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총 28,659건 중 26,261 - 26,280건 출력
  • 26261
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    Oh! how I sigh, when I think on the man, &c. Or, the amorous virgin; VVho never till this time, did fancy a man, but now she must love; let her do what she can. To a dainty new tune, much sung in the Duke of York's Play-house.
  • 26262
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    Old Simon the Sorcerer who hath bewitched the whole city of christendom and to all the cities he hath given out that himself is some great one to whom they have all given heed from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God, who deceived the city by his sorcery and witchcrafts, who hath been baptized also, certain queries to be answered / [by] G.F.
  • 26263
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    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord God 1663 being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5612 : wherein is contained the state of the year ... : calculated according to art, and referred to the horizon of the ancient and renowned borough town of Stamford ... fitting all the middle counties of England, and without sensi
  • 26264
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    On the answer to Dr. Wilds poem upon Mr. Calamy's imprisonment.
  • 26265
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    On the answer to Dr. Wilds poem; upon Mr. Calamy's imprisonment.
  • 26266
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    One warning more to the hypocrites of this generation
  • 26267
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    One word more, and we have done: or, the plain english of indulgence no government, no order, no religion. In pursuance of the two excellent bills of religion, framed by the honourable the House of Commons assembled in Parliament at this time.
  • 26268
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    Onomastikon brachy: sive nomenclatura brevis, reformata adjecto etiam syllabo verborum ac adjectivorum: unà cum duplici centenario proverbiorum Anglo-Latino-Graecorum. Ac aliis nonnullis. In usum scholae Regiae Westmonasteriensis.
  • 26269
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    Optica promota, seu, Abdita radiorum reflexorum & refractorum mysteria, geometrice enucleata cui subnectitur appendix, subtilissimorum astronomiae problematwn resolutionem exhibens / authore Jacobo Gregorio.
  • 26270
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    Oratio funebris ejaculata super cineres illustrissimi herois, fortissimi Ducis, clarissimi domini, Georgii Stewart, domini de Aubigni : qui adversus rebelles in praelio Keintoniano dimicans, summo cum honore cecidit.
  • 26271
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    Oratio funebris habita post exuvias nuperi reverendissimi in Christo Patris Johannis Archiepiscopi Armachiani totius hiberniae primatis & metropolitani, terrae mandatas xvi Die Julii 1663 in ecclesia cathedrali, S.S. & individuae trinitatis Dublin / quam essudit Dudleius Loftusius ...
  • 26272
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    Oratio panegyrica in honorem Caroli Secundi, Britanniarum Caesaris semper Augusti in Angliam, plaudente orbe Britannico, remigrantis : habita Oxoniae Maii 23, 1660 / a Joanne Harmaro ...
  • 26273
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    Orations of divers sorts, accommodated to divers places VVritten by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle.
  • 26274
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    Origines sacrae, or, A rational account of the grounds of Christian faith as to the truth and divine authority of the scriptures, and the matters therein contained / by Edward Stillingfleet ...
  • 26275
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    Our will and pleasure is ...
  • 26276
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    Ouranos kai tartaros heaven & hell epitomized : the true Christian caracterized, as also an exhortation with motives, means and directions to be speedy and serious about the work of conversion / by George Swinnock ...
  • 26277
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    Ovid's heroical epistles Englished by W.S.
  • 26278
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    The office and duty of executors, or, A treatise of wills and executors directed to testators in the choice of their executors and contrivance of their wills : with direction for executors in the execution their office ... : with divers other particulars very usefull and profitable for all persons / compiled ... by Thomas Wentworth, late bencher of
  • 26279
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    Observations upon the oath enacted I. Eliz. commonly called the oath of supremacy for the better satisfaction of those that may finde themselves concerned therein.
  • 26280
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    Officium vicecomitum The office and authority of sherifs. Written for the better encouragement of the gentry (upon whom the burthen of this office lyeth) to keep their office, and undersheriff in their houses; that so by their continual care of the business, and eye over their officers, they may the better discharge their duty to God, their prince,