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총 28,659건 중 26,301 - 26,320건 출력
  • 26301
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    Of the lavvfnluess [sic] of the oath of allegiance to the king, and of the other oath to his supremacy. Written for the benefit of Quakers and others, who out of scruple of conscience, refuse the oath of allegiance, and supremacy. / By Theophilus Brabourn.
  • 26302
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    Of the mensuration of running waters by Thomas Salusbury. an excellent piece written in Italian by Don Benedetto Castelli ... ; Englished from the third and best edition ; with the addition of a second book not before extant /
  • 26303
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    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord 1661 being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5610 : wherein is contained the state of the whole year ... : calculated according to art, and referred to the meridian of the ancient borrough-town of Stamford ... fitting all the middle counties of England, and without sensible errou
  • 26304
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    On the death of that grand imposter Oliver Cromwell, who died September the 3. 1658.
  • 26305
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    On the most triumphant ceremony of His Most Sacred Maiesties coronation, Charles II
  • 26306
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    On the six new pinnacles upon Westminster-Hall, or, A Size of traytors heads
  • 26307
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    On the thunder, happening after the solemnity of the coronation of Charles the II. on St. George's Day. 1661
  • 26308
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    On the thunder, happening after the solemnity of the coronation of Charles the II. on St. George's Day. 1661.
  • 26309
    Book Info
    On the thunder, happening after the solemnity of the coronation of Charles the II. on St. George's Day. 1661.
  • 26310
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    One warning more to the Baptists before their day be wholly spent and the night cover them ... : with a short answer to a book of Matthew Coffin's one of their teachers ... intituled Faith in Gods promises the saints best weapons : with many queries also for them to answer ... / written by one that hath sat under those shadows with them but hath now found the day in which all shadows fly away, Hu
  • 26311
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    Orders for regulating the meetings of Council
  • 26312
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    Orders, proceedings, punishments, and priviledges in Parliament.
  • 26313
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    Orthodatreia or, a brief discourse concerning bodily worship: proving it to be Gods due; to be given unto him with acceptation on his part, and not to be denyed him without sin, on ours. A thing worthy to be taken into consideration in these dayes, wherein prophaness and irreverence toward the sacred Majesty of God hath so much corrupted our religi
  • 26314
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    Ostenta Carolina, or, The late calamities of England with the authors of them the great happiness and happy government of K. Charles II ensuing, miraculously foreshewn by the finger of God in two wonderful diseases, the rekets and kings-evil : wherein is also shewen and proved (I.) that the rekets after a while shall seize on no more children but q
  • 26315
    Book Info
    Overbury revived, or A satyricall description of the vices of our present times in essayes and characters|Overbury revived, or A satirical description of the vices of our present times in essayes and characters|Satyricall description of the vices of our present times in essayes and characters|Satirical description of the vices of our present times in essays and characters|Essayes and characters
  • 26316
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    The Oppressions and wrongs to the value of above ten thousand pounds done by Hugh Audley Esq. to Sir Philip Knivett, Baronet, deceased occasioned by his selling of his lands in Norfolk, called Buckenham and Tibbenham, in 1648 and 1649, to the said Hugh Audley for 18,508 l. 10 s. whereof the said Hugh Audley was to keepe in his hands 6935 l. 13 s. 4 d. and to allow interest for it, and to pay the
  • 26317
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    The one good way of God contrary to the many different ways of mens making : with loving warnings, exhortations & cautions to all sorts of men, concerning their souls, and to be at peace amongst themselves / by Richard Hodden.
  • 26318
    Book Info
    The one good way of God: contrary to the many different ways of mens making. With loving warnings, exhortations & cautions, to all sorts of men concerning their souls, and to be at peace amongst themselves. / By one that truly loves them in and for God. Known by the outward name, Richard Hodden.
  • 26319
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    The only sovereign salve for the wounded spirit: approved by the author in himself Delivered by him in several sermons after his recovery: and now, published for the glory of his most gracious restorer, and for the comfort and settlement of any afflicted soul, that doth, or may labour under that weighty burden. By Richard Wortley, minister of Chris
  • 26320
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    An Oxford-conference of philomathes and polymathes