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총 58,041건 중 57,601 - 57,620건 출력
  • 57601
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    The life and pranks of Long Meg of Westminster.
  • 57602
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    A Litle treatise called the image of idlenesse conteining certaine matters moued betweene Walter Wedlocke, and Bawdin Batchler / translated out of the Troian or Cornish tong into English by Oliuer Oldwanton and dedicated to the Ladie Lust.|Image of idlenesse.
  • 57603
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    A learned and a godly sermon, to be read of all men, but especially for all marryners, captaynes and passengers, which trauell the seas, / preached by Iohn Madoxe, maister of arte, and fellow of All soules in Oxforde, at Waymouth and Melcombe regis, a porte in the countrie of Dorsett, the 3. day of October, in the yeere of our Lord. 1581.
  • 57604
    Book Info
    A learned and a godly sermon, to be read of all men, but especially for all marryners, captaynes and passengers, which trauell the seas, preached by Iohn Madoxe, maister of arte, and fellow of All soules in Oxforde, at Waymouth and Melcombe regis, a porte in the countrie of Dorsett, the 3. day of October, in the yeere of our Lord. 1581
  • 57605
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    La nouuelle natura breuium du Iudge tresreuerende Monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert, denierement renue & corrige per laucteur, auecques vn table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycel, nouelment compose per Guiliaulme Rastall
  • 57606
    Book Info
    La novvelle natura breuium du Iudge tresreuerende Monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert, denierement renue & corrige per laucteur, auecques vn table perfect des choses notables contenus en ycel, nouelment compose per Guiliaulme Rastall.
  • 57607
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    La vita di Carlo Magno Imperadore, scritta in lingua italiana da Petruccio Vbaldino cittadin fiorentino
  • 57608
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    Le court leete, et court baron, collect per Iohn Kytchin de Greys Inne vn appre[n]tice en le ley, et les cases et matters necessaries pur Seneschals de ceux courts a scier, pur les students de les measons de chauncerie
  • 57609
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    Le iardin de vertu et bonnes moeurs plain de plusiers belles fleurs, & riches sentences auec le sens d'icelles, recueillies de plusiers autheurs, & mises en lumiere par, I.B. gen. Cadomois.
  • 57610
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    Lectures of I.B. vpon the xii. Articles of our Christian faith briefely set forth for the comfort of the godly, and the better instruction of the simple and ignorant. Also hereunto is annexed a briefe and cleare confession of the Christian faith, conteining an hundreth articles, according to the order of the Creede of the Apostles. Written by that
  • 57611
    Book Info
    Les tenures du monsieur Littleton ouesque certein cases addes p[er] auters de puisne temps, queux cases vous troueres signes ouesque ce[st] signe [fleuron] al co[m]mencement [et] al fine de chescun deux, au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de monsieur Littleton: pur quel inconuenience, ils fuerent dernierment tolles de cest lieur. Et
  • 57612
    Book Info
    Lexicon Graecolatinum Ioannis Crispini operâ tredecim abhinc annis ex R. Constantini aliorúmq[ue] scriptis, qui in hoc commentandi genere excelluerunt, vtili compendio collectum: ac nunc denuò à nonnullis, quae occurrebant, mendis repurgatum, non inutilibus auctum obseruationibus, significationibus, exemplis, phrasibus, multísque vocabulorum Chilia
  • 57613
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    The logike of the most excellent philosopher P. Ramus martyr: newly translated, and in diuers places corrected, after the minde of the author. Per M. Roll. Makylmenaeum Scotum, rogatu viri honestissimi, M. AEgidij Hamlini
  • 57614
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    A light bondell of liuly discourses called Churchyardes charge presented as a Newe yeres gifte to the right honourable, the Earle of Surrie, in whiche bondell of verses is sutche varietie of matter, and seuerall inuentions, that maie bee as delitefull to the reader, as it was a charge and labour to the writer, sette forthe for a péece of pastime, b
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 57615
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    A little pamphlet entituled the ladder of paradise Very worthy and needful to be read of every Christian that is willing to tread the steps which lead to heauen.
  • 57616
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    La vieux natura breuium dernierment corrigee et amend', & cy nouelment imprimee.|Natura brevium.
  • 57617
    Book Info
    Le court leete, et court baron, collect per Iohn Kytchin de Greys Inne vn appre[n]tice en le ley, et les cases et matters necessaries pur seneschals de ceux courts a scier, pur les students de les measons de chauncerie
  • 57618
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    Le dictionaire des huict langages C'est à scauoir Grec, Latin, Flamen, François, Espagnol, Italian, Anglois, & Aleman: fort vtile & necessaire pour tous studieux & amateurs des lettr ...
  • 57619
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    Le liuer des assises & plees del corone moues & dependauntz deuaunt les iustices, sibien en lour circuitz come aylours, en temps le Roy Edwarde le tierce, ousq[ue] vn table des principal matters del plees del corone.
  • 57620
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    Le maistre d'escole Anglois Contenant plusieurs profitables preceptes pour les naturelz francois, et autres estrangers qui ont la langue francoise pour paruenir a la vraye prononciation de la langue Angloise. Faict, et mis en lumiere, par.I.B. Gen. Ca. = The Englishe Scholemaister. Conteyning many profitable preceptes for the naturall borne french