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총 28,659건 중 26,001 - 26,020건 출력
  • 26001
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    Ophthalmo-graphia, sive, Oculi ejusque partium descripto anatomica authore Guilielmo Briggs ...
  • 26002
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    Oratio de concordia theologorum et discordia
  • 26003
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    Orders, set down by the Lord Provost, bailiffs, and Council of Edinburgh, to be observed by the constables thereof, in discharge of their offices within this burgh, and liberties of the same.
  • 26004
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    Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium in Universitate Oxon. per quadragesim. ann. 1675/6 collectoribus [brace] Dno. Hart è Coll. Exon., Dno. Watson è Coll. Reg.
  • 26005
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    Ordonnance du Roy tres-Chrestien, touchant les vaisseaux Anglois, Escossois, & Irlandois, qui seront recountrés en mer par ses vasseaux, ou par ceus de ses sujets armés in cours The most Christian Kings edict or proclamation concerning English, Scotish, and Irish ships that shall be met at sea by his said Majesties ships, or by privateers acting by
  • 26006
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    Our Saviour standing at the door a sermon preached at the Hague in Holland before the States-General of the United Provinces, upon the twenty first day of October last past, concerning the sad and late dreadful inundation / by Frederick Spanheim ; and since rendred into English for publick benefit by W.L.
  • 26007
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    The Office of the clerk of assize containing the form and method of the proceedings at the assizes, and general gaol-delivery, as also on the crown and nisi prius side : together with the office of the clerk of the peace, shewing the true manner and form of the proceedings at the Court of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace : with a table of fees
  • 26008
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    The Oxford almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1676
  • 26009
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    The office and duty of executors, or, A treatise of wills and executors directed to testators in the choice of their executors and contrivance of their wills with direction for executors in the execution of their office according to the law, and for creditors in the recovery of their debts : with divers other particulars, very useful and profitable for all persons, be they either executors, credi
  • 26010
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    The old apostolical way of preaching, or, Peters last legacy to all his true successors in the ministry and faith of the Gospel being an awakening word from a dying-preacher to his dying-hearers in a sermon preached on the death of Mr. Edward West, late minister of the gospel in London / by Thomas Cole ...
  • 26011
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    An oration spoken in the grammar-school of Christ's-Hospital before the right honourable the Lord Mayor, the right worshipful the presidents, the treasurers, and the rest of the worshipful governours of the hospitals of the renowned city of London, Sept. 21, 1675.
  • 26012
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    O-Brazile or The inchanted island being a perfect relation of the late discovery, and wonderful dis-inchantment of an island on the north of Ireland: with an account of the riches and commodities thereof. / Communicated by a letter from London-derry, to a friend in London.|Inchanted island|Enchanted island|B-Orazil:e
  • 26013
    Book Info
    O-Brazile, or, The inchanted island being a perfect relation of the late discovery and wonderful dis-inchantment of an island on the north of Ireland : with an account of the riches and commodities thereof : communicated by a letter from London-derry to a friend in London.
  • 26014
    Book Info
    O-Brazile, or, The inchanted island being a perfect relation of the late discovery and wonderful dis-inchantment of an island on the north of Ireland : with an account of the riches and commodities thereof : communicated by a letter from London-derry to a friend in London.
  • 26015
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    Obsequium rationabile, or, A reasonable service performed for the celestial sign scorpio in xx remarkable genitures of that glorious but stigmatized horoscope : against the malitious and false attempts of that grand (but fortunate) imposter, Mr. William Lilly / by John Gadbury ...
  • 26016
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    Observations upon a treatise intituled Of humane reason
  • 26017
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    Observations upon the 28. (i.e. 18.) Act, 23. Parl. K. James VI. against dispositions made in defraud of creditors, &c. by Sir George Mckenzie ...
  • 26018
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    Of the imperfection of the chymist's doctrine of qualities by Robert Boyle.
  • 26019
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    Of the imputation of Christ's righteousness to believers in what sence [sic] sound Protestants hold it and of the false divised sence by which libertines subvert the Gospel : with an answer to some common objections, especially of Dr. Thomas Tully whose Justif. Paulina occasioneth the publication of this / by Richard Baxter a compassionate lamenter of the Church's wounds caused by hasty judging .
  • 26020
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    Of the mechanical causes of chymical precipitation by Robert Boyle.