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총 27,593건 중 27,241 - 27,260건 출력
  • 27241
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    Of Thomas Morley the first booke of canzonets to two voyces.
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  • 27242
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    Orders conceiued by the Lords of her Maiesties priuie councell, and by her Highnesse speciall direction, commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing and eating of flesh this next Lent and to be executed aswell by the Lord Maior within the citie and suburbes of London, and by the officers of the liberties and exempt places in and a
  • 27243
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    Orders for the redresse of abuse in diet, by her Maiesties expresse pleasure, and absolute commandement to be obserued in the time of this scarsitie and dearth, both by the ministers, and others of the laitie of the realme, within this dioces of Norwich.
  • 27244
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    Orders prescribed by her Maiesties commandement by aduise of her counsell, published in London, and other places neere to the same, for the obseruation of her Maiesties present proclamation. 4. Iulij. 1595
  • 27245
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    Orpheus his journey to hell
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  • 27246
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    Ouids banquet of sence A coronet for his mistresse philosophie, and his amorous zodiacke. VVith a translation of a Latine coppie, written by a fryer, anno Dom. 1400.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 27247
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    Our Ladie hath a new sonne
  • 27248
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    Our Lord his line of fathers from Adam, and his predecessours in the kingdome from Salomon to Iechonias, in whome ended the house: and from Abiud to Ioseph the husband of Marie: with fit notation of their names..
  • 27249
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    Ovids banquet of sence
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  • 27250
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    The old wiues tale A pleasant conceited comedie, played by the Queenes Maiesties players. Written by G.P.
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  • 27251
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    The othe of every free man, of the cittie of London
  • 27252
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    An Ovld Facioned Love. Or a Loue Of the Ould Facion
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 27253
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    An order for prayer and thankes-giuing (necessary to be vsed in these dangerous times) for the safetie and preseruation of Her Maiesty and this realme set forth by authoritie.
  • 27254
    Book Info
    An order for prayer and thankes-giuing (necessary to be vsed in these dangerous times) for the safetie and preseruation of her Maiesty and this realme Set forth by authoritie.
  • 27255
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    An ould facioned love. Or a loue of the ould facion. By I.T. gent
  • 27256
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    Oenone and Paris
  • 27257
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    Of the interchangeable course, or variety of things in the whole world and the concurrence of armes and learning, thorough the first and famousest nations: from the beginning of ciuility, and memory of man, to this present. Moreouer, whether it be true or no, that there can be nothing sayd, which hath not bin said heretofore: and that we ought by o
  • 27258
    Book Info
    Of the interchangeable course, or variety of things in the whole world; and the concurrence of armes and learning, thorough the first and famousest nations: from the beginning of ciuility, and memory of man, to this present. Moreouer, whether it be true or no, that there can be nothing sayd, which hath not bin said heretofore: and that we ought by
  • 27259
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    The orchard, and the garden [con]taining cer[tai]ne necessarie, secret, and ordinarie knowledges in grafting and gardening. Wherein are described sundrie waies to graffe, and diuerse proper new plots for the garden. Gathered from the Dutch and French. Also to know the time and season, when it is good to sow and replant all manner of seedes.
  • 27260
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    The order of ceremonies obserued in the annointing and coronation of the most Christian King of France & Nauarre, Henry the IIII. of that name, celebrated in our Lady Church, in the cittie of Chartres vppon Sonday the 27. of February 1594. Faithfully translated out of the French coppy printed at Roan, by commaundement of the said Lord. by E.A.