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총 28,659건 중 25,981 - 26,000건 출력
  • 25981
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    One sheet against the Quakers detecting their error and mis-practice in refusing to reverence men outwardly by word and behavior after the manner in use among us which is proved to be good and lawful / by J.C. ...
  • 25982
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    Orders for the reception of the most illustrious James, Duke of Ormond, &c. and chancellor of the University of Oxford agreed upon by the vice-chancellor and delegates to be communicated to the heads of houses, and by them to their respective companies.
  • 25983
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    Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium in Universitate Oxon. per quadragesim. an. 1697/98. Collectoribus Dno Cropp, ex aede Christi. Dno Kestell, è Coll. Pemb
  • 25984
    Book Info
    Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium. In Universitate Oxon: per quadragesim. ann. 1676/7. Collectoribus Dno Elmhurst è Coll. Nov. Dno Downman è Coll. Wadh
  • 25985
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    Origenes Kata Kelsou : en tomois 8 ; tou autou Philokalia Origenis Contra Celsum : libri octo ; ejusdem Philocalia / Gulielmus Spencerus ... utriusq[ue] operis versionem recognovit & annotationes adjecit ; accedunt item notæ Davidis Hoeschelii in octo libros Origenis unà cum notis Jo. Tarini in Philocaliam ; cum indice rerum & verborum locupletissimo.|Contra Celsum.|Philocalia.|Cont
  • 25986
    Book Info
    Origo protestantium, or, An answer to a popish manuscript (of N.N.'s.) that would fain make the Protestant Catholick religion bear date at the very time when the Roman popish commenced in the world wherein Protestancy is demonstrated to be elder than popery : to which is added, a Jesuits letter with the answer thereunto annexed / by John Shaw ...
  • 25987
    Book Info
    Origo protestantium, or, An answer to a popish manuscript (of N.N.'s.) that would fain make the Protestant Catholick religion bear date at the very time when the Roman popish commenced in the world wherein Protestancy is demonstrated to be elder than popery : to which is added, a Jesuits letter with the answer thereunto annexed / by John Shaw ...
  • 25988
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    Orthodox paradoxes theoretical and experimental; or, a believer clearing truth by seeming contradictions With an appendix of the Triumph of assurance over the law, sin, the world, wants, present enjoyments. To which is added the new command renewed, or, love one another; with ten rules for the right understanding of scripture by Ralph Venning, A.M.
  • 25989
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    Otto Tachenius his Hippocrates chymicus, which discovers the ancient foundations of the late viperine salt and his clavis thereunto / translated into English by J.W.
  • 25990
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    Otto Tachenius his clavis to the ancient hippocratical physick or medicine made by manual experience in the very fountains of nature, whereby through fire and water, in a method unheard of before, the occult mysteries of nature and art are unlocked and clearly explained by a compendious way of operation.
  • 25991
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    Ovid's De arte amandi and, The remedy of love, Englished : as also the loves of Hero & Leander, a mock poem : together with choice poems and rare pieces of drollery.|Ars amatoria.|Remedia amoris.
  • 25992
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    Ovid's Heroical epistles englished by W.S.
  • 25993
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    The Oxford almanack for the year of our Lord God 1677
  • 25994
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    The orders of vestry, made and agreed unto in the year of our Lord 1677. of the rates payable for burials by the inhabitants in the parish of St. Buttolph without Aldgate, London.
  • 25995
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    The orphans legacy, or, A testamentary abridgment in three parts : I. Of last-wills and testaments, II. Of executors and administrators, III. Of legacies and devises : wherein the most material points of law relating to that subject, are succinctly treated : as well according to the common and temporal, as ecclesiastical and civil laws of this realm : illustrated with a great variety of select ca
  • 25996
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    Observations medicae circa morborum acutorum historiam et curationem authore Thoma Sydenham ...
  • 25997
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    Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands· By Sir William Temple of Shene, in the county of Surrey, baronet, ambassador at the Hague, and at Aix la chapelle, in the year 1668.
  • 25998
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    Of the principles and duties of natural religion: two books. / By the Right Reverend Father in God, John late Lord Bishop of Chester. ; To which is added, A sermon preached at his funerals, by William Lloyd ...|Sermon preached at the funeral of John, late Lord Bishop of Chester.
  • 25999
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    Officium concionatoris in quo præcepta utilissima de invenienda habendaque concione : jam ante aliquot annos ex optimis quibusque autoribus collecta & quàm methodicè disposita a præstanti theologo eodémque concionatore celeberrimo.
  • 26000
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    Omerou Ilias kai eis autlo scholia didymou.