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총 60,478건 중 57,501 - 57,520건 출력
  • 57501
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    The lamb taking of the woolf; or, the general charge or articles of high treason against six great traitors, and wolves of this commonwealth. By Tho: Elsliot, Esq. Esquire at Arms and conq [sic] of the Gent. of the long robe. Whereunto is annexed, his appeal against the injustice of some members of the Committee of Indempnity.
  • 57502
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    The lambe still pursuing the wolfe as may appear by the four within named letters truly duplicated and printed / by Tho. Elslyott, Armig' Arm. Conq.
  • 57503
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    The last nevves from the King of Scots, concerning his uniting with the Lord Belcarris, and advansing towards the Marquesses of Argile and Huntley, who are raising a new army of redshanks in the north of Scotland, about the Isles of Orkney and the Highlands. Also, the remonstrance and declaration of 11000. Scots, touching their King, and the Parl.
  • 57504
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    The last will and testament of James Hynd, high-way lawyer. Now sick to death, in his chamber in Newgate. Full of various conceits, beyond expectation.
  • 57505
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    The late Assembly of Divines Confession of faith examined. As it was presented by them unto the Parliament. Wherein many of their excesses and defects, of their confusions and disorders, of their errors and contradictions are presented, both to themselves and others.
  • 57506
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    The levellers almamack: for, the year of wonders, 1652 Containing divers chronological notes, astrological predictions, and monethly observations, for the ensuing year. As also prognosticating, the ruine of monarchy throughout all Christendom; the time prefixed for an invasion; and the great and unparallel'd things that will happen thereupon. Likew
  • 57507
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    The life and reigne of King Charls or, the pseudo-martyr discovered. With a late reply to an invective remonstrance against the Parliament and present government: together with some animadversions on the strange contrariety between the late Kings pnblick [sic] declarations, protestations, imprecations, and his pourtracture, compared with his privat
  • 57508
    Book Info
    The life and reigne of King Charls, or, The pseudo-martyr discovered with a late reply to an invective remonstrance against the Parliament and present government : together with some animadversions on the strange contrariety between the late Kings publick declarations ... compared with his private letters, and other of his expresses not hitherto ta
  • 57509
    Book Info
    The life and reigne of King Charls, or, The pseudo-martyr discovered with a late reply to an invective remonstrance against the Parliament and present government : together with some animadversions on the strange contrariety between the late Kings publick declarations, protestations, imprecations, and his pourtracture, compared with his previous letters, and other of his expresses not hithherto ta
  • 57510
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    The life of the most learned Father Paul, of the Order of the Servie ... translated out of Italian by a person of quality.
  • 57511
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    The life of the renowned Sr Philip Sidney. with the true interest of England as it then stood in relation to all forrain princes: and particularly for suppressing the power of Spain stated by him. His principall actions, counsels, designes, and death. Together with a short account of the maximes and policies used by Queen Elizabeth in her governmen
  • 57512
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    The light appearing more and more towards the perfect day. Or, a farther discovery of the present state of the Indians in New-England, concerning the progresse of the Gospel amongst them. Manifested by letters from such as preacht to them there. / Published by Henry Whitfeld, late pastor to the Chuch [sic] of Christ at Gilford in New-England, who c
  • 57513
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    The little horns doom & dovvnfall or A scripture-prophesie of King James, and King Charles, and of this present Parliament, unfolded. Wherein it appeares, that the late tragedies that have bin acted upon the scene of these three nations: and particularly, the late Kings doom and death, was so long ago, as by Daniel pred-eclared [sic]. And what the
  • 57514
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    A large and complete concordance to the Bible in English, according to the last translation. / (A like work formerly performed by Clement Cotton,) ...
  • 57515
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    A large relation of the fight at Leith neere Edenburgh. Wherein Major Generall Montgomery, Colonell Straughan, with many more of quality of the Scottish party were slaine and wounded. The particulars on both sides fully related, with a list of the prisoners taken, and number kild. Also a perfect account of every dayes transactions and engagements b
  • 57516
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    A late weary, merry voyage and journey, or, Iohn Taylors moneths travells by sea and land, from London to Gravesend, to Harwich, to Ipswich, to Norwich, to Linne, to Cambridge, and from thence to London : performed and written on purpose to please his friends and to pleasure himselfe in these unpleasant and necessitated times.
  • 57517
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    A lesson of self-deniall, or, The true way to desirable beauty by John Collings ...
  • 57518
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    A lesson of self-deniall, or, The true way to desirable beauty by John Collings ...
  • 57519
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    A letter concerning confession and absolution: written to a friend som yeers since. And now proposed to the consideration of the gathered churches in London. Imprimatur, John Downame.
  • 57520
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    A letter from Amsterdam conteining the full relation of the proceedings of the Prince of Orange against that city, and the transactions betwixt him, and the citizens, their opening of the sluces to drown the said city, with severall other passages thereupon, and the copy of the Prince of Orange his letter the magistrates of the city. With an exact