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총 28,659건 중 26,241 - 26,260건 출력
  • 26241
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    Orders conceived and published by the Lord Major and aldermen of the city of London, concerning the infection of the plague
    City of London (England). Court of Aldermen | City of London (England). Lord Mayor
  • 26242
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    Ovid's Tristia containing five books of mournful elegies. Which he sweetly composed in the midst of his adversity, while he liv'd in Tomos a city of Pontus. Where he died after seven years banishment from Rome / translated into English by W.S.|Tristia.|Tristium
  • 26243
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    The observations of Mr. Lillie, and many famous and learned divines, touching the present visitation of the plague of pestilence with a prayer to be used in all families, for sheathing of the sword of the destroying angel, and to divert Gods heavy judgments: as also several excellent receipts & approved medicines as well for curing the plague, as f
  • 26244
    Book Info
    The orders and directions, of the right honourable the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, to be diligently observed and kept by the citizens of London, during the time of the present visitation of the plague As also, rules and instructions, to all brewers, butchers, fish-mongers, victualling-houses, hackney-coaches, brokers, and the rest of the inha
  • 26245
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    An Oath or protestation testifying our fidelity to His Majesty thought fit to be taken by all men of what quality soever, in the county of York, and in the city of York, and county of the same city, in these times of eminent danger, and to that purpose, commmanded by His Excellencie the Marques of Newcastle, to be taken according to the instructions herewith printed.
  • 26246
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    Of the necessity of reformation in, and before Luther's time and what (visibly) hath most hindred the progress of it : occasioned by some late virulent books written by Papists, but especially, by that intituled, Labyrinthus Cantuariensis : here besides some other points, the grand business of these times, infallibility, is fully discussed / by Mer
  • 26247
    Book Info
    Oh ye magistrates in and about this city of London.
  • 26248
    Book Info
    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord God 1664 being the bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5613 : wherein is contained the state of the year ... : calculated according to art, and referred to the horizon of the ancient and renowned borough town of Stamford ... fitting all the middle counties of England, and without sensible errour
  • 26249
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    On the recovery of Our Most Gracious Queen Katharine from her late grievous and deplorable fit of sicknesse a vision / by E.C. ...
  • 26250
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    One trumpet more sounded out of Sion to the inhabitants of the earth which they may take as a warning for them to let Israel go and worship their God after their wonted manner, or else destruction will the Lord bring upon them eternally : and also a few words by way of expostulation with the spirit of Cain ... / given forth by ... John Ives.
  • 26251
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    Ovids Metamorphosis Englished, by Geo. Sandys
  • 26252
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    Ovids Metamorphosis Englished, by Geo. Sandys.
  • 26253
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    The optick glasse of humors, or, The touchstone of a golden temperature, or, The philosophers stone to make a golden temper wherein the foure complexions, sangume [sic], cholericke, phligmaticke, melancholicke, are succinctly painted forth, and their externall intimates laid open to the purblind eye of ignorance it self, by which every one may judg
  • 26254
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    The original and growth of printing collected out of history, and the records of this kingdome : wherein is also demonstrated, that printing appertaineth to the prerogative royal, and is a flower of the crown of England / by Richard Atkyns.
  • 26255
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    The original and growth of the Spanish monarchy united with the House of Austria extracted from those chronicles, annals, registers, and genealogies that yeild [sic] any faithful representation how the houses of Castile, Aragon and Burgundy became knit and combin'd by Thomas Philipot ...
  • 26256
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    An order of the Commons in Parliament assembled establishing and confirming fees and allowances to the officers of His Majesties customes and subsidies ... Whereunto is an added an abbreviation of the said fees, reducing the particulars into totals or intire summs.
  • 26257
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    O basanos tes aletheias, or, The touch-stone of truth wherein verity by scripture and antiquity is plainly confirmed, and errour confuted / delivered in certain sermons, preached in English by James Le Franc ...
    Le Franc
  • 26258
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    Observations, censures, and confutations of notorious errours in Mr. Hobbes his Leviathan and other his bookes to which are annexed occasionall anim-adversions on some writings of the Socinians and such haereticks of the same opinion with him / by William Lucy ...
  • 26259
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    Officium ministri, vel concio ad clerum. Londinensem habita Sionis Collegio, Maii 12. 1663
  • 26260
    Book Info
    Officium quotidianum: or, A manual of private devotions By the most reverend father in God Dr. William Laud late Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury.