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총 60,478건 중 60,301 - 60,320건 출력
  • 60301
    Book Info
    Le dictionaire des huict langaiges: c'est à sçauoir grec, latin, flameng, françois, espagnol, italien, anglois & aleman: fort vtile & necessaire pour tous studieux & amateurs des lettres..
  • 60302
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    Lorde omnipotent and moste mercyfull father gyue us remissyon of our synne, and graunt us delyueraunce from all oure iniquitie.
  • 60303
    Book Info
    Lorde omnipotent and moste mercyfull father, gyue us remissyon of our synne, and graunt us delyueraunce from all oure iniquitie.
  • 60304
    Book Info
    A lamentable complaynte of Baptista Ma[n]tuanus, an Italysh poete wherin he famylyarly co[m]moneth wyth hys owne mynde, that deathe is not to be feared. Paraphrastically translated into oure vulgar Englishe tounge by Iohan Bale.
  • 60305
    Book Info
    La forma delle publiche orationi et della co[n]fessione, & assolutione, la qual si usa nella chiesa de forestieri, che è nuouamente stata instituita in Londra (per gratia di Dio) con l'autorità & co[n]sentimento del Re.
  • 60306
    Book Info
    Le Nouueau Testament, c'est adire, la nouuelle alliance de nostre seigneur & seul sauueur Iesus Christ, / translate de Grec en Francoys. Reueu par M. Iean Caluin.|Bible. N.T. French. 1551|Novveau Testament, c'est adire, la nouuelle alliance de nostre seigneur & seul sauueur Iesus Christ|Nouveau Testament, c'est adire, la nouvelle alliance de nostre seigneur & seul sauveur Jesus Chris
  • 60307
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    Liturgia sacra, seu ritus ministerii in ecclesia peregrinorum profugorum propter Euangelium Christi Argentinae. Adiecta est ad finem breuis apologia pro hac liturgia, per Valerandum Pollanum Flandrum.
  • 60308
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    Lyttilton tenures truely translated in to Englyshe.
  • 60309
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    Lyttilton tenures truely translated into Englyshe.|Tenures.
  • 60310
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    A lesson of thee Incarnatyon of Christe, that he toke his humanite in, [and] of the Blessed Vyrgyn made thee twentye daye of Iune by Iohn Hoper. M.D.XLIX.
  • 60311
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    A litell treatyse of astrouomy [sic] very necessary for physyke and surgerye, declarynge what herbes, and all kynde of medecynes are appropryate and vnder the influence of the planetes, sygnes and constellacyons : and also the partes and members of the bodye thereto correspondynge, and howe ye shall brynge the vertue of the heuens aud [sic] nature of the sters to euery parte of mans bodye beynge
  • 60312
    Book Info
    Le temporiseur. Par Eutichius Myonius. Avec plusieurs bons conseilz & aduis sus la mesme matiere. Sauoir est comment chascun fidele se doibt maintenir entre les papistes. Dont les noms des autheurs [...]
  • 60313
    Book Info
    Le temporiseur. Par Eutichius Myonius. Avec plusieurs bons conseilz & aduis sus la mesme matiere. Sauoir est comment chascun fidele se doibt maintenir entre les papistes. Dont les noms des autheurs [...]
  • 60314
    Book Info
    A lesson of the Incarnation of Christe that he toke, [sic] his humanite in and of the Blessyd Virgine made the twentithe daye of Iune by Iohn Hoper. 1549.
  • 60315
    Book Info
    A lesson of the incarnation of Christe, that he toke his humanite in and of the Blessyd Virgine made the twentithe daye of Iune by Iohn Hoper. 1549
  • 60316
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    The laboryouse iourney [and] serche of Iohan Leylande, for Englandes antiquitees geuen of hym as a newe yeares gyfte to Kynge Henry the viij. in the. xxxvij. yeare of his reygne, with declaracyons enlarged: by Iohan Bale
  • 60317
    Book Info
    A lytle treatise after the maner of an epystle wryten by the famous clerk Doctor Vrbanus Regius, vnto a specyall frynde of hys wherin he declareth the cause of the great co[n]trouersy that hath bene [and] is yet at this day in the chrysten relygyon and also the dyuersyte betwene the ryght worshyppyng [and] seruice of God and the ceremonis inuented
  • 60318
    Book Info
    Lyttilton tenures truely translated in to Englyshe
  • 60319
    Book Info
    The lamentacion of a synner, made by the moste vertuous Lady quene Caterine, bewailyng the ignoraunce of her blind life: set foorth & put in print at the instant desire of the right gracious lady Caterine duchesse of Suffolke, and the ernest request of the right honourable Lord William Parre, Marquesse of Northampton
  • 60320
    Book Info
    The lamentacyon of a Christe[n] agai[n]st the citye of London for some certaine greate vyces vsed theri[n].