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총 28,659건 중 26,081 - 26,100건 출력
  • 26081
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    The order of my Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and the sheriffs for their meetings and wearing of their apparel throughout the whole year.
  • 26082
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    Observations on the poems of Homer and Virgil a discourse representing the excellencies of those works, and the perfections in general of all heroick action / out of the French by John Davies of Kidwelly.|Comparaison des poèmes d'Homere et de Virgile.
  • 26083
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    Observations on the poems of Homer and Virgil a discourse representing the excellencies of those works; and the perfections in general, of all heroick action. Out of the French, by John Davies of Kidwelly.
  • 26084
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    Observations upon a late book, entituled, An essay to the advancement of musick, &c., written by Thomas Salmon ... by Matthew Locke ...
  • 26085
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    Of baptism and the Lord's Supper two short discourses, opening the nature, design, and ends of those two great gospel ordinances, and teaching the holy use and improvement of them.
  • 26086
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    Of gardens four books / first written in Latine verse by Renatus Rapinus ; and now made English by J.E.
  • 26087
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    Of gardens four books first written in Latine verse by Renatus Rapinus ; and now made English by J.E.
  • 26088
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    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord 1672 being the second from the bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5621 ... : calculated according to art, and referred for the most part of the ancient and renowned burrough-town of Stamford ... fitting all the middle counties of England, and without sensible error, the whole kingdom / by Vincen
  • 26089
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    Omerou Ilias Homeri Ilias : id est de rebus ad Trojam gestis.
  • 26090
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    On His royal highness His expedition against the Dutch. By Mrs. E. P.
  • 26091
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    On the unhappy conflagration of the Theatre Royal, Jan. the 25th, 1671/2 .
  • 26092
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    Oratio habita in schola Christi Orphano-trophii coram illustrissimo civitatis praetore, dignissimis praesidibus, fidissimis thesaurariis, et caeteris hospitiorum Londinens, patronis benignissimis, Sept. xxj. 1672.
  • 26093
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    Orbis sensualium pictus, hoc est, Omnium fundamentalium in mund rerum & in vita actionum, pictura & nomenclatura Joh. Amos Commenius's Visible world, or, A picture and nomenclature of all the chief things that are in the world and of mens employments therein / a work newly written by the author in Latine and High-Dutch (being one of his last essays and the most suitable to childrens capac
  • 26094
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    Orders, rules, and instruction to be observed by the Muster-Master General and Cleark of the Checques, the Comptroller of the Musters and Checques and commissiaries of the Musters of His Majesties army and forces in Ireland, and all others whom the same doth or shall in any way concern, for the better preventing of any deceipts that may be practised in the army, and to render the same full and ef
  • 26095
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    Ovid's De arte amandi and the remedy of love Englished : as also the loves of Hero & Leander,a mock-poem : together with choice poems and rare pieces of drollery.|De arte amandi.
  • 26096
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    Ovid's Tristia, containing five books of mournful elegies which he sweetly composed in the midst of his adversity, while he liv'd in Tomos, a city of Pontus, where he died after seven years banishment from Rome / translated into English by W.S.
  • 26097
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    Oxonii encomium
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 26098
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    The oath of a burgess. Civitas Bristol. You shall be good and true unto our Soveraign Lord King Charles, and to the heirs and successors of the said King, and to the lieutenant, master maior of this city of Bristol; and to the ministers of the same, ...
  • 26099
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    The oaths of allegiance & supremacy.
  • 26100
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    The office of the good house-wife with necessary directions for the ordering of her family and dairy, and the keeping of all such cattle as to her particular charge the over-sight belongs : also the manner of keeping and governing of silk-wormes and honey-bees, both very delightsome and profitable / by F.B.