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총 28,659건 중 26,101 - 26,120건 출력
  • 26101
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    The old troop, or, Monsieur Raggou as it was acted at the Theatre-Royal / by John Lacy ...
  • 26102
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    The old troop: or, Monsieur Raggou. As it was acted at the Theatre-Royal.|Monsieur Raggou
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 26103
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    Observations upon military & political affairs written by the Most Honourable George, Duke of Albemarle, &c. ...
  • 26104
    Book Info
    Observations upon military & political affairs. Written by the most honourable George Duke of Albemarle, &c. Published by authority.
  • 26105
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    Of natural & supernatural things also of the first tincture, root, and spirit of metals and minerals, how the same are conceived, generated, brought forth, changed, and augmented / [by] Basilius Valentinus ; translated out of high Dutch by Daniel Cable ; whereunto is added Frier Roger Bacon, Of the medicine or tincture of antimony; Mr. John Isaac Holland, his Work of Saturn; and Alex. Van Su
  • 26106
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    Oikeion dialogon biblion Ellenisti kai Romaisti familiarium colloquiorum libellus Graece et Latine, auctus & recognitus : accessit & utilis dialogus de ratione studiorum recte institutuenda : item, oratio de ratione discendae ac docendae linguae Latinae & Graecae / autore Johanne Posselio.
  • 26107
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    Old Mr. Dod's sayings
  • 26108
    Book Info
    Old Mr. Dod's sayings.
  • 26109
    Book Info
    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord 1671 being the second from the bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5620 ... : calculated according to art, and referred to the horizon of the ancient and renowned borough-town of Stamford ... fitting all the middle counties of England, and without sensible error, the whole kingdom / by Vincent W
  • 26110
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    Onomastikon zoikon continens plerorumque animalium quadrupedum, serpentium, insectorum, avium & piscium differentias, eorumque nomina propria diversis linguis exposita, cui accedunt mantissa anatomica, et nonnulla de variis fossilium generibus, cum figuris.
  • 26111
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    Opuscula mythologica, ethica et physica Graece & Latine.
  • 26112
    Book Info
    Orders agreed upon by the heads of houses for the preventing and quenching of fire
  • 26113
    Book Info
    Orders and directions agreed upon by His Majesties Justices and Peace of the University and City of Oxford, at the general sessions of the peace and goal delivery held for the said city, on Thursday next after Easter, in the three and twentieth year of His Majesties reign ; for the prevention of the danger of fire.
  • 26114
    Book Info
    Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium in Universitate Oxoniensi per quadragesim. ann. 1671/72. Collectoribus Dno Luffingam ex Aulâ B.M. Mag. Dno. Jones è Coll. Jesu.
  • 26115
    Book Info
    Origines juridiciales, or, Historical memorials of the English laws, courts of justice, forms of tryal, punishment in cases criminal, law-writers, law-books, grants and settlements of estates, degree of serjeant, innes of court and chancery also a chronologie of the lord chancelors and keepers of the great seal, lord treasurers, justices itinerant, justices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas, ba
  • 26116
    Book Info
    Oukoumene melloosa, the world to come, Heb. 2, 5, or, The doctrine of the Kingdom of God and his Christ to come on earth ... tendred in the mean-time out of faith in his own soul and love towards all men ... / by W.S. ...
  • 26117
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    Ovid's Heroical epistles Englished by W.S.
  • 26118
    Book Info
    Oxford drollery being new poems and songs / the first part composed by W.H. ; the second and third parts being, upon several occasions, made by the most eminent and ingenious wits of the said university, and collected by the same author.
  • 26119
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    Oxford jests, refined and enlarged being a collection of witty jests, merry tales, pleasant joques / collected and composed by Capt. William Hicks ...
  • 26120
    Book Info
    Oxford one day stage-coach. These are to give notice to all persons that have occasion to go to Oxford by coach ...