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총 60,478건 중 57,521 - 57,540건 출력
  • 57521
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    A letter from Lysbone, directed to Captain Thomas Harrison: wherein is contained a brief relation of the several transactions between the Parliaments fleet, and Prince Ruperts, both lying in the river of Lysbone. Also the King of Portugals congratulation with the States General. Together with a list of the several vessels and commanders of each fle
  • 57522
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    A letter from Sir Arthur Hesilrige, to the honorable committee of the Councel of State for Irish and Scotish affairs at White-Hall, concerning the Scots prisoners. Die Veneris, 8 Novembr. 1650. Ordered by the Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.
  • 57523
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    A letter from Sir Levvis Dyve: to the Lord Marquis of New-Castle giveing his Lordship an account of the whole conduct of the Kings affaires in Irland [sic], since the time of the Lord Marquis of Ormond, His Excellencies arrival there out of France in Septem. 1648. Until Sr. Lewis his departure out of that Kingdome, in June 1650. Together with the a
  • 57524
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    A letter from William Basill Esq; Attorney-General of Ireland, to the Honorable, William Lenthall Esq; speaker of the Parliament of England, concerning a great victory obtained by the Parliaments forces against the rebels in Meleek Island, on the five and twentieth of October, 1650. Together with an order of Parliament for a publique thanksgiving w
  • 57525
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    A letter from the Lord General Cromwel from Dunbar; containing a true relation of the proceedings of the Parliament army under his command in Scotland; and the success God was pleased to give them against the Scots Army, in a battle at Dunbar the 3 of September. 1650. Together with a list of the Scotish officers then taken. Die Martis, 10. Septembe
  • 57526
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    A letter from the Lord General Cromwel, concerning the rendition of the Castle of Edinburgh to his Excellency on articles. Together with the passages between His Excellency and the Governor in order hereunto, and the articles upon which the same were surrendered, and a list of the ordnance and ammunition therein. Die Martis, 31 Decembr. 1650. Order
  • 57527
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    A letter from the Lord Generall Cromvvell to the Parliament of England, concerning his proceedings with their army in Scotland and the late victory God hath given them over the Scottish Army there together with an act of Parliament for publique thanksgiving in England thereupon : and a proclamation of the deputy generall of Ireland for a further day of publique thanksgiving in relation to the sam
  • 57528
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    A letter from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq; Speaker of the Parliament of England, relating the good successes God hath lately given to the Parliament forces there. Die Lunae, 25 Februarii, 1649. Ordered by the Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.
  • 57529
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    A letter from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq; Speaker of the Parliament of England, relating the several successes it hath pleased God lately to give the Parliaments forces there. Together with the several transactions about the surrender of Kilkenny, and the articles agreed thereupon. Die Sabbathi, 13 Aprilis
  • 57530
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    A letter from the Parliament of Scotland, to the Parliament of England, assembled at Westminster: concerning the advance of the English Army, and their pleading of the Covenant, and the articles of pacification. Brought by Col. Grey, formerly a member of the late Lord Generall Fairfax's army. Also, their further proceedings, touching the new levy o
  • 57531
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    A letter from the offices of the army at the head-quarters ing the south to the Lord Generall Cromwell, and the army in the north : vpon their expedition into Scotland.
  • 57532
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    A letter of due censure, and redargvtion [sic] to Lieut: Coll: John Lilburne: touching his triall at Guild-Hall-London in Octob: last. 1649. Wherein if there be contemper'd some corrosive ingredients, tis not to be imputed unto malice: the intent is, to eat away the patients proud, dead flesh, not to destroy any sincere, sound part.
  • 57533
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    A letter or declaration, sent from the King of Scots, to the Marquess of Ormond: concerning his agreement with the Scots; and his speciall command to the said Marquess for publishing the same to the Irish: with his protestation touching his former grants. Sent by an express to the city of Paris, to be forthwith printed. Whereunto is annexed; a narr
  • 57534
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    A letter sent to the General Assembly of the kirke of Scotland: by Oliver Cromwell Lord Generall of the army of the Common-wealth of England now in Scotland &c.
  • 57535
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    A letter to Mr. Braine Br. of Divinity concerning an administrator of water-baptisme.
  • 57536
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    A little stream of divine sweetness from the living fountaine for the paradice of God.
  • 57537
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    A logical demonstration of the lawfulness of subscribing the new Engagement. Or, Promise to be true and faithful to the Common-Weal as it is now established: in four arguments. As a just apology for such as have conscienciously subscribed: and for satisfaction of others, who may be called to subscribe; especially if they had formerly taken the Sole
  • 57538
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    L'Aminta, di Torquato Tasso, favola boscherecchia. Tasso's Aminta, a pastoral comedy, in Italian and English
  • 57539
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    L. Julii Flori Rerum à Romanis gestarvm libri IV a Joanne Stadio emendati.|Epitomæ de Tito Livio bellorum omnium annorum DCC libri II|Liber memorialis.|In L. Julii Flori historiarum libros IV commentarius.|Rerum à Romanis gestarum libri IV.|J. Stadii In L. Julii Flori historiarum libros IV commentarius.|In L. Julii Flori historiarum libros IV commentarius.
  • 57540
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    Lachrymae Musarum The tears of the Muses; exprest in elegies; written by divers persons of nobility and worth, upon the death of the most hopefull, Henry Lord Hastings, onely sonn of the Right Honourable Ferdinando Earl of Huntingdon heir-generall of the high born prince George Duke of Clarence, brother to King Edward the fourth. Collected and set