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총 28,659건 중 26,441 - 26,460건 출력
  • 26441
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    One and twenty Chester queries, or, Occasional scruples, reflecting upon the late memorable affairs at the places adjacent to, and in Cheshire. By several of the officers and souldiers then under the conduct of the Lord Lambert.
  • 26442
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    One sheet, or, If you will a winding sheet for the good old cause in order to a decent funerall, in case of a second death / by W.P., philopolites.
  • 26443
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    One sheet, or, if you will A winding sheet for the good old cause, in order to a decent funerall, in case of a second death. By W.P. philopolites.
  • 26444
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    Orbis miraculum, or The temple of Solomon, pourtrayed by Scripture-light wherein all its famous buildings, the pompous worship of the Jewes, with its attending rites and ceremonies; the several officers employed in that work, with their ample revenues: and the spiritual mysteries of the Gospel vailed under all; are treated of at large.
  • 26445
    Book Info
    Orbis miraculum, or, The Temple of Solomon, pourtrayed by Scripture-light wherein all its famous buildings, the pompous worship of the Jewes, with its attending rites and ceremonies, the several officers employed in that work, with their ample revenues, and the spiritual mysteries of the Gospel railed under all, are treated of at large.
  • 26446
    Book Info
    Orbis miraculum, or, The temple of Solomon pourtrayed by Scripture-light wherein all its famous buildings, the pompous worship of the Jewes, with its attending rites and ceremonies, the several officers employed in that work, with their ample revenues, and the spiritual mysteries of the Gospel vailed under all, are treated at large.
  • 26447
    Book Info
    Orbis miraculum, or, The temple of Solomon pourtrayed by Scripture-light wherein all its famous buildings, the pompous worship of the Jewes, with its attending rites and ceremonies, the several officers employed in that work, with their ample revenues, and the spiritual mysteries of the gospel vailed under all, are treated at large.
  • 26448
    Book Info
    Orbis miraculum, or, The temple of Solomon pourtrayed by Scripture-light wherein all its famous buildings, the pompous worship of the Jewes, with its attending rites and ceremonies, the several officers employed in that work, with their ample revenues, and the spiritual mysteries of the gospel vailed under all, are treated at large.
  • 26449
    Book Info
    Orbis miraculum, or, The temple of Solomon, pourtrayed by Scripture-light wherein all its famous buildings, the pompous worship of the Jewes, with its attending rites and ceremonies : the several officers employed in that work, with their ample revenues, and the spiritual mysteries of the Gospel vailed under all, are treated of at large.
  • 26450
    Book Info
    Orbis miraculum, or, The temple of Solomon, pourtrayed by Scripture-light wherein all its famous buildings, the pompous worship of the Jewes, with its attending rites and ceremonies, the several officers employed in that work, with their ample revenues, and the spiritual mysteries of the Gospel vailed under all, are treated of at large.
  • 26451
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    Ordered by the Parliament, that it be referred to the Councel of State to give instructions to the militia's in the respective counties to enquire and inform themselves what gentlemen, ministers and others, have absented themselves from their houses, or been out of the counties and cities in this time of danger ...
  • 26452
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    Ordered by the Parliament, that the troops and companies that have been raised or commissionated by the Councel of State, or that have come in voluntarily to assist the Parliament in this time of danger ...
  • 26453
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    Organon salutis an instrument to cleanse the stomach. As also divers new experiments of the virtue of tobacco and coffee: how much they conduce to preserve humane health. / By W.R. of Gray's Inne, Esquire.
  • 26454
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    Ouranos kai tartaros= heaven and hell epitomized. The true Christian characterized. As also an exhortation with motives, means and directions to be speedy and serious about the work of conversion. By George Swinnocke M.A. sometime fellow of Baliol Colledge in Oxford, and now preacher of the Gospel at Rickmersworth in Hertfordshire.
  • 26455
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    The order of causes, of Gods fore-knowledge, election, and predestination. And of mans salvation or damnation. Laid down so clearly, and proved so plainly by the scriptures, that even the meanest capacity amongst rational men may understand it, to their great satisfaction. As also, whether Christ dyed for all, or not for all. With the causes and ef
  • 26456
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    The out-cries of the poor, oppressed, & imprisoned; or A safe way to free the poor of this city and the whole nation of England, from begging and starving. Presented to the Council of Officers, Nov. 24. by William Pryor, and Thomas Turner. To which is annexed, A plea for the poor and helpless, against the enemies of their peace. By William Pryor.
  • 26457
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    The out-cry! and just appeale of the inslaved people of England, made to the right honourable the Parliament for the Common wealth of England: and to all pieties noble champions and to true justice and mercies loving friends, endowed with a equitable publique spirit furnished (from above) with inward integrity, outward uprightnesse, and honest lawf
  • 26458
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    An Oxford elegie, ek thanatou athanasia, or, A fallacy put upon death by our Most Gracious Prince and Soveraign Oliver Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions belonging thereunto
  • 26459
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    An old almanack after a new fashion, caellestial calculations, or, An ephemeris of the motions of the sun, moon and planets for the year of mans redemption by Jesus Christ, 1658 ... being the second from leap or bissextile year ... / authore Johanne Bookero ...
  • 26460
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    An oration of Agrippa to Octavius Caesar Augustus, against monarchy. Taken out of the LII. book of Dion the philosopher, Caelius, S.C. being the interpreter. Printed at Basil after the end of Nichol. Machiavels Prince, anno M.D.XXC. / And now put into English by A.R.