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총 28,659건 중 26,521 - 26,540건 출력
  • 26521
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    Orthodox paradoxes, or, A believer clearing truth by seeming contradictions by Ralph Venning.
  • 26522
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    Orthodox paradoxes, or, A believer clearing truth by seeming contradictions. by Ralph Venning.
  • 26523
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    Orthographia, hoc est, grammatices nostrae regiae Latinae pars prima rationem exhibens veram, rectè scribendi, atq. pronunciandi linguam Latinam, in quá doctrina, in grammaticâ istâ, exhibita, multifariam explicatur, dilatatur, & anectur : cui adjungitur, Grammatices ejusdem (analneks dispositae) synopsis, seu, Tabula grammaticalis synoptica, ad puerorum conceptum facilita
  • 26524
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    Ovids ghost: or, Venus overthrown by the Nasonian polititian With a remedy for love-sick gallants. In a poem. On the dispraise of all sorts of wives. Severall other occasionall verses and characters.
  • 26525
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    The Office of Publick Advice, newly set up in several places in and about London and Westminster, by authority. Because the life of all intercourse is quickness of return, and the same can hardly be had, except the things, about which the said intercourse is practised, ...
  • 26526
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    The obstinate lady a new comedy never before published : the scene London / written by Sir Aston Cockayn.
  • 26527
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    The office of a justice of peace, together with instructions, how and in what manner statutes shall be expounded. / Written by W. Fleetwood, Esq; sometime recorder of London. Since continued, with the late acts and ordinances abridged, relating to that office.
  • 26528
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    The office of entries or publique register at the fountain in King-Street, Westminster the promoter whereof, having (through divine Providence) obtained information, from a gentleman of quality much conversant in forreign nations, ...
  • 26529
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    The offices of constables, church-wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock, and some other lesser country officers, plainly and lively set forth by William Sheppard.
  • 26530
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    The old mans life renewed by heavenly providence. or, A strange (yet true) relation of one Mr. Macklian [sic], a man of an hundred & sixteen years old who when he was about the age of fourscore years old, his strength failed him, and his eye-sight grew dim; he was likewise deaf of hearing, and feeble of speech, but now of late the Lord hath shown s
  • 26531
    Book Info
    The old mans life renewed by heavenly providence. or, A strange (yet true) relation of one Mr. Macklian [sic], a man of an hundred & sixteen years old who when he was about the age of fourscore years old, his strength failed him, and his eye-sight grew dim; he was likewise deaf of hearing, and feeble of speech, but now of late the Lord hath shown such a miracle upon him, that he is now become as
  • 26532
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    The only vvay to rest of soule in religion here, in heaven hereafter: shewed plainly and succinctly by pure scripture, in three treatises: demonstrating, I. That the church was left by Christ, as the means to teach us his gospel. 2. Which is she that was left in that office. 3. What it is, she teacheth for gospel. By I.L. Bach of Div. Licensed by t
  • 26533
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    The orthodox evangelist, or, A treatise wherein many great evangelical truths (not a few whereof are much opposed and eclipsed in this perilious hour of the passion of the gospel) are briefly discussed, cleared, and confirmed as a further help for the begetting, and establishing of the faith which is in Jesus : as also the state of the blessed, where of the condition of their souls from the insta
  • 26534
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    An order and declaration of His Highnes Council in Scotland for the government thereof for prohibiting any families, persons, or goods to be transported for Ireland, without leave first had from the council, or the commander in chief of the forces in Scotland.
  • 26535
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    An order and declaration of His Highnes Council in Scotland, for the government thereof for the more equal raising the assesment of ten thousand pounds sterling by the moneth : commencing the first day of July 1656, and ending the last day of December next following ...
  • 26536
    Book Info
    An order and declaration of His Highnes Council in Scotland, for the government thereof for the more equal raising the assesment of ten thousand pounds sterling by the moneth : commencing the first day of July 1656, and ending the last day of December next following ...
  • 26537
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    An order and declaration of His Highness and his council, for continuing the Committee for the Army.
  • 26538
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    An order and declaration of His Highness and the council, for an assessment of sixty thousand pounds per mensem, for six moneths, from the five and twentieth of December, 1656. Thursday the 24th of July, 1656. Ordered by His Highness the Lord Protector, and the council, that this order and declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobel
  • 26539
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    An order and declaration of His Highness and the council, for an assessment of sixty thousand pounds per mensem, from the four and twentieth of June 1656. Thursday the 29. of May, 1656. Ordered by His Highness the Lord Protector and the council, that this order and declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Clerk of the Council.
  • 26540
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    An order and declaration of his Highnes Council in Scotland, for the government thereof Prohibiting the bringing in of any arms or ammunition into Scotland, without licence.