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총 28,659건 중 26,361 - 26,380건 출력
  • 26361
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    One of Antichrists voluntiers defeated, and the true light vindicated. In answer to a book called Ignis fatuus, published by one R.I. Wherein he vindicates Edward Dod, and Samuell Smith (of the county of Salop) in their lyes, folly, and wickedness, and hath added more of his own, with divers of his false doctrines, lyes and slanders, &c. brought to
  • 26362
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    One warning more unto England before she give up the ghost, and be buried in the pit of darkness. To awaken the inhabitants thereof out of their deep sleep, to see themselves what misery is coming upon them through their degeneration and horrible ingratitude, that the people therein may be left without excuse in the day of the Lord. / By him that p
  • 26363
    Book Info
    One warning more unto England before she gives up the ghost and be buried in the pit of darkness to awaken the inhabitants thereof out of their deep sleep, to see themselves what misery is coming upon them through their degeneration and horrible ingratitude, that the people therein may be let without excuse in the day of the Lord / by him that piti
  • 26364
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    Oratio habita in Academia Cantabrigiensi in solenni Magnorum Comitiorum die, anno Domini MDCLX paulò post Regem Carolum II foelicissimè reducem, præfatoria ad disputationem theologicam per reverendum virum D. D. Richardum Love ...
  • 26365
    Book Info
    Oratio habita in Academia Cantabrigiensi, in solenni Magnorum Comitiorum die, anno Domini MDCLX. paulò post Regem Carolum II· foelicissimè reducem, praefatoria ad disputationem theologicam; per reverendum virum D.D. Richardum Love magistrum Collegii Corporis Christi, et illustrissimae dominae Margaretae Professorem in S. Theologia, & praedictae dis
  • 26366
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    Oratio panegyrica ad Eisodia potentissimi monarchae, Caroli II, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberniae regis, fidei defensoris, reducis sospitis, pergratissimi quam recitabat Guilielmus Douglassius ...
  • 26367
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    Oratio panegyrica in honorem Caroli II. Britanniarum Caesaris, in Angliam, plaudente orbe Britannico, remigrantis; habita Oxonii Maii 23. 1660. A Joanne Harmaro, Lin. Gr. apud Oxoniensis Prael. Regio.
  • 26368
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    Ordered by the Lord and Commons now assembled in Parliament that one subsidy called tonnage, and one other subsidy called poundage, and those other duties called or known by the name of new impost, shall continue to be paid after the rates, rules and proportions by which they are now due and payable ...
  • 26369
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    Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled that there be a stop and stay of demolishing or defacing of, or committing waste in the houses and lands, or any of them belonging to the Kings Majesty that are not sold ...
  • 26370
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    Origen against Celsus translated from the original into English by James Bellamy ...
  • 26371
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    Orthodox state-queries, presented to all those who retain any sparks of their ancient loyalty.
  • 26372
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    Orthodox state-queries, presented to all those who retain any sparks of their ancient loyalty.
  • 26373
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    Orthodox state-queries, presented to all those who retain any sparks of their ancient loyalty. Gentlemen, we presume again to kiss your hands, according to our promise; and although (like the fashion-mongers of the times) we have put on a different garb; we hope the crime is venial, for that we thought it convenient, since our present subject is gr
  • 26374
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    Our covenant with God and with all men is peace and life and light and salvation
  • 26375
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    Ourania the high and mighty lady the Princess Royal of Aurange congratulated on her most happy arrival September the 25th. M.DC.LX.
  • 26376
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    Ourania: the high and mighty lady of the Princess Royal of Aurange congratulated on her most happy arrival September the 25th. M.DC.LX.
  • 26377
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    The Oath of allegiance and supremacy enjoined by order of Parliament.
  • 26378
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    The Oath of allegiance enacted 13. Jacobi, Cap. 4 which oath was solemnly taken by every member of both houses of Parliament, Rump and all.
  • 26379
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    The Oglin of traytors including the illegal tryall of His Late Maiesty : with a catalogue of their names that sat as judges and consented to the judgment : with His Majesties reasons against their usurped power and his late speech : to which is now added the severall depositions of the pretended witnesses as it is printed in the French coppy : with the whole proceedings against Colonel J. Penrudd
  • 26380
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    The Oxford wonder giving a true and strange relation of Mr. Henny [sic] Watts, minister of St. Clements parish, in the city of Oxford, who lay in a trance forty-eight hours and six minutes ...