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총 60,478건 중 57,481 - 57,500건 출력
  • 57481
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    Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill by Thomas Hobbes ...
  • 57482
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    Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, and power of a common wealth, ecclesiasticall and civil by Thomas Hobbes ...
  • 57483
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    Lingua testium: wherein monarchy is proved, 1. To be jure divino. 2. To be successive in the Church (except in time of a nationall desertion) from Adam untill Christ. 3. That monarchy is the absolute true government under the Gospel. 4. That immediately after extraordinary gifts in the Church ceased, God raised up a monarch for to defend the Church
  • 57484
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    Loci communes D. Martini Lutheri viri Dei & prophetae Germanici, ex scriptis ipsius Latinis forma gnomologica & aphoristica collecti, & in quinque classes distributi, a M. Theodosio Fabricio, ecclesiae Gottingensis pastore. Cum tergemino elencho, capitum videlicet, locorum Sacra Scripturae, & verum memorabilium.
  • 57485
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    Londons blame, if not its shame: manifested by the great neglect of the fishery, which affordeth to our neighbor nation yeerly, the revenue of many millions, which they take up at our doors, whilst with the sluggard, we fold our hands in our bosoms and will not stretch them forth to our mouths. Or the inestimable riches of the British seas, ... whe
  • 57486
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    Londons liberties; or A learned argument of lavv & reason, upon Saturday, December 14. 1650. Before the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and Common-Councell at Guild-Hall. Between Mr. Maynard Mr. Hales & Mr. Wilde of councell for the Companies of London. And Major John Wildman and Mr. John Price of councell for the Freemen of London. Wherein the free
  • 57487
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    Love's advocate, or Certain arguments tendred to the serious consideration of all that truly fear God, either in Parliament or Army, concerning M. Christopher Love minister, now a condemned prisoner in the Tower, for the utter repealing, or at least the moderating that sad sentence under which he now lyeth. With clear satisfaction to all contrary s
  • 57488
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    Love's letters, his and hers, to each other, a little before his death.
  • 57489
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    Love's name lives, or, A publication of divers petitions presented by Mistris Love to the Parliament in behalf of her husband with severall letters that interchangeably pass'd between them a little before his death : as also one letter written to Mr. Love by Mr. Jaquel, one of the witnesses against him : together with seven severall letters and notes sent to him from Dr. Drake, Mr. Jenkyn, Mr. Ca
  • 57490
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    Lumen de lumine, or, A new magicall light discovered and communicated to the world by Eugenius Philalethes.
  • 57491
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    Lux veritatis or, Christian judicial astrology vindicated, and demonology confuted: in answer to Nath. Homes, D.D. Wherein his allegations of the learned, reasons, divine proofs, and arguments, are particularly examined and convinced. With the legality of the art maintained and warranted by Scripture. Whereunto is annexed, a short discourse of that
  • 57492
    Book Info
    Lux veritatis or, Christian judicial astrology vindicated, and demonology confuted: in answer to Nath. Homes, D.D. Wherein his allegations of the learned, reasons, divine proofs, and arguments, are particularly examined and convinced. With the legality of the art maintained and warranted by Scripture. Whereunto is annexed, a short discourse of that great eclipse of the sun, March 29. 1652. By Wil
  • 57493
    Book Info
    Lux veritatis or, Christian judicial astrology vindicated, and demonology confuted: in answer to Nath. Homes, D.D. Wherein his allegations of the learned, reasons, divine proofs, and arguments, are particularly examined and convinced. With the legality of the art maintained and warranted by Scripture. Whereunto is annexed, a short discourse of that great eclipse of the sun, March 29. 1652. By Wil
  • 57494
    Book Info
    Lux veritatis or, Christian judicial astrology vindicated, and demonology confuted: in answer to Nath. Homes, D.D. Wherein his allegations of the learned, reasons, divine proofs, and arguments, are particularly examined and convinced. With the legality of the art maintained and warranted by Scripture. Whereunto is annexed, a short discourse of that great eclipse of the sun, March 29. 1652. By Wil
  • 57495
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    The Latine grammar fitted for the use of schools wherein the words of Lilie's Grammar are (as much as might bee) reteined, many errors thereof amended, many needless things left out, many necessaries that were wanting, supplied, and all things ordered in a method more agreeable to children's capacitie / by Charls Hoole ... ; and (that nothing might bee wanting to the purpose) the English translat
  • 57496
    Book Info
    The Latine grammar fitted for the use of schools. Wherein the words of Lilie's Grammar are (as much as might bee) reteined; many errors thereof amended; many needless things left out: many necessaries, that were wanting, supplied; and all things ordered in a method more agreeable to children's capacitie. / By Charls Hoole, Mr of Arts, of Lincoln-Co
  • 57497
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    The Lord Merlins prophecy concerning the King of Scots: foretelling the strange and wonderfull things that shall befall him in England. As also, the time and manner of a dismal and fatall battel; the event and success thereof: a great blowe to be given, and the Northern Chicken inforced to flie to forraign countries for aid & succour. Also, King Ja
  • 57498
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    The ladies dispensatory, containing the natures, vertues, and qualities of all herbs, and simples usefull in physick. Reduced into a methodicall order, for their more ready use in any sicknesse, or other accident of the body. The like never published in English. With an alphabeticall table of all the vertues of each herb, and simple.
  • 57499
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    The ladies lamentation for the losse of her land-lord.|Highlanders march.
  • 57500
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    The lady-errant a tragi-comedy / written by Mr. William Cartvvright ...