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총 27,593건 중 27,021 - 27,040건 출력
  • 27021
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    Ocho comedias, y ocho entremeses nvevos, nunca representados ... Compuestas por Migvel de Cervantes Saavedra.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 27022
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    Oedipus three cantoes. VVherein is contained: 1 His vnfortunate infancy. 2 His execrable actions. 3 His lamentable end. By T.E. Bach: Art. Cantab.
  • 27023
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    Of the markes of the children of God, and of their comforts in afflictions to the faithfull of the Low Country / by Iohn Taffin ; ouerseene againe, and augmented by the author ; and translated out of French by Anne Prouuse.
  • 27024
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    Of wisdome three bookes written in French by Peter Charro[n] Doctr of Lawe in Paris. Translated by Samson Lennard
  • 27025
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    Officers fees for Englishmen as they are receiued in the port of London, set downe vnder the hands for the fermors, comptrollers, collectors and searchers of the custom-house there: for a rule and president to euery custome house in any port of his Maiesties dominions, according to the table of fees, signed by the late L. Treasourer, the Earle of D
  • 27026
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    Orders conceiued by the lords of his Maiesties Priuie Councell, and by his Highnesse speciall direction, commanded to bee put in execution, for the restraint of killing and eating of flesh this next Lent ...
  • 27027
    Book Info
    Ormonius: siue, Illustrissimi herois ac domini, T. Thomae Butleri Ormoniae & Osoriae comitis, viscomitis de Thurles, baronis de Arckelo, comitatus Palatini Tiperariae domini regni Hyberniae archithesaurij, illustrissimi periscelidos ordinis equitis, & regiae maiestati in Hybernia sacrioribus a conilijs prosapia, laborumq[ue] praecipuorum ab eodem p
  • 27028
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    Our sauiours iourney to the Gadarens: or the loue of Christ vnto man. Written by I. Iones Bachelour in Diuinity, and parson of S. Nicholas Acons, London
  • 27029
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    The Order of keeping a court Leet and court Baron, with the charges appertaining to the same truely and plainely deliuered in the English tongue, for the profit of all men, and most commodious for young students of the lawes, and all other within the iurisdiction of those courts : with diuers new additions thereunto added.
  • 27030
    Book Info
    Ob secundum et felicem eventum conjugii illusmi herois, Frederici 5. Electoralis Palatinatus Principis, D. Bavar. et serenissimae heroinae Elizabethae filiae invictismi Regis magnae Britanniae, Galliae & Hiberniae: carmen proseuktikon k[ai] eucharistikon Cumjam pro lachrymis redeant risus. Auctore Alexro Julio Edinburgeno suo et conciviu[m] nomine.
  • 27031
    Book Info
    Ob secundum et felicem eventum conjugii illusmi herois, Frederici 5. Electoralis Palatinatus Principis, D. Bavar. et serenissimæ heroinæ Elizabethæ filiæ invictismi Regis magnæ Britanniæ, Galliæ & Hiberniæ: carmen proseuktikon k[ai] eucharistikon Cumjam pro lachrymis redeant risus. Auctore Alexro Julio Edinburgeno suo et conciviu[m] nomine.
  • 27032
    Book Info
    Of religious communion private, & publique With the silenceing of the clamours raysed by Mr Thomas Helvvisse agaynst our reteyning the baptism receaved in Engl: & administering of Bapt: vnto infants. As also a survey of the confession of fayth published in certayn conclusions by the remaynders of Mr Smithes company. ... By Iohn Robinson.
  • 27033
    Book Info
    Of the imitation of Christ three, both for wisedome, and godlines, most excellent bookes / made 170. yeeres since, by one Thomas of Kempis ; and for the worthines thereof, oft since translated out of Latine, into sundrie languages, by diuers godlie and learned men ; now newlie corrected, translated, and with most ample textes, and sentences of Holie Scripture, illustrated by Thomas Rogers.|Imitat
  • 27034
    Book Info
    Of the imitation of Christ three, both for wisedome, and godlines, most excellent bookes / made 170. yeeres since, by one Thomas of Kempis ; and for the worthines thereof, oft since translated out of Latine, into sundrie languages, by diuers godlie and learned men ; now newlie corrected, translated, and with most ample textes, and sentences of Holie Scripture, illustrated by Thomas Rogers.|Imitati
  • 27035
    Book Info
    Oratio funebris habita in templo beatæ Mariæ Oxon. Ab Isaaco Wake, publico academiæ oratore, Maij 25. An. 1607. quum mœsti Oxonienses, pijs manibus Iohannis Rainoldi parentarent
  • 27036
    Book Info
    Orders made and set downe by the iustices of peace, at the generall sessions of the peace, holden at Oxford the xith of Ianuarie 1613 and in the xith yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne lord King Iames of England &c.
  • 27037
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    Other Eglogues
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 27038
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    Odcombs complaint: or Coriats funerall epicedium or death-song, vpon his late reported drowning. With his epitaph in the Barmuda, and Utopian tongues. And translated into English by Iohn Taylor.
  • 27039
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    Of divorce for adulterie, and marrying againe that there is no sufficient warrant so to doe. With a note in the end, that R.P. many yeares since was answered. By Edm. Bunny Batchelour of Deuinitie.
  • 27040
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    Of the consecration of the bishops in the Church of England with their succession, iurisdiction, and other things incident to their calling: as also of the ordination of priests and deacons. Fiue bookes: wherein they are cleared from the slanders and odious imputations of Bellarmine, Sanders, Bristow, Harding, Allen, Stapleton, Parsons, Kellison, E