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총 28,659건 중 26,481 - 26,500건 출력
  • 26481
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    Opuscula varia posthuma, philosophica, civilia, et theologica Francisici Baconi, Baronis de Verulamio ... ; nunc primum edita, cura & fide Guilielmi Rawley ... ; vna cum nobilissimi auctoris vita.|Selections.
  • 26482
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    Oratio steliteutica oxoniae habita Octobris 14 anno aera Christianae MDCLVII, sive, Stricturae in hujus aevi delatores & pasquillos, & in terra filios, quos vocant eorumque simi autore Jo. Harmaro ...
  • 26483
    Book Info
    Orgula, or, The fatall error a tragedy / composed by L.W. ; whereunto is annexed a preface, discovering the true nature of poesie, with the proper use and intention of such publique divertisments.
  • 26484
    Book Info
    Orgula: or the fatal error. A tragedy [in five acts and in verse] composed by L. W. [i.e. Leonard Willan?] Whereunto, is annexed a preface, discovering the true nature of poesie, with the proper use and intention of such publique divertisments.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 26485
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    Origenes Kata Kelsou : en tomois 8 ; tou autou Philokalia Origenis Contra Celsum : libri octo ; ejusdem Philocalia / Gulielmus Spencerus ... utriusque operis versionem recognovit & annotationes adjecit ; cum indice rerum & verborum locupletissimo.|Contra Celsum.|Philocalia.|Contra Celsum.|Philocalia.
  • 26486
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    Ornitho-logie, or The speech of birds also The speech of flowers; partly morall, partly mysticall.|Speech of birds|Antheologia, or The speech of flowers.
  • 26487
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    Otium literatum, sive, Miscellanea quaedam poemata ab H. Birchead et H. Stvbbe. Quibus accedunt Deliciae poetarum Anglicanorum in Graecum translatae / authore eodem Henrico Stvbbe.
  • 26488
    Book Info
    Ovid's Invective or curse against Ibis, faithfully and familiarly translated into English verse. And the histories therein contained, being in number two hundred and fifty (at the least) briefly explained, one by one; with natural, moral, poetical, political, mathematical, and some few theological applications. Whereunto is prefixed a double index:
  • 26489
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    The Old Couple. A comedy [in five acts and in verse].
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 26490
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    The offices of constables, church wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock; and some other lesser countrey officers, plainly and truely set forth the fifth edition, with divers additions and alterations, agreeable to the late acts and ordinances. By William Sheppard esq
  • 26491
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    The old couple a comedy / by Thomas May, Esq.
  • 26492
    Book Info
    The old leaven purged out, or, The apostacy of this day further opened being a true and faithfull narrative of the orderly prooceedings [sic] and dealings of the lesser part of the congregation formerly walking with Mr. John Sympson, with and against severall souldiers of the army, who (being fallen in with the apostacy of this day, contrary to professed and declared principles, and the many out-
  • 26493
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    The olive-branch presented to the native citizens of London in a sermon preached at S. Paul's Church, May 27, being the day of their yearly feast / by Nath. Hardy ...
  • 26494
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    The one thing necessary Preached in a sermon at Pauls, before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the aldermen of the City of London, Aug. 31. 1656. By Thomas Watson, minister of Stephens Walbrook, London.
  • 26495
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    An order and declaration of His Highness the Lord Protector and his Privy Council, appointing a Committee for the Army, and receivers-general for the first six moneths assessment of thirty five thousand pounds by the moneth upon England, commencing the 24th of June, 1657 / Saturday 220 August, 1657. Ordered by His Highness the Lord Protector, that this order and declaration be forthwith printed a
  • 26496
    Book Info
    An order and declaration of his Highnes council in Scotland, for the government thereof for the more equal raising the assessment, of ten thousand pounds sterling by the month, for the six months, commencing the first of January, 1656/7, and ending the last of June next following.
  • 26497
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    An order of His Highness the Lord Protector with the advice of his council, for an additional supply of commissioners for ejecting scandalous, ignorant and insufficient ministers and school-masters within the respective counties therein specified : as also ministers to be assistants to the said commissioners.
  • 26498
    Book Info
    An order of His Highness, with the advice and consent of His Privy Council, for continuing the Committee for the Army; and for the more orderly paiment, and issuing forth of the three moneths assessment of sixty thousand pounds by the moneth, commencing the 25th of March, 1657· At the council at Whitehall, the 14th of July 1657.
  • 26499
    Book Info
    An order of Parliament with the consent of His Highness the Lord Protector, for a day of publike thanksgiving with the cities of London and Westminster, the late lines of communication, and weekly bills of mortality, on Wednesday the third of June next; for the great success God hath been pleased to give the Navy of this Commonwealth under the comm
  • 26500
    Book Info
    An order of Parliament, with the consent of His Highness the Lord Protector, for a day of publike thanksgiving within the cities of London and Westminster the late lines of communication, and weekly bills of mortality, on Wednesday the third of June next; for the great success God hath been pleased to give the navy of this Commonwealth under the co