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총 28,659건 중 27,001 - 27,020건 출력
  • 27001
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    Observations upon, and in answer to his excellencies late letter to the honourable Citie of London, for raising assessements, and free-quarter, (alias) plunder. With the dreadfull events of rustick dominering souldiers. Being a caveat for all cities, and subjects in the world, how they take up armes against their native King. Looke on Psal. 55. fro
  • 27002
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    Ochlo-machia. Or The peoples war, examined according to the principles of Scripture & reason, in two of the most plausible pretences of it. In answer to a letter sent by a person of quality, who desired satisfaction. By Jasper Mayne, D.D. one of the students of Ch. Ch. Oxon.
  • 27003
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    Of episcopacy three epistles of Peter Moulin ... / answered by ... Lancelot Andrews ... ; translated for the benefit of the publike.
  • 27004
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    Of fraternal admonition, or correption. By H. Hammond, D.D.
  • 27005
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    Of resisting the lavvfull magistrate under colour of religion, and appendant to it, of the word krima, rendred damnation, Rom. 13. Reprinted. Also, of the Zelots among the Jewes. Of taking up the crosse. A vindication of Christs reprehending Saint Peter, from the exceptions of Master Marshall. Augmented by the author.
  • 27006
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    Of the povver of the keyes: or, Of binding and loosing.
  • 27007
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    Of the power of the keyes: or, Of binding and loosing|Of binding and loosing
  • 27008
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    Of the right of tithes a divinity determination in the publike divinity schools of the University of Cambridg / by ... Lancelot Andrews ... ; translated for the benefit of the public.
  • 27009
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    Of the sacred order and offices of episcopacie by divine institution, apostolicall tradition and catholique practice together with their titles of honour, secular employment, manner of election, delegation of their power and other appendant questions asserted against the Aerians and Acephali new and old / by Ier. Taylor ...
  • 27010
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    Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that the Committee of the Army do forthwith issue warrants for payment of the army ...
  • 27011
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    Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that the generall be required to deliver the person of the King to such persons as both Houses shall appoint to be placed at Richmond, under such guards and in such manner as they shall thinke fit ...
  • 27012
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    Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that all committees of sequestrations in the severall counties of England and Wales, do take care that all sequestrated lands in the severall counties be improved to the utmost values
  • 27013
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    Ordered by the lord chancellour and visitours of this university, that no fellow, demy, scholler, chaplaine, clerke, chorister, officer, servant or member of Magdalen Colledge shall enjoy any benefit of their respective places or any of them, untill they give satisfaction to the visitours of this university
  • 27014
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    Orders and directions set downe and agreed upon by the Honourable John Lambert, Commander in Chief of the forces in the Northern association, and the councell of war held at York on Friday the tenth of December, 1647 for the regulation of the inequallity of quartering ; wherein is set downe the rates and allowances that each officer and souldier of the army is to be contented with for his respect
  • 27015
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    Orders established the 14th of this present January, by His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, for regulating the army, and for the soldiers paying of quarters, and fair behavior in the countreys: together with several letters from His Excellency to the committees and justices of peace of the several counties, to put the said orders in execution. Publi
  • 27016
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    Orders set downe by the court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London concerning the rates of carriages with carrs within this city and the liberties thereof to continue untill further order be taken in that behalf.
  • 27017
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    Orthodoxe paradoxes, or, a beleiver clearing truth by seeming contradictions, with an appendix, called the Triumph of assurance. By Ralph Venning of Immanuel Colledge in Cambridge.
  • 27018
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    The old Protestants letanie: against all sectaries, and their defendants, both Presbyterians, and Independants. / Composed by a lover of God, and King Charles.
  • 27019
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    The oppressed mans oppressions declared: or An epistle written by Lieut. Col. Iohn Lilburne, prerogative-prisoner (by the illegall and arbitrary authority of the House of Lords) in the Tower of London, to Col. Francis West, lieutenant thereof in which the oppressing cruelty of all the gaolers of England is declared, and particularly the lieutenants
  • 27020
    Book Info
    The opressed mans opressions declared: or, An epistle written by Lieut. Col. John Lilburn, prerogative prisoner (by the illegall and arbitrary authority of the House of Lords) in the Tower of London, to Col. Francis West, Lieutenant thereof: in which the opressing cruelty of all the gaolers of England is declared, and particularly the Lieutenant of