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총 27,593건 중 27,101 - 27,120건 출력
  • 27101
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    Oratio funebris habita in templo beatae Mariae Oxon. Ab Isaaco Wake, Publico academiae oratore, Maij 25. An. 1607. quum moesti Oxonienses, pijs manibus Iohannis Rainoldi parentarent
  • 27102
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    Orders appointed by his Maiestie to be straightly obserued for the preuenting and remedying of the dearth of graine and other victuall Dated the first day of Iune 1608.
  • 27103
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    Orders conceiued and agreed to be published, by the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the citie of London, and the iustices of peace of the counties of Middlesex and Surrey, by direction from the Lords of His Maiesties most honourable Priuie Councell
  • 27104
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    Orders conceiued and thought fit, asvvell by the Lord Maior of the City of London and the aldermen his brethren, as by the iustices of peace in the countie of Middlesex, the borough of Southwarke, and county of Surrey to be obserued within their seuerall limits respectiuely, in the time of the infection of the plague, (if it shall so please Almight
  • 27105
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    Orders conceiued by the lords of his Maiesties Priuie Councell, and by his Highnesse speciall direction, commanded to be put in execution, for the restraint of killing, and eating of flesh this next Lent, ...
  • 27106
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    Orders conceiued by the lords of his Maiesties Priuie Counsell, and by his Highnesse speciall direction commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing, and eating of flesh this next Lent ...
  • 27107
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    Ouer-throvv of an Irish rebell, in a late battaile: or The death of Sir Carey Adoughertie who murdred Sir George Paulet in Ireland; and for his rebellion hath his head now standing ouer Newgate in Dublin.
  • 27108
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    Our Lordes famile and many other poinctes depending upon it opened against a Iew, Rabbi David Farar: who disputed many houres, with hope to overthrow the gospel, opened in Ebrew explication of Christianitie; that instructed, Rabbi Abraham Ruben. With a Greke epistle to the Geneveans. By H. Broughton.
  • 27109
    Book Info
    Our Lordes famile and many other poinctes depending upon it: opened against a Iew, Rabbi David Farar: who disputed many houres, with hope to overthrow the gospel, opened in Ebrew explication of Christianitie; that instructed, Rabbi Abraham Ruben. With a Greke epistle to the Geneveans. By H. Broughton.
  • 27110
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    Of affectation a morall discourse, of some delight, and of much vse for these times, the first part.
  • 27111
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    Orlando Fvrioso In English Heroical Verse By Sr Iohn Haringto ...
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 27112
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    Orlando furioso in English heroical verse, by Sr Iohn Haringto[n] of Bathe Knight.
  • 27113
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    The optick glasse of humors. Or The touchstone of a golden temperature, or the Philosophers stone to make a golden temper wherein the foure complections sanguine, cholericke, phlegmaticke, melancholicke are succinctly painted forth, and their externall intimates laide open to the purblind eye of ignorance it selfe, by which euery one may iudge of w
  • 27114
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    Of the Church fiue bookes. By Richard Feild, Doctor of Diuinitie.
  • 27115
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    Of the Church fiue bookes. By Richard Feild, Doctor of Diuinitie.
  • 27116
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    Of the calling of the ministerie two treatises. Describing the duties and dignities of that calling. Deliuered publikely in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, by Maister Perkins. Taken then from his mouth, and now dilligently perused and published, by a preacher of the word.
  • 27117
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    Of the calling of the ministerie two treatises. Describing the duties and dignities of that calling. Deliuered publikely in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, by Maister Perkins. Taken then from his mouth, and now dilligently perused and published, by a preacher of the word.
  • 27118
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    Of the lawes and customes of a common-wealth. Learnedly discoursing of the power of soveraignety and majestracy [sic], and of the orders and degrees of citizens, with the priviledges of corporations and colledges: and other things pertinent to estates and societies. / Written by I. Bodin ... Out of the French and Latin copies, done into English, by
  • 27119
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    One of the foure sermons preached before the Kings Maiestie, at Hampton Court in September last This concerning the antiquitie and superioritie of bishops. Sept. 21. 1606. By the Reuerend Father in God William Lord Bishop of Rochester.
  • 27120
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    An Olde Mans Lesson, and a Yovng Mans Love
    ProQuest One Literature
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