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총 28,659건 중 26,781 - 26,800건 출력
  • 26781
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    An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: for the raising of money to pay the charge of the fortifications and guards, and for other necessary uses: for the safety of the city, and parts adjacent, within the lines of communication, and weekly bills of mortality.|Die Martis, 3 Decemb. 1644
  • 26782
    Book Info
    Of Antichrist, and the end of the vvorld. Exhibited in a collection of severall passages, out of a tract, entituled, The doctrine of the Scriptures concerning the seate of dominion. VVherein, for the awakening of preparatory seriousnesse for the great day of the Lord, (supposed to be at hand) the prophecies of this purport are expounded word by wor
  • 26783
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    Of alterations strange, of various signes, heere are compos'd a few poetick lines heere you may finde, when you this book have read, the crowne tranform'd into the poets head : read well, be merry and wise / written by John Taylor.
  • 26784
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    Of receiving the communion in the company of such, whom we conceive not so good, holy, and rightly principled, as we wish they were.
  • 26785
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    Of the authority of the highest powers about sacred things. Or, The right of the state in the Church. Wherein are contained many judicious discourses, pertinent to our times, and of speciall use for the order and peace of all Christian churches. / Put into English by C.B. M.A. The method of every chapter is added in the margent, and collected at th
  • 26786
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    Of the lawes of ecclesiasticall policy the sixth and eighth books / by Richard Hooker ...
  • 26787
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    Of the power of the keyes, or, Of binding and loosing
  • 26788
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    Of times and seasons, their mystery by the Lady Eleanor.
  • 26789
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    Of wisdome three bookes written in French / by Peter Charro[n] ... ; translated by Samson Lennard.
  • 26790
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    Old sayings and predicitons verified and fulfilled touching the young King of Scotland and his gued subjects.
  • 26791
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    Olor Iscanus. A collection of some select poems, and translations, / formerly written by Mr. Henry Vaughan silurist. ; Published by a friend.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 26792
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    Olor Iscanus. A collection of some select poems, and translations, / formerly written by Mr. Henry Vaughan silurist. ; Published by a friend.
  • 26793
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    Omnium futurorum contingentium certissima est in Deo praescientia.
  • 26794
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    On 1 June, 1650. Charles Stuart, son of the late King, had agreed with the Scots to be their King; and was come to them in person, but by the providence of God kept out of England
  • 26795
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    Onomastikon brachy. Sive nomenclatura brevis, reformata adjecto cum syllabo verborum ac adjectivorum: unà cum duplici centenario proverbiorum Anglo-Latino-Graecorum: ac aliis nonnullis. In usum scholae Regiae Westmonasteriensis.
  • 26796
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    Ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: for the leavying of moneys by way of excise and new-impost. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament assembled, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com
  • 26797
    Book Info
    Ouranizomai, or, An almanack and prognostication for the year of our Lord 1651 being the third from bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5600 : wherein (besides the state of the whole year) you may behold many usefull, pleasant, and necessary observations, being requisite for men of all sorts ... : calculated (according to a
  • 26798
    Book Info
    The oppressed man's out-cry; Or, an epistle writ by John Hedworth of Harraton in the county of Durham, Esq. the 13 Sept. 1651. unto the Honourable, Sir Henry Vane, the elder, a Member of the Honorable Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, William Vane his son, Lieut. Col. Paul Hobson, and John Middleton, Esq. members of the com. of the militi
  • 26799
    Book Info
    The oppressed man's out-cry; Or, an epistle writ by John Hedworth of Harraton in the county of Durham, Esq. the 13 Sept. 1651. unto the Honourable, Sir Henry Vane, the elder, a Member of the Honorable Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, William Vane his son, Lieut. Col. Paul Hobson, and John Middleton, Esq. members of the com. of the militia of the county of Durham by authority of Parliam
  • 26800
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    The oppressor destroyed. As it was delivered in a sermon at Pauls Septem. 21. 1651. Preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, the Right worshipfull the aldermen and the sheriffs his brethren. It being a sermon in commemoration of the 3d of Sept. on which day it pleased the Lord to vouchsafe a wonderfull victorie to the Parliaments forces