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총 28,659건 중 26,181 - 26,200건 출력
  • 26181
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    Of Dramatick Poesie. An Essay
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 26182
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    Of credulity and incredulity in things natural, civil, and divine wherein, among other things, the sadducism of these times, in denying spirits, witches, and supernatural operations, by pregnant instances and evidences, is fully confuted : Epicurus his cause discussed, and the jugling and false dealing, lately used to bring him and atheism into cre
  • 26183
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    Of dramatick poesie, an essay by John Dryden.
  • 26184
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    Of holy living first a serious exhortation thereunto : secondly choice directions therein, both for every working and for every Lords-day.
  • 26185
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    Of the church in its first and pure state, in its declining state, in its declined state, and in its recovery with the way of salvation in the covenant of life opened, and some stumbling blocks removed out of the way of the simple-hearted, likewise some queries concerning the new covenant : with an exhortation to all people, but more especially to
  • 26186
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    Of the mortification of sin in believers: the 1. Necessity, 2. Nature, and 3. Means of it. With a resolution of sundry cases of conscience thereunto belonging. By John Owen, D.D. a servant of Jesus Christ in the work of the Gospel.
  • 26187
    Book Info
    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord God 1668 being the bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5617 : wherein is contained the state of the year; the eclipses, lunations, conjunctions, and aspects of the planets : the increase, decrease, and length of the day and night : with the rising,
  • 26188
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    On St. Paul's Cathedral represented by Mr. Dan. King Threnodia adis Paulinae de seipsa.
  • 26189
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    Onomasticon zoicon plerorumque animalium differentias & nomina propria pluribus linguis exponens : cui accedunt mantissa anatomica, et quaedam de variis fossilium generibus / autore Gualtero Charletono.|Onomastikon zoikon
  • 26190
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    Orations of divers sorts, accommodated to divers places. VVritten by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the Dutchess of Newcastle
  • 26191
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    Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium in acad. Oxon. per quadragesimam, an. 1667/8
  • 26192
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    The office and duty of executors: or, A treatise of wills and executors directed to testators, in the choice of their executors, and contrivance of their wills. With direction for executors in the execution of their office according to the law; and for creditors in the recovery of their debts. With divers other particulars, very usefull and profita
  • 26193
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    An occasional dialogue at a coffee-house, between Philanax Britannicus, and Calophilus Anglus, two loyal English gentlemen, sincere lovers of justice, truth, and their nations honour / authore Coffo-Philo.
  • 26194
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    Observations for this present year, 1667 By William Lilly student in astrology.
  • 26195
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    Observations, both historical and moral, upon the burning of London, September 1666 with an account of the losses, and a most remarkable parallel between London and Mosco, both as to the plague and fire : also an essay touching the easterly-winde : vvritten by way of narrative, for satisfaction of the present and future ages / by Rege Sincera.
  • 26196
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    Octob: 21. 1667. Prizes of wines set and appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, according to which they are to be sold rateably in all measures. ...
  • 26197
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    Of quencing [sic] the spirit the evill of it, in respect both of its causes and effects / discovered by Theophilus Polwheile.
  • 26198
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    Oikeiōn dialogōn biblion hellēnisti kai rōmaisti Familiarium colloquiorum libellus Græce & Latine, auctus & recognitus : accessit & utilis Dialogus de ratione studiorum recte instituenda : item, Oratio de ratione discendæ ac docendæ linguæ Latinæ & Græcæ / autore Johanne Posselio.
  • 26199
    Book Info
    Old Mr. Dod's sayings
  • 26200
    Book Info
    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord God, 1667 Being the third from the bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5616. [illegible] ecclipses, lunations, conjunctions and aspects of the planets, the increase, decrease and length of the day and night, with the rising, southing and setting of