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총 28,659건 중 26,021 - 26,040건 출력
  • 26021
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    Of the mechanical origine of heat and cold by the Honourable Robert Boyle ...
  • 26022
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    Of the principles and duties of natural religion two books / by the Right Reverend Father in God, John, late Lord Bishop of Chester ; to which is added, A sermon preached at his funerals, by William Lloyd ...
  • 26023
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    Of the rule of faith a sermon at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, William Lord Bishop of Lincolne, holden at Bedford August 5, 1674 / by William Jackson ...
  • 26024
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    Officium clerici pacis a book of indictments, informations, [double bracket] appeals, & inquisitions : also, the manner of holding the sessions of peace, with divers other matters relating thereunto, and necessary to be known by justices of the peace.
  • 26025
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    On the cellers under the New-Exchange
  • 26026
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    On the cellers under the New-Exchange.
  • 26027
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    One come from the dead, to awaken drunkards and whoremongers being a sober and severe testimony against the sins and the sinners, in an exact description of the nature and danger of these two soul-destroying evils : together with proper and sovereign remedies / by Richard Garbut ... ; with epistles to the reader, by Mr. R. Baxter, and Mr. William J
  • 26028
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    Onomastikon brachy sive, nomenclatura brevis Anglo-Latino-Graecorum In usum scholae Westmonasteriensis. Per F.G. Editio tredecima emendata. Together with examples of the five declensions of nouns; with the words in propria quae maribus and quae genus reduced to each declension.
  • 26029
    Book Info
    Onomastikon brachy sive, nomenclatura brevis Anglo-Latino-Græcorum In usum scholæ Westmonasteriensis. Per F.G. Editio tredecima emendata. Together with examples of the five declensions of nouns; with the words in propria quæ maribus and quæ genus reduced to each declension.
  • 26030
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    Oratio habita in scholâ Christi orphano-trophii coram illustrissimo civitatis praetore, dignissimis praesidibus, fidissimis thesaurariis; et caeteris hospitiorum Londinensibus patronis benignissimis: Septembris xxjmo, 1675.
  • 26031
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    Origines sacrae, or, A rational account of the grounds of Christian faith as to the truth and divine authority of the scriptures, and the matters therein contained / by Edward Stillingfleet ...
  • 26032
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    Origines sacrae, or, A rational account of the grounds of Christian faith, as to the truth and divine authority of the Scriptures, and the matters therein contained by Edward Stillingfleet.
  • 26033
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    Ortho-methodoz itro-chymike: or the direct method of curing chymically Wherein is conteined [sic] the original matter, and principal agent of all natural bodies. Also the efficient and material cause of diseases in general. Their therapeutick way and means. I. Diaetetical, by rectifying eating, drinking, &c. II. Pharmaceutick. 1. By encreasing and
  • 26034
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    Oxonia illustrata, sive, Omnium celeberrimae istius universitatis collegiorum, aularum, bibliothecae Bodleianae, scholarum publicarum, Theatri Sheldoniani, nec non urbis totius scenographia delineavit & sculpsit Dav: Loggan ...
  • 26035
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    The office and authority of coroners and sheriffs. With directions how and in what manner to execute the said offices in all things that are now in use. Together with an easie and plain method for the keeping of [brace] court leets, court barons, and hundred courts, &c. / By J. Wilkinson of Bernards Inn, Gent.
  • 26036
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    The open confessor and the free prisoner / by F.B. the Lords prisoner in Salisbury.
  • 26037
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    An ordinance and instructions to be observed by all the subjects of Holland and Westfriesland and whom it may concern: drawn up and published by the States of the said countrys, concerning dues to be taxed upon recreations and divertisements, morning and evenings-draughts, &c. Published at the Hague the 20th. of Jan. 1674. Translated out of Dutch.
  • 26038
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    Of ejaculatory prayer the necessity there is of it, the advantages there are for it, and the advantages there are by it : demonstrated with several directions for the practice of it / by Theophilus Polwheile ...
  • 26039
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    Of the advancement and proficiencie of learning, or, The partitions of sciences written in Latin by the most eminent, illustrious and famous Lord Francis Bacon ... ; interpreted by Gilbert Wats.
  • 26040
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    Of the cause of attraction by suction a paradox / by the Honourable Robert Boyle ...