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총 28,659건 중 26,821 - 26,840건 출력
  • 26821
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    Of the reasonableness of Christian religion by H.H. D.D.
  • 26822
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    One blovv more at Babylon: or a discourse (dialogue-wise between two travellers out of the West,) opening and answering the grounds of the Presbyterians opposing the Parliaments and Independents present proceedings in reforming things sacred and civil in the commonwealth of England, as it is now established. Together with a justification both of th
  • 26823
    Book Info
    Or[th]otonia, seu, Tractatus de tonis in lingua Graecanica illius linguae studiosis apprime utulis, et in illorum usum in duos libros digestus / scriptus per R.F. in sacra theologia baccalaureum.
  • 26824
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    Oratio Oxoniae habita, in schola publica linguae Graecae assignatâ die mercurii 15 kalendas Augusti MDCL / a Joanne Harmaro ...
  • 26825
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    Orders to be observed aswel by the souldiers as the inhabitants vvith in this city|Orders to be observed as well by the souldiers as the inhabitants with in this city
  • 26826
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    Orthodox paradoxes, theoreticall and experimentall, or, A believer clearing truth by seeming contradictions with an appendix, called The triumph of assurance / by Ralph Venning.
  • 26827
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    Orthodoxe paradoxes, theoreticall and experimentall. Or A believer clearing truth by seeming contradictions With an appendix, called the Triumph of assurance. By Ralph Venning of Immanuell Colledge in Cambridge.
  • 26828
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    Ortholatreia: or, A brief discourse concerning bodily worship: proving it to be Gods due; to be given unto him with acceptation on his part, and not to be denyed him without sin, on ours. A thing worthy to be taken into consideration in these dayes, wherein prophaness and irreverence toward the sacred Majesty of God hath so much corrupted our relig
  • 26829
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    Orthotonia, sive Tractatus de Graecis Novi Testamenti accentibus cui etiam, nè solus in lucem prodiret, (uti comitem) apposuimus ideam Graecarum N.T. dialectorum. Autore Georgio Pasore.
  • 26830
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    Ostella, or, The faction of love and beauty reconcil'd by I.T., Gent.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 26831
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    Ovids Metamorphosis translated grammatically, and also according to the propriety of our English tongue, so far as grammar and the verse will well bear : written chiefly for the good of schools, to be used according to the directions in the preface to the Painfull school-master, and more fully in the book called Ludus literarius, or, The grammar-school, chap. 8.|Metamorphoses.
  • 26832
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    The Office of Adresses and Encounters: where all people of each rancke and quality may receive direction and advice for the most cheap and speedy way of attaining whatsoever they can lawfully desire. Or, the only course for poor people to get speedy employment, and to keep others from approaching poverty, for want of emploiment. To the multiplying
  • 26833
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    The oath of allegiance and the national covenant proved to be non-obliging: or, three several papers on that subject; viz. 1. Two positions, with several reasons of them, and consequences flowing from thence. 2. An answer to the said positions. 3. A reply to the said answer, wherein the truth of the positions is vindicated, and the oath of allegian
  • 26834
    Book Info
    The oath of allegiance and the national covenant proved to be non-obliging: or, three several papers on that subject; viz. 1. Two positions, with several reasons of them, and consequences flowing from thence. 2. An answer to the said positions. 3. A reply to the said answer, wherein the truth of the positions is vindicated, and the oath of allegiance, and the national covenant are made non-obligi
  • 26835
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    The objections of the Levant Company answered
  • 26836
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    The offices of constables, church wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock and some other lesser country officers plainly and lively set forth by William Sheppard.
  • 26837
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    The old Protestant his consciencious queries about the nevv engagement or, The engagement examined as to the sense of it, the equity, necessity or expediency of pressing it, the lawfulnesse of taking it. By one whose desire is to endeavour in all things the good of all: yet to doe no evil that good may come. To be carefull to render to every man hi
  • 26838
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    The old mans complaint: or, The unequal matcht couple She pines and grieves, because he cannot ease her, he's old and feeble, therefore cannot please her; she's young and wanton, and would have it fain, and that's the cause wny he doth thus complain. To the tune of, I prethee love turn to me.
  • 26839
    Book Info
    The old mans complaint: or, The unequal matcht couple. She pines and grieves, because he cannot ease her, he's old and feeble, therefore cannot please her; she's young and wanton, and would have it fain, and that's the cause why he doth thus complain. To the tune of, I prethee love turn to me.
  • 26840
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    The order of keeping a court leet, and court baron, with the charges appertaining to the same truly and plainly delivered in the English tongue, for the profit of all men, and most commodious for young students of the lawes, and all other within the jurisdiction of those courts : whereunto is annexed divers new additions.