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총 28,659건 중 26,541 - 26,560건 출력
  • 26541
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    O England; thy time is come, God hath not taken thee until thou be ful; yea, the fulness of thy time is come ...
  • 26542
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    Observations on the historie of The reign of King Charles published by H.L. Esq., for illustration of the story, and rectifying some mistakes and errors in the course thereof.
  • 26543
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    Observations upon some particular persons and passages in a book lately make publick; intituled, A compleat history of the lives and reignes of Mary Queen of Scotland, and of her son James, the Sixth of Scotland, and the First of England, France and Ireland. Written by a Lover of the Truth.
  • 26544
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    Observations upon some particular persons and passages, in a book lately make publick; intituled, a compleat history of the lives and reignes of Mary Queen of Scotland, and of her son James, the Sixth of Scotland, and the First of England, France and Ireland. / Written by a Lover of the Truth.
  • 26545
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    Of Christs testaments, viz: Baptisme and the Supper. Written in two bookes. The 1. of holy Baptisme, how it is to be understood in the ground thereof, and why a Christian should be baptized. The 2. of the holy Supper of the Lord Christ, what it is, with the benefit and effects of it, and how the same may be worthily participated of. And how these a
  • 26546
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    Of laying on of hands Heb. 6. 2. Or, a discourse containing these 4. chapters. 1. Of the several ends of laying on of hands, in the New Testament. 2. What laying on of hands, is not, and cannot be meant. Heb. 6. 2. 3. What laying on of hands, is and must be meant there. 4. That the laying on of hands, practised by some in these days, on all baptize
  • 26547
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    Of the mortification of sinne in believers: the 1. Necessity 2. Nature, and 3. Meanes of it. With a resolution of sundry cases of conscience, thereunto belonging. / By John Owen, D.D. a servant of Jesus Christ in the work of the Gospell.
  • 26548
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    Of the opening of rivers for navigation the benefit exemplified by the two Avons of Salisbury and Bristol : with a Mediterranean passage by water for billanders of thirty tun, between Bristol and London, with the results.
  • 26549
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    Oikeion dialogon biblion hellenisti kai romaisti familiarium colloquiorum libellus Graece & Latine, auctus & recognitus : accessit & utilis Dialogus de ratione studiorum recte instituenda : item Oratio de ratione discendae ac docendae linguae Latinae & Graecae / autore Johanne Posselio.
  • 26550
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    Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereto belonging to all, to whom these presents shall com, or in any wise appertain, greeting : whereas Philip Up de Beake ...
  • 26551
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    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord 1656 being bissextile. or leap-year, and from thecreation of the world 5605 : wherein is contained the state of the whole year, the eclipses, lunations, conjunctions, and aspects of the planets : with the southing, rising, and setting of the moon and fixed stars every day
  • 26552
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    Omnibus magistratibus, gubernatoribusq; universo mundo, qui profitentur Christum, prophetarum, & apostolorum scriptaq; ubicunq; haec venerint; haec vobis obviantur consideranda, ab amico omnium potentiarum justarum. / Georgio Fox, Anglicano.
  • 26553
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    Omotropia naturae or The uniformity of nature's motion. A physical discourse, exhibiting the cure of diseases by signature. Wherein is demonstrated, a similitude of substance between actives and passives: and all operation of contrariety denyed, by a demonstration of poyson. / Written by R.B. &c.|Homotropia naturae|Uniformity of nature's motion
  • 26554
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    Operum mathematicorvm Johannes Wallisi.
  • 26555
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    Orders and rules appointed by the last will and testament of Sir Thomas Holt, knight and baronet to be observed in the electing, and after the election, of the ten poore persons inhabiting in his almshouse at Aston Juxta Birmingham in the county of Warwick, with the assent and assistance of Dame Anne Holt, the relict of the said Sir Thomas Holt, and of Sir Robert Holt baronet, his grand-son, and
  • 26556
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    Orders in Chancery in two parts; vvhereof the first containeth a perfect table of the ordinance for the regulating and limiting of the jurisdiction of the High Court of Chancery. In the second are expressed such fees as may bee lawfully taken in Chancery. Alphabetically digested under apt titles. Whereunto is also annexed an exact table of tithes,
  • 26557
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    Orthodoxal navigation. Or, The admirable and excellent art of arithmeticall great circle-sailing inlarged and applied to places of all situations. And many difficulties removed, and sundry things now added, that were never published before. Whereby, sailing by an arch of the great circle, extended from any one place, to any other place, (where poss
  • 26558
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    Ouranodeisis, coelorum declaratio an ephemeris for the yeer of Christ, 1656 ... calculated for the meridians of the two ancient port towns of Sandwich and Dover ... / by Henry Harflete.
  • 26559
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    Ourography or Speculations on the excrements of urine with the distinctions, causes, colours, and contents thereof: and other symptomes observed in nature. Also, a philosophical discourse of the colours of urine, with the art of mixing them, according to quantity, number, and weight. By Henry Hamand.
  • 26560
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    Ovids Metamorphosis Englished. By Geo. Sandys