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총 28,659건 중 26,741 - 26,760건 출력
  • 26741
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    Of the al-svfficient external proposer of matters of faith. Devided into tvvo bookes In the first. Is proved, that the true church of God, is the al-sufficient external proposer of matters of faith. In the second. Is shewed the manifold uncertanities of Protestants concerning the scripture: and how scripture is, or is not, an entire rule of faith.
  • 26742
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    Ohel or Beth-shemesh A tabernacle for the sun, or, Irenicum evangelicum : an idea of church-discipline in the theorick and practick parts, which come forth first into the world as bridegroom and bride ... by whom you will have the totum essentiale of a true Gospel-church state according to Christs rules and order left us when he ascended ... : published for the benefit of all gathered churches, m
  • 26743
    Book Info
    Olympia domata, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1653 being the first from bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5602 ... / by Vincent Wing ...
  • 26744
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    Oratio auspicalis, cui subjuncta est laudatio clarissimi viri Guil. Cambdeni. Dicente Ludovico Molino professore histori Cambdeniano & medicin doctore.
    Du Moulin
  • 26745
    Book Info
    Ordered by the Parliament, that the ministers in the several congregations within the cities of London and Westminster ... do on the next Lords-day render thanks to almighty God for ... the great success he hath been pleased to give unto the Navy ... against the Dutch fleet, on the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth of this instant February
  • 26746
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    Ouranodeisis, coelorum declaratio an ephemeris for the yeer of Christ 1653 : being the first after bissextile ... : containing the heavens declaration for the yeer MDLLLIII, shewing the motions and chiefest aspects of the planets, a description of the four quarters of the yeer, the suns ingresse into the four cardinal points, and of the eclipses : calculated for the meridian of the two ancient po
  • 26747
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    Ovid's heroicall epistles englished by W.S.|Heroides.|Heroicall epistles|Ovid's epistles
  • 26748
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    The oath of every free-man of the city of London
  • 26749
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    The old orthodox foundation of religion left for a patterne to a new reformation / collected long since in Amsterdam by Mr. Henry Ainsvvorth, that judicious and learned man for the benefit of his private company ; and now republished for the profit and information of Presbyterians, Independents, Papists, Anabaptists, Arminians, Antinomians, Ranters, Quakers, Seekers, and all that desire to know C
  • 26750
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    An off-spring of mercy, issuing out of the womb of cruelty. or, A passion sermon preached at Christs-Church in Oxford, by that late renowned ornament of the University, William Carwright.
  • 26751
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    An outragious out--cry for tithes, and a deep charge of stealing, cheating, robbing, &c. for not paying of them (contained in nine reasons, sent some few daies since in print to divers) answered.
  • 26752
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    Observations concerning the originall of government upon Mr. Hobs Leviathan, Mr. Milton against Salmasius, H. Grotius De Jure belli, Mr. Huntons Treatise of monarchy.|Treatise of monarchy.|De jure belli et pacis.|Leviathan.|Pro populo anglicana defensio.
  • 26753
    Book Info
    Observations concerning the originall of government upon Mr. Hobs Leviathan, Mr. Milton against Salmasius, H. Grotius De Jure belli.|De jure belli et pacis.|Leviathan.|Pro populo anglicana defensio.|Observations on Mr. Hobs Leviathan.|Observations on Master Milton against Salmasius.|Observation on H. Grotius De juri belli & pacis.
  • 26754
    Book Info
    Observations concerning the originall of government, upon Mr. Hobs Leviathan. Mr. Milton against Salmasius. H. Grotius De jure belli.
  • 26755
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    Observations upon Aristotles Politiques, touching forms of government. Together with directions for obedience to governours in dangerous and doubtfull times.
  • 26756
    Book Info
    Oculus, hoc est: Fundamentum opticum in quo ex accurata oculi anatome, abstrusarum experientiarum sedula pervestigatione, ex invisis specierum visibilium tam everso quam erecto situ spectaculis, nec non solidis rationum momentis, radius visualis eruitur; sua visioni in oculo sedes decernitur; anguli visiorii ingenium aperitur; difficultates veteres, novae, innumerae expediuntur, abstrusa, obscura
  • 26757
    Book Info
    Oculus, hoc est: fundamentum opticum in quo ex accurata oculi anatome, abstrusarum experientiarum sedula pervestigatione, ex invisis, specierum visibilium tam everso quam erecto situ spectaculis, necnon solidis rationum momentis, radius visualis eruitur ; sua visioni in oculo sedes decernitur ; anguli visiorii ingenium aperitur ; difficultates veteres, novae, innumerae expediuntur, abstrusa, obsc
  • 26758
    Book Info
    Of Christs testaments, viz. baptisme and the Supper written in two bookes ... : set forth from the true theosophicall ground through the three principles of the divine revelation, and presented to the children of God for the information of their understandings / written in the yeare of Christ 1624, by Jacob Behm ..., alias, Teutonicus Philosophus ; and Englished by John Sparrovv ...|Von Christi T
  • 26759
    Book Info
    Of Christs testaments, viz: baptisme and the Supper. Written in two bookes. The 1. of holy Baptisme, how it is to be understood in the ground thereof, and why a Christian should be baptised. The 2. of the holy supper of the Lord Christ, what it is, with the benefit and effects of it, and how the same may be worthily participated of. And how these a
  • 26760
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    Of the division between the English and Romish church upon the reformation by way of answer to the seeming plausible pretences of the Romish party. By H.F. D.D.