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총 28,659건 중 25,801 - 25,820건 출력
  • 25801
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    Officium vicecomitum the office and authority of sheriffs : gathered out of the statutes and books of the common laws of this kingdom / by Michael Dalton.
  • 25802
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    Olympia domata, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1682 being the second after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 5631 : wherein is contained the lunations, conjunctions and aspects of the planets ... : calculated according to art and referred to the horizon of the ancient and renowned borrough-town of Stamford ... fitting all the middle counties of England, and
  • 25803
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    On His Royal Highness's miraculous delivery, and happy return. written by Ca. Calle.
  • 25804
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    On His Royal Hignes's [sic] miraculous delivery, and happy return
  • 25805
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    On the deplorable death of the most accomplished, vertuous, and obliging gentelman, Sr. James Anstruther, of Airdire Kt., advocat, and clerk to the bills.
  • 25806
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    Oratio anniversaria habita in theatro Collegii Medicorum Londinensium decimo octavo die Octob. et divi festo 1681 in commemorationem beneficiorum à Doctore Harveio, aliísque munificis viris foeminísque eidem collegio præstitorum : necnon & oratio in Gymnasio Patavino habita prid. cal. maii MDCXLVI, ad eodem, docturæ gradu suscepto / à Georgio Rogers.
    Rogers, George
  • 25807
    Book Info
    Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium in Universitate Oxon. per quadragesim. ann. 1681/82 collectoribus [brace] Dno. Fisher è Coll. Reg., Dno. Villett è Coll. D. Jo. Bap.
  • 25808
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    Oughtredus explicatus, sive, Commentarius in ejus Clavem mathematicam. Cui addita Sunt planetarum observationes & horologiorum constructio. / Authore Gilberto Clark.|Commentarius in ejus clavem mathematicam|Clavis mathematicae|Astronomica specimina ad observationes planetarum faciendas, & horologiorum constructionem.
  • 25809
    Book Info
    Oughtredus explicatus, sive, Commentarius in ejus clavem mathematicam cui addita Sunt planetarum observationes & horologiorum constructio / authore Gilberto Clark.|Specimina ad observationes planetarum faciendas.
  • 25810
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    The Observator in a delemma, that while he justifies the Lord Mayor and his aldermen, he reflects on Mr. Box, and while he vindicates Mr. Box, he pleads the protectors cause against the Lord Mayor and his aldermen
  • 25811
    Book Info
    The Observator in a delemma, that while he justifies the Lord Mayor and his aldermen, he reflects on Mr. Box, and while he vindicates Mr. Box, he pleads the protectors cause against the Lord Mayor and his aldermen
  • 25812
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    The Occasional doctor his examination before a committee of Whigg-priests.
  • 25813
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    The Occasional doctor his examination before a committee of Whigg-priests.
  • 25814
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    The Office of the clerk of assize containing the form and method of the proceedings at the Assizes and General Gaol-delivery as also on the crown and nisi prius side : together with The Office of the clerk of the peace : shewing the true manner and form of the proceedings at the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace : with divers forms of presentments and other precedents at assizes and
  • 25815
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    The Oxford almanack for the year of our Lord God 1682
  • 25816
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    The old Puritan detected and defeated, or, A brief treatise shewing how by the artifice of pulpit-prayers our dissenters, at all times, have endeavour'd to undermine the liturgy of the reformed Church of England together with the fault and danger of such prayers, whether vented extempore, or forethought by the speaker / by a most learned and revere
  • 25817
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    The old man's wish: this old man he doth wish for wealth in vain, but he doth not the treasure gain; for if with wishes he the same could have, he would not mind nor think upon the grave. To a pleasant new play-house tune.
  • 25818
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    The opinion of the Parliament about religion being the votes of the honourable House of Commons concerning toleration : die Mercurii 25 Feb. 15, Car II Reg.
  • 25819
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    The opinion of the Parliament, about religion, twenty years ago being the votes, &c. of the Honourable House of Commons, Febr. 25 &c., 1662, upon reading His Majesties gracious declaration and speech, &c.
  • 25820
    Book Info
    The opinion of the Parliament, about religion, twenty years ago being the votes, &c. of the honourable House of Commons, Febr. 25 &c. 1662 upon reading His Majesties gracious declaration and speech, &c.