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총 28,659건 중 25,721 - 25,740건 출력
  • 25721
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    Of God Almighty's providence both in the sending and dissolving great snows & frosts, and the improvement we ought to make of it a sermon occasioned by the late extreme cold weather, preached in it to his neighbours, and now thought fit to be made more public, for the common good / by Benj. Camfield ...
  • 25722
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    Of dramatick poesie an essay / by John Dryden ...
  • 25723
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    Of dramatick poesie, an essay. / By John Dryden ...
  • 25724
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    Of patience and submission to authority a sermon preach'd before the Lord Mayor and the Court of Aldermen at Guild-Hall Chapel on the 27th of January, 1683/4 / by John Moore ...
  • 25725
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    Of the law-terms, a discourse wherein the laws of the Jews, Grecians, Romans, Saxons and Normans, relating to this subject are fully explained / written by ... Sir Henry Spelman, Kt.
  • 25726
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    Of the state of the church in future ages, or, An inspection into the divine prophecies touching the state of the church, in the latter ages of the world / by W.A.
  • 25727
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    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord God 1684 being the bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5633 : wherein is contained the lunations, conjunctions and aspects of the planets ... : calculated according to art and referred to the horizon of the ancient and renowned borrough-town of Sta
  • 25728
    Book Info
    On His Royal Highness's Deliverance From Shipwrack In the Glocester, the Sixth Of May, 1682 [In, Poems Written On Several Occasions, By N. Tate: the Second Edition Enlarged
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 25729
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    On the death of Sir Tho. Armstrong in ansvver to a late treasonable libel dispers'd by the factions.
  • 25730
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    On the death of the most sadly, ever to be deplored, most illustrious, Right Honourable, James Lord Marquess of Montrose, &c. Funeral elegie.
  • 25731
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    Once more a warning to thee O England, but more particularly to the inhabitants of the city of Bristol
  • 25732
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    Onomastikon brachu, sive, Nomenclatura brevis reformata, adjecto cum syllabo verborum ac adjectivorum : unà cum duplici centenario proverbiorum Anglo-Latino-Græcorum : ac allis nonnulls.
  • 25733
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    Oratio anniversaria in gratam commemorationem maximi & munificentissimi Harveii, summor'umque benefactorum: habita Londini in Theatro Cutleriano, Sept. 13. An. Dom. 1683. A Nathanaele Hodges, M.D. Col. Reg. Med. socio & censore.
  • 25734
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    Orders and rules agreed upon by the syndics for the better securing the publick library. June 20. 1684
  • 25735
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    Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium in Universitate Oxon. per quadragesim. ann. 1683/84 collectoribus [brace] Dno. Perin, è Coll. Trin., Dno. Chapman, ex Aul. B.M.
  • 25736
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    Otes's petition to the kings most Excellent Majesty, and to the lords and others of His Majesties most hon[oura]ble Privy Council
  • 25737
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    Ovid De arte amandi, and the Remedy of love Englished. As also The loves of Hero and Leander, a mock poem: together with choice poems, and rare pieces of drollery.
  • 25738
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    Oxford jests, refined and enlarged; being a collection of witty jests, merry tales, pleasant joques. Collected and composed by Captain W.H. native of Oxford.
  • 25739
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    Oxfordshire damosel, or, The London merchant's choice. Her beauty bright was his delight, but yet she said him nay, she would not yield to him the field, till marriage made the way. To the tune of, The jobb for a journey-man-shoomaker.
  • 25740
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    The Odes, Satyrs, and Epistles of Horace Done into English.