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총 28,659건 중 26,701 - 26,720건 출력
  • 26701
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    Of the internal and eternal nature of man in Christ.
  • 26702
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    Of the nature of faith. A sermon, / by Barten Holyday, Doctor of Divinity.
  • 26703
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    Oi Dodekomzooi, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1654, being the second after bissextile or leap-yeare and calculated properly for the ancient burrough of Leicester where the pole is elevated 52 degrees and 40 minutes ... / by Ferdinando Beridge ...
  • 26704
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    Oliva pacis. Ad illustrissimum celsissimumq; Oliverum, Reipub. Angliae, Scotiae, & Hiberniae Dominum Protectorem; de pace cum Foederatis Belgis feliciter sancita, carmen Cantabrigiense.
  • 26705
    Book Info
    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord 1654 being the second from bissextile, or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5603 : wherein is contained the state of the whole year, the eclipses, lunations, conjunctions, and aspects of the planets : with the rising, southing, and setting of the moon and fixed stars every day in the year, together with other pleas
  • 26706
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    Onomasticon poeticum, sive, Propriorum quibus in suis monumentis usi sunt veteres poetae brevis descriptio poetica / Thoma Jacchaeo ...
  • 26707
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    Onomastikon brachu, sive, Nomenclatura brevis Anglo-Latino-Graeca in usum scholae Westmonasteriensis
  • 26708
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    Opus astrologicum, &c. or, An astrological work left to posterity, by Nich. Culpeper, gent. Briefly containing, 1. A century of aphorisms, appropriated to the resolving of horary questions. 2. Elections astrological, for such as are going to war. 3. Elections and observations concerning journeys. 4. Elections for buildings, hidden treasures, and ma
  • 26709
    Book Info
    Opus astrologicum, &c., or, An astrological work left to posterity by Nich. Culpeper, Gent. ...
  • 26710
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    Oratio Serenissimi Protectoris elogium complectens, Oxoniae habita quinto Kalend. Maij, M.DC.LIV. A Joanne Harmaro linguae Graecae ibidem praelectore publico. Cui accesserunt ejusdem ad Protectorem carmina de pace cum Belgis sancita.
  • 26711
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    Oratio habita in schola Christi Orphanotrophii, coram illustrissimo civitatis praetore, dignissimis praesidibus, fidissimis thesaurariis, et caeteris hospitiorum Londinens: patronis benignissimis, Sept. 21. 1654.
  • 26712
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    Ordered, that such of the rules and by-laws made by this court in pursuance of the late Ordinance for Regulation of Hackney Coachmen, and approved by His Highness the Lord Protector and Councel ...
  • 26713
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    Orders for regulating of the prices and proceedings in the sheriff and commissar courts. Edinburgh, the 14. day of January, 1654.
  • 26714
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    Orthodox paradoxes, or, A believer clearing truth by seeming contradictions the second part / by Ralph Venning.
  • 26715
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    Orthodox paradoxes, theological and experimental, or, A believer clearing truth by seeming contradictions with an appfndix [sic] called The triumph of assurance / by Ralph Venning.
  • 26716
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    Ouranodeisis, coelorum declaratio an ephemeris for the yeer of Christ, 1654 ... calculated for the meridians of the two ancient port towns of Sandwich and Dover ... / by Henry Harflete.
  • 26717
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    The observator, with a summary of intelligence.
  • 26718
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    The observator, with a summary of intelligence. [Issue 2]
  • 26719
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    The offices of constables church-wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock; and some other lesser country officers, plainly and lively set sorth [sic]. The second edition, with divers additions and alterations, agreeable to the late acts and ordinances. By William Sheppard, Esq;
  • 26720
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    The oppressed close prisoner in Windsor-Castle, his defiance to the father of lyes, in the strength of the God of truth. Occasioned by some late, scandalous and slanderous reports, raised and dispersed to the dishonour of that noble cause, wherein he (with others of the Lords servants) is so deeply engaged. As also, a seasonable word, concerning th