form, and power of a common-wealth ecclesiastical and civil by Thomas Hobbes ...