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총 28,659건 중 25,481 - 25,500건 출력
  • 25481
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    Obedience and submission to the present government, demonstrated from Bishop Overall's convocation-book
  • 25482
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    Obedience and submission to the present government, demonstrated from Bishop Overall's convocation-book
  • 25483
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    Objections against the paper-bill answered|Objections against the paper bill answered
  • 25484
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    Objections to the bill for regulating elections with answers to them. The objections are, that the bill is unjust, useless, impracticable.
  • 25485
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    Observation on the paym[en]ts made by commissioners of the excize
  • 25486
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    Observations on that state of gold and silver in Great-Britain both in coin and bullion and the reason why so little has been coined at His Majesty's mint, with a method for encouraging the coinage and keeping it within due bounds.
  • 25487
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    Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands by Sir William Temple ...
  • 25488
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    Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands by Sir William Temple.
  • 25489
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    October the 6th. 1690. Ruptures or broken bellies cured in men, women or children; or bearing down in their privy parts: no cure, no money; but trusses of all sorts with springs or scrues, ...
  • 25490
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    Ode on the anniversary of the King's birth by Tho. Shadwell ...
  • 25491
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    Ode to the King on his return from Ireland by Tho. Shadwell ...
  • 25492
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    Of a maid that was deep in lo[ve], with a souldier brave and bold sir. I'l tell you here as true a tale, as ever hath been told sir, and what brave actions she perform'd, after she was his wife sir: and how she did behave her self. To save her husbands life sir, she marched with him in wet and dry, in Winter and in Summer, for her husband was a musketeer; and she a famous drummer. To the tune of
  • 25493
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    Of the French monarchy: and absolute power. And also a treatise of the three states, and their power. / Deduced from the most authentick histories, for above 1200 years: and digested, this latter, by Mat. Zampini de Recanati, LL.D.
  • 25494
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    Of the famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia in two parts : Part I, containing his triumphant battels fought against the Persians ... : Part II, containing the adventurous travels and noble chivalry of Parismenos ...
  • 25495
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    Of the vvisdom and goodness of Providence two sermons preached before the Queen, at White-Hall, on August 17, 24, MDCXC / by John Moore ...
  • 25496
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    Olympia domata, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1690 being the 2d after bissextile, or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5639 : wherein is contained the lunations, conjunctions, and aspects of the planets, the increase, decrease, and length of the day and night : with the rising, southing, and setting of the planets and fixed stars throughout the year, whereby may be known the
  • 25497
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    On the ever to be lamented death of the most magnamimous and illustrious prince, Charles Leopold Duke of Lorraine, general of the imperial army who died suddenly, April the eighth 1690.
  • 25498
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    On the ever to be lamented death of the most magnanimous and illustrious prince, Charles Leopold Duke of Lorraine, general of the imperial army; who died suddenly, April the eighth 1690
  • 25499
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    On the memory of Mr. Caleb Skinner, and Mr. Hezekiah Middleton; merchants. Who were drowned at Black-wall, coming from on board a ship the 5th of May. 1688. / By a school-fellow of Mr. Skinners.
  • 25500
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    Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium in Universitate Oxon. per quadragesim. ann. 1689/90 collectoribus [brace] Dno. Edwards, ex Æde Christi, Dno. Mander, è Col. Magd.