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총 28,659건 중 26,221 - 26,240건 출력
  • 26221
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    Ordered upon the question (nemine contradicente) that this House do agree to the report of their committee, containing their several objections against the bill, intituled, An Act of Free and General Pardon, Indempnity and Oblivion ... by the knights, citizens, and burgesses assembled in Parliament.
  • 26222
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    Orders concerning the rates and demands of carriers and their porters, for goods brought and conveyed betwixt the University of Oxford, and city of London
  • 26223
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    Origines juridiciales, or, Historical memorials of the English laws, courts of justice, forms of tryall, punishment in cases criminal, law writers, law books, grants and settlements of estates, degree of serjeant, Innes of court and chancery also, a chronologie of the lord chancelors and keepers of the great seal, lord treasurers, justices itinerant, justices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas,
  • 26224
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    The origine of formes and qualities, (according to the corpuscular philosophy) illustrated by considerations and experiments (written formerly by way of notes upon an essay about nitre) by ... Robert Boyle ...
  • 26225
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    An offer of farther help to suffering saints, or, The best work in the worst times wherein the necessity, excellency, and means of preparation for sufferings are clearly evinced, and prescribed : in which, as in a glass, the people of God may see how to dress themselves for death, or any other suffering to which the Lord shall call : added as an appendix to the Sufferers mirrour.
  • 26226
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    Observations on Monsieur de Sorbier's Voyage into England written to Dr. Wren, professor of astronomy in Oxford / by Thomas Sprat ...
  • 26227
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    Occasional Verses Of Edward Lord Herbert, Baron Of Cherbery and Castle-Island
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 26228
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    Occasional reflections upon several subiects, whereto is premis'd a discourse about such kind of thoughts
  • 26229
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    Occasional verses of Edward Lord Herbert, Baron of Cherbery and Castle-Island deceased in August, 1648.
  • 26230
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    Of the office of the clerk of the market, of weights & measures, and the laws of provision for man and beast, for bread, wine, beer, meal, &c. by W. Sheppard ...
  • 26231
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    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord God, 1665. Being the first from the bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5614. Wherein is contained the state of the year, the eclipses, lunations, conjunctions, and aspects of the planets, ... Calculated according to art, and referred to the horizo
  • 26232
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    One broad-side more for the Dutch, or, The Belgick lion couchant
  • 26233
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    One broad-side more for the Dutch: or, The Belgick lion couchant.
  • 26234
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    One cry more of the innocent and oppressed for justice being a fourth relation of the unjust proceedings of the magistrates in and about the city of London with and against XVII (of the people of God) called Quakers at the IV several sessions hereafter named, where they received the unjust sentence of transportation.
  • 26235
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    One mite more cast into God's treasury, in some prison-meditations, or, Observations and breathings of an honest heart, touching Englands condition now at this day published, to be seriously pondred and considered of, in a cool spirit, by those in authority, and all the sober-minded people in the nation.
  • 26236
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    Oratio funebris habita in aula Collegii S.S. & individuae Trinitatis, coram academia, judicibus & clero inter celebrandas exequias insignissimi viri Mauritii Eustace equitis aurati, Hiberniae cancellarii ejusdemque olim regni justitiarii, 5 Julii 1665.
  • 26237
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    Orbis miraculum, or, The temple of Solomon pourtraied by Scripture-light wherein all its famous buildings, the pompous worship of the Jews, with its attending rites and ceremonies, the several officers employed in that work, with their ample revenues, and the spiritual mysteries vailed under all, are treated at large.
  • 26238
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    Orders conceived and published by the Lord Major and Aldermen of the city of London, concerning the infection of the plague
  • 26239
    Book Info
    Orders conceived and published by the Lord Major and Aldermen of the city of London, concerning the infection of the plague
  • 26240
    Book Info
    Orders conceived and published by the Lord Major and aldermen of the city of London, concerning the infection of the plague
    City of London (England). Court of Aldermen | City of London (England). Lord Mayor