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총 28,659건 중 25,681 - 25,700건 출력
  • 25681
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    On the universally lamented death of the incomparable Dr. Short a pindarick elegy.
  • 25682
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    On the universally lamented death of the incomparable Dr. Short. A pindarick elegy.
  • 25683
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    Ophthalmo-graphia, sive, Oculi ejusq, partium descripto anatomica cui accessit nova visionis theoria, Regiae Societati Londin. proposita / per Guilielmum Briggs ...
  • 25684
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    Orbis imperantis tabellae geographico-historico-genealogico-chronologicae in quibus geographiae epitome, mappis quo fieri potuit exactioribus, descriptio historica imperiorum, regnorum, et rerumpublicarum, saeculorum series a Christo nato ad hunc usque annum 1685 : nec non illistriorum familiarum per totam Europam genealogiae brevi et dilucida meth
  • 25685
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    Orders to be observed at the coronation of the King and Queen Published by order of the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England, &c.
  • 25686
    Book Info
    Orders to be observed at the coronation of the King and Queen, published by order of the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England, &c.
  • 25687
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    Orders to be observed in the church of Westminster-Abby on the day of Their Majesties, royal coronation
  • 25688
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    Orders to be observed in the church of Westminster-Abby on the day of Their Majesties, royal coronation
  • 25689
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    Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium in Universitate Oxon. per Quadragesim. ann. 1684/85 collectoribus [brace] Dno. Goring, è Coll. Magd., Dno. Owen, è Coll. Mert.
  • 25690
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    Origines Britannicae, or, The antiquities of the British churches with a preface concerning some pretended antiquities relating to Britain : in vindication of the Bishop of St. Asaph / by Ed. Stillingfleet ...
  • 25691
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    Otes his case, character, person, and plot: his laying of things together. The observators declaration, and confession. His opinion of the papists as well as of the popish plot.
  • 25692
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    Other ayres and pieces for the violin bass-viol and harpsechord somewhat more difficult and artificial then the former: / composed for the practice and service of greater masters upon those instruments by Nicola Matteis[.] The fourth part.
  • 25693
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    Ots's lamentation and a vision that appeared to him since his tryal over heard by one of his keepers in his chamber at the Kings Bench, a song to the tune of State and ambition.
  • 25694
    Book Info
    Over against the Golden-Faulcken in French-Alley in Goswel-Street, near Old-Street, liveth a chymist that prepareth that famous cordial spirit, which is daily approved by several people to be of great virtue: It takes away the scurvy out of the body, root and branch, and the dropsie to admiration,...
  • 25695
    Book Info
    The Observator prov'd a trimmer, or, Truth and justice vindicated, in the history of the murther of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, and the several popish shams since made use of to amuse the world about it being a full answer to certain late pamphlets, intituled, Observators : wherein the evidence of that gentlemans being murthered by Papists is very fals
  • 25696
    Book Info
    The Observator vindicated, or An answer to Mr. Smythies's Reply to the Observator together with a brief, but just, censure on his sermon annex'd to it.
  • 25697
    Book Info
    The Observator's observation how narrowly he scap'd hanging A piece of London-news from Oxford, people swallow shams, bones and all. Several objections answer'd, and the slanders clear'd. Christian religion does not pretend to destroy Christian charity. The danger of dividing.
  • 25698
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    The Opinions of several learned antiquaries touching the antiquity, power, order, state, persons, manner, and proceedings of the high court of Parliament in England viz. Dodridge, Agar, Tate, Camden, Holland, Cotton, Selden.
  • 25699
    Book Info
    The observator defended
  • 25700
    Book Info
    The observator prov'd a trimmer, or, Truth and justice vindicated, in the history of the murther of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey and the several popish shams since made use of to amuse the world about it being a full answer to certain late pamphlets intituled, Observators wherein the evidence of that gentlemans being murthered by papists, is very falsly stated, and the positions and practices of the Ch