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총 28,659건 중 26,161 - 26,180건 출력
  • 26161
    Book Info
    The order and ceremonies used for, and at the solemn interment of the most high, mighty and most noble Prince George, Duke of Albemarle ... A[nn]o 1670 collected by Francis Sandford ... ; and published by His Ma[jes]ties especiall command.
  • 26162
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    An orthodox plea for the sanctuary of God, common service, white robe of the house being writ for the good of all, but more especially intended for the common sort, being composed in a stile fittest for their capacities / by G.A. Sometime of Oxford, of St. Johns.
  • 26163
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    Observations and advices oeconomical
  • 26164
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    Occasional reflections upon several subjects whereto is premis'd a discourse about such kinds of thoughts.
  • 26165
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    Oeconomia animalis novis in medicina hypothesibus superstructa & mechinice explicata : accessere ejusdem Dissertatio epistolica de ortu animae humanae & consilium hygiasticum / Gualter Charleton.|Dissertatio epistolica de ortu animae humanae et consilium hygiasticum.|Dissertatio epistolica de ortu animae humanae et consilium hygiasticum.
  • 26166
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    Of bodies and of mans soul to discover the immortality of reasonable souls : with two discourses, Of the powder of sympathy, and, Of the vegetation of plants / by Sir Kenelm Digby, Knight.
  • 26167
    Book Info
    Of the sympathetick powder a discourse in a solemn assembly at Montpellier / made in French by Sir Kenelm Digby, Knight, 1657.|Discours fait en une célèbre assemblée, touchant la guérison des playes par la poudre de sympathie.
  • 26168
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    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord God, 1669. Being the first from the bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5618. Wherein is contained the state of the year, the ecclipses, lunations, conjunctions, and aspects of the planets, the increase, decrease and length of the day and night, wi
  • 26169
    Book Info
    On the death of her illustrious grace Anne Dutchess-Dowager of Albemarle who sickned with, and dyed twenty dayes after the Duke her husband; he the third of January, and she the twenty third of the same moneth, 1669.
  • 26170
    Book Info
    On the death of her illustrious grace Anne Dutchess-Dowager of Albemarle, who sickned with, and dyed twenty dayes after the Duke her husband; he the third of January, and she the twenty third of the same moneth, 1669.
  • 26171
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    On the second entertainment of the bachelours by the right honourable the Lord Mayor of the city of London, September viij. MDCLXIX.
  • 26172
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    On the second entertainment of the batchelours by the right honourable the Lord Mayor of the city of London, September viij. MDCLXIX.
  • 26173
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    Origo formarum et qualitatum juxta philosophiam corpuscularem, considerationibus & experimentis illustrata (ad modum annotationum in tentamen circa nitrum primitus conscripta) / A Roberto Boyle, nobili Anglo, e Societate Regia. Ex Anglio sermone in Latinum traducta.|Origine of formes and qualities.
  • 26174
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    Ovid's metamorphosis Englished by Geo. Sandys.
  • 26175
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    The order of my Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and the sheriffs, for their meetings and wearing of their apparel throughout the whole year.
  • 26176
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    'Onomastikon brachy: sive Nomenclatura brevis, reformata adjecto cum syllabo verborum ac adjectivorum: una cum duplici centenario proverbiorum Anglo-Latino-Graecorum: ac aliis nonnullis. Editio auctior & emendatior. In usum scholae Westmonasteriensis.
  • 26177
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    Observationes astrologicae, or, An astrological discourse of the effects of a notable conjunction of Saturn and Mars by Richard Edlyn ...
  • 26178
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    Observations on Monsieur de Sorbier's voyage into England written to Dr. Wren, professor of astronomy in Oxford by Thomas Sprat ...
  • 26179
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    Observations on some passages of Lodowick Muggleton, in his interpretation of the 11th chapter of the Revelations as also on some passages in that book of his stiled, The neck of the Quakers broken, and in his letter to Thomas Taylor : whereby it may appear what spirit he is of, and what god his commission is from : whereunto is added A brief accou
  • 26180
    Book Info
    Observations upon experimental philosophy to which is added, The description of a new blazing world / written by ... Princesse, the Duchess of Newcastle.