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총 27,593건 중 27,201 - 27,220건 출력
  • 27201
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    Orders conceiued by the Lords of her Maiesties priuie councell, and by her Highnesse special direction, commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing, and eating of flesh this next Lent and to be executed aswell by the Lord Maior within the citie and suburbes of London, and by the officers of the liberties and exempt places in and a
  • 27202
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    Ordinaria daemonum eiectio hodiè nulla est vt nec possessio ; Vasa in contumeliam facta non possunt fieri vasa salutis microform
  • 27203
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    Otiatur negotiosus
  • 27204
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    Ouidius Naso his Remedie of love. Translated and intituled to the youth of England
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 27205
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    The oracle of Savoy containing the predictions made for truth to the Duke of Sauoy, as concerning the Estate of Fraunce, in the month of August. Anno 1600. with a discourse worthy note, vpon the same subiect. According to the coppy printed in French, both at Lyons and Paris.
  • 27206
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    Of mariage and vviuing An excellent, pleasant, and philosophicall controuersie, betweene the two famous Tassi now liuing, the one Hercules the philosopher, the other, Torquato the poet. Done into English, by R.T. Gentleman.
  • 27207
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    Of prayer and meditation Contayning foureteene meditations, the the seauen daies of the weeke: both for mornings and euenings. Treating of the principall matters and holy mysteries of our faith. Written by F. Levves de Granada.
  • 27208
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    Of the marks of the children of God, and of their comforts in afflictions. To the faithfull of the low countrie. / by Iohn Taffin. ; Ouerseene againe, and augmented by the author, ; and translated out of French by Anne Provvse..|Des marques des enfans de Dieu et des consolations en leurs afflictions.
  • 27209
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    Oratio Sarisburiae habita VIII. Id. Iun Cum reuerendus in Christo Pater Henricus permissione divinâ Episcopus Sarisburiensis gradum Doctoratus Theologiâ susciperet, ex decreto Convocationis Oxoniensis. Authore T. Holland Theol. Doct. & Profess. Regio.
  • 27210
    Book Info
    Orders conceiued by the Lordes of her Maiesties priuie councell, and by her Highnesse special direction, commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing, and eating of flesh this next Lent and to be executed aswell by the Lord Maior within the citie and suburbs of London, and by the officers of the liberties and exempt places in and a
  • 27211
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    The order of keeping a court leete, and court baron with the charges appertayning to the same: truely and playnly deliuered in the English tongue, for the profite of all men, and most commodious for young students of the lawes, and all others within the iurisdiction of those courtes. By Ionas Adames.
  • 27212
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    An order of prayer and thankesgiuing (necessary to bee vsed in these dangerous times) for the safetie and preseruation of her Maiestie and this realme. Set foorth by authoritie anno 1594. and reuewed [sic] with some alterations vpon the present occasion..
  • 27213
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    Of the redemption of mankind three bookes wherein the controuersie of the vniuersalitie of redemption and grace by Christ, and of his death for all men, is largely handled. Hereunto is annexed a treatise of Gods predestination in one booke. Written in Latin by Iacob Kimedoncius D. and professor of Diuinitie at Heidelberge, and translated into Engli
  • 27214
    Book Info
    Of the redemption of mankind three bookes wherein the controuersie of the vniuersalitie of redemption and grace by Christ, and of his death for all men, is largely handled. Hereunto is annexed a treatise of Gods predestination in one booke. Written in Latin by Iacob Kimedoncius D. and professor of Diuinitie at Heidelberge, and translated into Engli
  • 27215
    Book Info
    Of the redemption of mankind three bookes wherein the controuersie of the vniuersalitie of redemption and grace by Christ, and of his death for all men, is largely handled. Hereunto is annexed a treatise of Gods predestination in one booke. Written in Latin by Iacob Kimedoncius D. and professor of Diuinitie at Heidelberge, and translated into English by Hugh Ince preacher of the word of God.
  • 27216
    Book Info
    Orders conceiued by the Lordes of her Maiesties priuie councell, and by her Highnesse special direction, commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing, and eating of flesh this next Lent and to be executed aswell by the Lord Maior within the citie and suburbs of London, and by the officers of the liberties and exempt places in and a
  • 27217
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    Orlando inamorato the three first bookes of that famous noble gentleman and learned poet, Mathew Maria Boiardo Earle of Scandiano in Lombardie. Done into English heroicall verse, by R.T. Gentleman
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 27218
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    Observatio signi in quo luna, curas morborum impedit. ; Suffitus tobacci, corpori perniciosus.
  • 27219
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    Of symboleography the second part conteyning fower treatises, first, of fines and concordes, 2. Of common recoueries, 3. Of offences and indictments, 4. Of compromises and arbitrements. Whereunto is annexed another treatise of equitie, the iurisdiction, and proceedings of the high Court of Chauncery: of supplications, bils, and aunsweres, and of ce
  • 27220
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    Of the lavves of ecclesiasticall politie. The fift booke. / By Richard Hooker.