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총 28,659건 중 26,761 - 26,780건 출력
  • 26761
    Book Info
    Of the dominion or ownership of the sea two books : in the first is shew'd that the sea, by the lavv of nature or nations, is not common to all men, but capable of private dominion or proprietie, as well as the land : in the second is proved that the dominion of the British sea, or that which incompasseth the isle of Great Britain is, and ever hath been, a part or appendant of the empire of that
  • 26762
    Book Info
    Of the dominion, or ownership, of the sea two books : in the first is shew'd, that the sea, by the lavv of nature, or nations, is not common to all men, but capable of private dominion or proprietie, as well as the land : in the second is proved, that the dominion of the British sea ... is, and ever hath been, a part or appendant of the empire of that island writ[t]en at first in Latin, and entit
  • 26763
    Book Info
    Offer of help to drowning men
  • 26764
    Book Info
    Oikeion dialogon biblion hellenisti kai romaisti Familiarium colloquiorum libellus Greaece & Latine, auctus & recognitus : accessit & utilis dialogus De ratione studiorum rectè instituenda : item oratio De ratione discendae ac docendae linguae Latinae & Graecae / autore Johanne Posselio.
  • 26765
    Book Info
    Old popery in a new dress of presbyterie, or, A parallel between popery and presbytery in the means used to gain an undue and exorbitant power, as likewise in the exercise of it when attained : cleerly discovering a national presbytery, as well as popery, to be inconsistent with the due exercise of the civill power, in the hands of those who are invested with it : which may also serve to evince t
  • 26766
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    On bugbear Black-Monday, March 29. 1652 Or, the London-fright at the eclipse proceeding from a natural cause.
  • 26767
    Book Info
    On bugbear Black-Monday, March 29. 1652. Or, the London-fright at the eclipse proceeding from a natural cause.
  • 26768
    Book Info
    On bugbear Black-Monday, March 29. 1652. Or, the London-fright at the eclipse proceeding from a natural cause.
  • 26769
    Book Info
    Onomastikon brachy sive, nomenclatura brevis Anglo-Latino-Graeca. In usum scholae Westmonasteriensis. / Per F.G.|Nomenclatura brevis Anglo-Latino-Graeca. In usum scholae Westmonasteriensis
  • 26770
    Book Info
    Orders and ordinances for the better government of the Hospitall of Bartholomew the Lesse as also, orders enacted for orphans and their portions, M D LXXX : together with A briefe discourse of the laudable customes of London.
  • 26771
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    Orthodox paradoxes, theoretical and experimental, or, A believer clearing truth by seeming contradictions with an appendix, called The triumph of assurance / by Ralph Venning.
  • 26772
    Book Info
    Ouranizomai, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1652 being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5601 : wherein you may behold the state of the whole year ... : calculated according to art, for the meridian and latitude of North-Luffenham in Rutland ... / by Vincent Wing ...
  • 26773
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    Ouranodeisis, coelorum declaratio an ephemeris for the yeer of Christ, 1652 ... calculated for the meridians of the two ancient port towns of Sandwich and Dover ... / authore Henrico Harfleto.
  • 26774
    Book Info
    The Onely right rule for regulating the lawes and liberties of the people of England. Presented in way of advise to His Excellency the L. Generall Cromwell, and the rest of the officers of the Army, January 28. 1652. By divers affectionate persons to Parliament, Army, and Commonwealth, inhabiting the cities of London, Westminster, borough of Southw
  • 26775
    Book Info
    The offices of constables, church-wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock, and some other lesser country officers, plainly and lively set forth in two books, the first book being of the office of the high-constable, petit-constable, bursholder, tything-man, &c / by William Sheppard.
  • 26776
    Book Info
    The offices of constables, church-wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock: and some other lesser country officers, plainly and lively set forth. In two books. The first book being of the office of the high-constable, petit-constable, bursholder, tything-man, &c. By William Sheppard, Esq; The sec
  • 26777
    Book Info
    The onely right rule for regulating the lawes and liberties of the people of England Presented in way of advise to His Excellency the L. Generall Cromwell, and the rest of the officers of the Army, January 28. 1652. By divers affectionate persons to Parliament, Army, and Commonwealth, inhabiting the cities of London, Westminster, borough of Southwa
  • 26778
    Book Info
    The opinions of the Iews, rabbins, and late learned moderne divines concerning the day of iudgement, and the kingdome of Christ then to be also their opinions, concerning Reformation and reformed churches, and the consecration of the Sonne of God to his everlasting priesthood : and the accomplishment of it by his glorious resurrection and ascension : proved by Scripture and the best of auncient [s
  • 26779
    Book Info
    The oppressed mans second outcry for justice, to every member of Parliament against the unparallel'd corruptions, and most cruel oppression, tyranny, and incomparable injustice exercised by the Commissioners for Compounding sitting at Haberdashers Hall London, upon Cornet Christopher Cheesman, late agent for sequestrations in the county of Berks the author hereof ...
  • 26780
    Book Info
    An Offertory presented at the funerals of the Right Honourable Edvvard Popham, admirall, &c.