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총 28,659건 중 25,601 - 25,620건 출력
  • 25601
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    The old woman's resolution: or, A dialogue betwixt Jack Drumbold and his Old Granny Gregory; who vow'd she would marry though fourscore years and ten because she would shoe her horse round. To the tune of I marry and thank ye too: Licensed according to order.
  • 25602
    Book Info
    The opinion of the judges upon the clause in the Act of 22 & 23 Car. II. Regis cap. 9. for giving no more costs than damages, delivered at Serjeants-Inn in Chancery-lane, London, in Trinity term. Anno 23. Ejusdem regis
  • 25603
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    The orange
  • 25604
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    An occasional discourse, concerning God's fore-knowledge, and man's free-agency Being an attempt to reconcile their seeming opposition, and to assert the truth of both from the H. Scriptures.
  • 25605
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    Observations on the acts of Parliament, made by King James the First, King James the Second, King James the Third, King James the Fourth, King James the Fifth, Queen Mary, King James the Sixth, King Charles the First, King Charles the Second wherein 1. It is observed if they be in desuetude, abrogated, limited, or enlarged, 2. The decisions relatin
  • 25606
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    Observations upon the cities of London and Rome Sir William Petty ...
  • 25607
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    Oedipus a tragedy ... / the authors Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee.
  • 25608
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    Of education, especially of young gentlemen in two parts.
  • 25609
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    Of the authority of councils and the rule of faith by a person of quality ; with an answer to the eight theses laid down for the trial of the English reformation, in the book that came last week from Oxford.
  • 25610
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    Of the humanity and charity of Christians a sermon preached at the Suffolk feast in St. Michael Cornhill, London, Nov. 30, 1686 / by William Clagett ...
  • 25611
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    Of the sacrament of baptism, in pursuance of an explication of the catechism of the Church of England by Gabriel Towerson ...
  • 25612
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    Of the sacrament of baptism, in pursuance of an explication of the catechism of the Church of England. By Gabriel Towerson, D.D. and rector of Welwynne in Hartfordshire
  • 25613
    Book Info
    Officium B. Mariae Virg. nuper reformatum et Pii V. Pont. Max. iussu editum : ad instar breviary Romani sub Vrbano VIII recogniti : cum indulgentiis, orationibus, hymnis et hujusmodi aliis quae in indice notantur.
  • 25614
    Book Info
    Officium B. Mariæ Virg. nuper reformatum et Pii V. Pont. Max. iussu editum : ad instar breviary Romani sub Vrbano VIII recogniti : cum indulgentiis, orationibus, hymnis et hujusmodi aliis quæ in indice notantur.
  • 25615
    Book Info
    Olympia domata, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1687 being the 3d bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 5636 : wherein is contained the geocentric places of the planets, both in longitude and latitude from Astronomia Britannica, as also the lunations, conjunctions and aspects of the planets, the increase, decrease and length of the day and night, the moons rising, so
  • 25616
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    On the coming of Christ
  • 25617
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    Ontdekking van 't gevaar 't welk de Gereformeerde in Engeland is boven 't hooft hangende
  • 25618
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    Opera P. Virgilii Maronis ; interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus ; jussu Christianissimi regis ad usum serenissimi Delphini.
  • 25619
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    Ophthalmographia, sive, Oculi ejusque partium descriptio anatomica / per Guilielmum Briggs.
  • 25620
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    Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium in Universitate Oxon. per quadragesim. ann. 1686/87. Collectoribus Dno Cart, ex Aul. Nov. Hosp. Dno Harris, ex Aul. Cerv.