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총 60,478건 중 57,561 - 57,580건 출력
  • 57561
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    Lutheri posthuma, or, Luther's last divine discourses
  • 57562
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    Lyra prophetica Davidis Regis, sive, Analysis critico-practica Psalmorum in qva omnes & singulae voces Hebraeae in Psalterio contentae, tam propriae quam appellativae, nulla excepta, ad regulas artis revocantur, earumque significationes genuinae explicantur, elegantiae linguae propriae evolvuntur : in svper harmonia Hebraei textus cum paraphrasi Chaldaea, & versione Graeca LXXII. interpre
  • 57563
    Book Info
    Lyra prophetica Davidis Regis. Sive Analysis critico-practica Psalmorum In qua omnes & singulae voces Hebraeae in Psalterio contentae, tam propriae quàm appellativae (nullâ exceptâ) ad regulas artis revocantur; earúmque significationes genuinae explicantur: elegantiae linguae propriae evolvuntur. Insuper harmonia Hebraei textus cum paraphrasi Chald
  • 57564
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    The Lady Eleanor Douglas, dowger, [sic] her jubiles plea or appeal, A0 &c.
  • 57565
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    The Lord Gen. Cromwel's letter: with a narrative of the proceedings of the English Army in Scotland, and a declaration of the General Assembly, touching the dis-owning their King and his interest. Published by authority.
  • 57566
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    The Lord Generall Cromwell his march to Sterling. Being a diary of all proceedings in the Army from their march out of Edenburgh, to the 25 of September 1650. Also, the Lord Generals proclamation in relation to Edenburgh and Leith. Published by authority.
  • 57567
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    The lamenting ladies last farewel to the world Who being in a strange exile, bewails her own misery, complains upon fortune and destiny, describeth the manner of her breeding, deplores the loss of her parents, wishing peace and happiness to England, which was her native country, and withal resolving for death, chearfully commended her soul to heave
  • 57568
    Book Info
    The lamenting ladies last farewel to the world. Who being in a strange exile, bewails her own misery, complains upon fortune and destiny, describeth the manner of her breeding, deplores the loss of her parents, wishing peace and happiness to England, which was her native country, and withal resolving for death, chearfully commended her soul to heav
  • 57569
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    The lamenting ladies last farewell to the world. Who being in a strange exile, bewailes her own misery, complains upon fortune and destiny, describes the manner of her breeding, deplores the losse of her parents, wishing peace and happines to England, which was her native country, and withal resolved for death chearfuly, commended her soule to heav
  • 57570
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    The last speech of Col. Eusebius Andrews, sometimes a lawyer of Lincolns-Inne, at the time of his execution on the scaffold at Tower-hill, Thursday the 22 of August, 1650 with several questions propounded to him by Doctor Swadling, and his answer thereunto.
  • 57571
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    The last speech of Col. Eusebius Andrews, sometimes a lawyer of Lincolns-Inne, at the time of his execution on the scaffold at Tower-hill, Thursday the 22 of August, 1650: with several questions propounded to him by Doctor Swadling, and his answer thereunto. Licensed, entred, and published according to order.
  • 57572
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    The last vvill and testament of Philip Herbert, burgesse for Bark-shire, vulgarly called Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, who dyed of foole-age, Jan. 23, 1650 with his life and death, and severall legacies to the Parliament and councel of state : also his elegy, taken verbatim in time of his sicknesse, and published to prevent false copies by Micha
  • 57573
    Book Info
    The last vvill and testament of Philip Herbert, burgesse for Bark-shire, vulgarly called Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. Who dyed of foole-age, Jan. 23. 1650. With his life and death, and severall legacies to the Parliament and councel of state. Also, his elegy, taken verbatim, in time of his sicknesse, and published to prevent false copies, by Mi
  • 57574
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    The last vvill and testament of the Earl of Pembroke.
  • 57575
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    The lavvfulnes of obeying the present government and acting under it by one that loves all Presbyterian lovers of truth and peace, and is of their communion.
  • 57576
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    The life and death of Philip Herbert, the late infamous knight of Barkshire, once Earle of Pembrock, Moungomerie, &c. who departed from this life to another January 23. 1649. Having, by a degenerate basenesse, betrayed his nobilitie; and entred himselfe a commoner, amongst the vere scum of the kingdom. Likewise a discourse with Charon in his voyage
  • 57577
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    The light and dark sides of God or A plain and brief discourse of the light side (God, Heaven and angels.) The dark side (Devill, sin, and Hell.) As also of the Resurrection and Scripture. : All which are set forth in their severall natures and beings, according to the spirituality of the Scripture. / Written by Jacob Bauthumley.
  • 57578
    Book Info
    The light and dark sides of God or A plain and brief discourse of the light side (God, Heaven and angels.) The dark side (Devill, sin, and Hell.) As also of the Resurrection and Scripture. : All which are set forth in their severall natures and beings, according to the spirituality of the Scripture. / Written by Jacob Bauthumley.
  • 57579
    Book Info
    The light and dark sides of God or a plain and brief discourse, of the light side God, heaven and earth, the dark side Devill, sin, and hell. As also of the resurrection and Scripture. All which are set forth in their severall natures and beings, according to the spirituality of the Scripture. Written by Jacob Bauthumley.
  • 57580
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    The longing shepherdesse or Laddy lye neere me. [T]o the tune of, Laddy lye neere me: or The green garter.