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총 27,593건 중 27,181 - 27,200건 출력
  • 27181
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    Odes In Imitation Of the Seaven Penitential Psalmes, With Sundry Other Poemes and Ditties Tending To Deuotion and Pietie
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 27182
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    Odes. In imitation of the seauen penitential psalmes, vvith sundry other poemes and ditties tending to deuotion and pietie
  • 27183
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    Of diuorcement A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the 10. of May. 1601. By Iohn Doue, Doctor of Diuinitie.
  • 27184
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    Oratio doctissima et gravissima, a Reverendo Christo Patre Guilielmo Overtono Lichfieldiensi Episcopo habita, in domi ibidem capitulari, ad praebendarios, & reliquum clerum in visitatione ecclesiae suae cathedralis congregatum, Ann. Dom. 1600
  • 27185
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    Orders conceiued by the Lords of her Maiesties Priuie Counsel, and by her highnesse special direction, commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing, and eating of flesh this next Lent, and to be executed aswell by the Lord Maior within the citie and suburbs of London, and by the officers of the liberties and exempt places in & about the same, as by order to be prescribed by th
  • 27186
    Book Info
    Orders conceiued by the Lords of her Maiesties priuie counsel, and by her Highnesse special direction, commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing, and eating of flesh this next Lent and to be executed aswell by the Lord Maior within the city and suburbs of London, and by the officers of the liberties & exempt places in and about
  • 27187
    Book Info
    Orders conceiued by the Lords of her Maiesties priuie counsel, and by her Highnesse special direction, commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing, and eating of flesh this next Lent and to be executed aswell by the Lord Maior within the city and suburbs of London, and by the officers of the liberties & exempt places in and about the same, as by order to be prescribed by the Lor
  • 27188
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    The Oppugnation and fierce siege of Ostend by the Arch-duke Albertus his forces, commanded by the Duke of Ossuna, who came before the said towne, the fift day of Iune last past (after their writing) shewing what hath hapned since the time of the saide siege.
  • 27189
    Book Info
    The Oppugnation, and fierce siege of Ostend by the Archduke Albertus his forces, commanded by the Duke of Ossuna who came before the saide towne, the fift day of Iune last past (after their writing) shewing what hath hapned since the time of the saide siege / diligently translated out of Dutch into English ...
  • 27190
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    Obseruations vpon the fiue first bookes of Caesars commentaries setting fourth the practise of the art military in the time of the Roman Empire : wherein are handled all the chiefest point of their discipline, with the true reason of euery part, together with such instructions as may be drawn from their proceedings, for the better direction of our moderne warres / by Clement Edmunds.|Observations
  • 27191
    Book Info
    Obseruations vpon the fiue first bookes of Cæsars commentaries setting fourth the practise of the art military in the time of the Roman Empire : wherein are handled all the chiefest point of their discipline, with the true reason of euery part, together with such instructions as may be drawn from their proceedings, for the better direction of our moderne warres / by Clement Edmunds.
  • 27192
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    Of Thomas Morley the first booke of balletts to five voyces
  • 27193
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    Of gramers & dichsenaryes
  • 27194
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    Olio contra veleni. Della spezieria de' Padri di S. Spirito di Fiorenza.
  • 27195
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    Olio da ferite. Della spezieria de' RR. PP. di S. Spirito di Fireze.
  • 27196
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    Olio da stomaco. Della spezieria de' Padri di S. Spirito di Fiorenza.
  • 27197
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    Omnes passiones capitis à stomacho oriuntur ; Facultas non indicat remedium
  • 27198
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    Omnia pulchra. ; Anima est tota in toto, & tota qualibet parte.
  • 27199
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    Omnia transeunt vt revertantur. ; Anima non senescit.
  • 27200
    Book Info
    Orationum Marci Tul. Ciceronis. Volumen Tertium. a Ioanne Michaele Bruto emendatum. Accesserunt breues animaduersiones ex doctissimorum hominum commentarijs, quibus ita loci permulti explicantur, vt vulgo receptae lectionis vbique ratio habeatur. Quos in his simus auctores secuti auersa pagella indicabit