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총 28,659건 중 26,501 - 26,520건 출력
  • 26501
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    Observations, censvres & confutations of divers errors in the 12, 13, and 14 chap. of Mr. Hobs his Leviathan.
  • 26502
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    Of bowings, shewing such as are not to bow, nor worship, nor so to doe, are commanded of God. As bow, and worship without, and contrary to the command of God. As are to bow according as God hath commanded. By G. Fox.
  • 26503
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    Of communion with God the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost, each person distinctly in love, grace, and consolation, or, The saints fellowship with the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost, unfolded by John Owen ...
  • 26504
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    Of communion with God the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost, each person distinctly; in love, grace, and consolation: or, The saints fellowship with the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost, unfolded. By John Owen D.D. A servant of Jesus Christ in the work of the gospell.
  • 26505
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    Of peace and contentment of minde. By Peter Du Moulin the sonne. D.D.
    Du Moulin
  • 26506
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    Of perfection. The great mystery of Anitchrist unfolded, by the rising of the sun of righteousness; or, The difference between the work and ministery of the messengers of God, and the work and ministery of the messengers of Antichrist. By a labourer in the vineyard of the Lord, called of the world Ambrose Rigge.
  • 26507
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    Of schisme the true nature of it discovered and considered, with reference to the present differences in religion. / By John Owen D.D.
  • 26508
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    Oi eleemonez eleethesuntai, or Gods mercy for mans mercy. Opened in a sermon at the spittle, March 31. 1657. before the Right Honourable the Lord Major, the aldermen, &c. By Thomas Jacomb minister of the Gospel at S. Martins Ludgate, London.
  • 26509
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    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord 1657 being the first from bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5606 : wherein is contained the state of the whole year ... : calculated according to art and referred to ... all the middle counties of England ... and without sensible errour the whole
  • 26510
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    Omnibus, vel ullis illorum in mundo regibus, aut gubernatoribus vocatis; ut de magno, terribilique die Domini, in totam terram venturo, commonefiant. Haec omnibus animis in amore promulgantur, ut a tenebris ad lucem, & a potestate diaboli ad potestem Dei, convertantur. Quibuslibet etiam, qui Catholicos feipsos nominant; ut jejunium postulatum vider
  • 26511
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    On the untimely and much lamented death of Mrs. Anne Gray the daughter of the learnedly accomplisht Doctor Nicholas Gray of Tunbridge in Kent, who dyed of the small pox.
  • 26512
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    One out-cry more against tythes unto the chief ruler of the nation of Engand [sic] and all that are with him of God permitted to be in present authority, whether Parliament, Councel or Army; by whatsoever name or title known or called: but in a more especial manner, to such of them as are yet remaining faithfnl [sic] unto the former declared for, a
  • 26513
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    One sheet against the Quakers by Richard Baxter.
  • 26514
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    One sheet for the ministry against the malignants of all sorts by Richard Baxter.
  • 26515
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    Oratio gratulatoria inaugurationi nobilissimi, honoratissimique domini, dni Richardi Cromwelli serenissimi protectoris filii natu maximi in antiquissimae & inclytae Oxoniensis academiae cancellariatum consecrati, celebrandae, ab autore destinata.
  • 26516
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    Oratio secunda anniversaria in honorem serenissimi pientissimi ac potentissimi nostri principis Olivari, prout nuper habita est Westmonast. in aedibus ancrumianis unà cum ode quae per dom. Hengistonum cum suis ibidem, decantabatur ambaeque juvenum spectatissimo Edoardo Laurentio, de vetustissima Laurentiorum familia dedicatae : quibus accessit in authoris patrem nuperrimè spultum epitap
  • 26517
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    Orationes quibis accessere Pleiades, sive, Orationes septem varii argumenti / Joannis Baptistae Ferrarii Senensis.
  • 26518
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    Orator extemporaneus seu Artis oratoriae breviarium bipartitum cujus prior pars praecepta continet generalia, posterior praxin oftendit in triplici dicendi genere praesertim demonstrativo : nec non supellectilem oratoria, sententias, historias, apophregmata hieroglyphica suppeditas / auctore R.P. Michaele Radau, S.J.|Artis oratoriae|Oratoris extemporanei, seu artis oratoriae breviari pars altera|A
  • 26519
    Book Info
    Orator extemporaneus seu Artis oratoriae breviarium bipartitum cujus prior pars praecepta continet generalia, posterior praxin oftendit in triplici dicendi genere praesertim demonstrativo nec non supellectilem oratoria, sententias, historias, apophregmata hieroglyphica suppeditas. Auctore R.P. Michaeie Radau Societatis Jesu. S. Theologiae doctore e
  • 26520
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    Organon salutis an instrument to cleanse the stomach : as also divers new experiments of the virtue of tobacco and coffee, how much they conduce to preserve humane health / by W.R. ...